President Trump has fired controversial National Security Advisor John Bolton on Twitter, after they ‘strongly disagreed.’ Sparking more controversary, Bolton offered a different recount, saying he previously ‘offered to resign.’ Former Obama official Richard Stengel argues ‘the problem with replacing Bolton’ is ‘when someone leaves the Trump administration, they’re never replaced by a better actor.’
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Controversial Trump Aide John Bolton Exits WH Knocking Trump | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
you should put the dates on those departures, that would really illustrate the point
@Michelle Winn think I found that on fact check and trying to make a similar point to the same individual that you are trying to make your point too.
@Michelle Winn btw, do you really know what is really going on? The man is loosing his mind or he’s very intelligent to keep up with all the lie he has cover everyday. I’ve have been researching alot about the evil in the oval before it arrived.
And I am not alone one this, I know a couple more folks that I have found doing close to the same thing.
Hire, fire, repeat. Oligarchs do this.
So do nutballs.
Trump loves to talk big but his hands can only carry a small stick
@Robert Swims You sure look the Fool, there on the sidelines. Just like The Drumpf when it came to serving in Viet Nam… you tool.
@Jim Myers you assume he can read English
Or wank a small stick.
@Christopher DiPierro You been dropping acid fella? You watch out for those bad hallucinations y’hear?
The next National Security Adviser: Yosemite Sam.
Naw lets go with Foghorn Leghorn
Speedy Gomez
@Doug Boyer You mean Speedy Gonzalez. Ariba ariba!
I never thought I’d be siding with John Bolton!
Ew! Wash your mouth out and say ten “Hail Nancy’s” (or “Hail AOC’s if you wish )

@Robert Swims bullet to the brain, will ease your pain
Lol, I know! Bite my tongue!
yeah, but does his mustache still have a job?
Are u still using neighbors WiFi

Don’t you know? The moustache is going to be Stephen Miller’s new hairpiece. I learned that from Stephen Colbert.
Grumpy cookie duster
WH Cabinet Office running low on band-aids for all those people

who have been proverbially thrown under the bus or fell on their sword…
Who cares? We voted for President Trump
@Robert Swims keep uncle tomming ,fake blacky lackey
Trump just tweeted his shortlist for Bolton’s replacement: Alex Jones, Patrick Crusius, Sergey Kislyak, Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada and Jeanine Pirro. Whoever wins the bikini competition will get the spot.
@Robert Swims fake blacky lackey
@Robert Swims lol copy paste away ,fake blacky lackey
@jason watling lol copy paste away, fake whitey lackey
@jason watling fake whitey lackey
PN Houle- I heard the winner will be chosen by who has the biggest Adam’s Apple and that is specifically between Alex Jones and Jeanine Pirro.
On the one hand, the world is safer. On the other hand there’s still a six year old behind the wheel of our bus as we’re careening down the turnpike of life at 80 mph, and accelerating.
@Mary Elizabeth are their even any left, I hear none of the Christian folks I grew up thinking that we were all on the same page until they turned a blind eye to the evil in the oval.
Now they are getting Fawell Jr. for corruption, alit of the faithful followed him into this trap.
@Robert Swims the fact that you don’t believe a black man can be racist is naive. Black people are all too often more racist than ANYONE else. Your ignorance is showing both on racism and your support for Trump.
Breaking News: Lieutenant Loony quits Captain Crazy
@raccon kiler Talking about trump, right?
@John Wood I cant tell if your joking
@raccon kiler why do you care
@jason watling because its stupid to insult these people
DJT45 next National Security Advisor Is Oliver NRA NORTH ..WATCH Folks
Recently out of a job, has no problem lying to congress, knows some things about Iran…
@Marshal Giggleman …and has heavy ties to the NRA.
@Marshal Giggleman
Oooo u may be right I’m
He should have shaved that hitler mustasche! Another W$R criminal bites the dust! So sad!
SMFH…taliban on US soil invited. WTF was such people thinking
@Robert Swims aren’t you proclaiming that you know whats best for this country also. I’m sure because of my extensive experience in a certain field I’m more qualified that such person without a doubt. Are you such a sheep that you will follow anything and anyone off the cliff. Do you wake up in the mornings and ask what I’m suppose to do today waiting for a response. Last time I check leaders lead from the front not from the rear taking into account the ones he is leading. Also please enlighten me on such person extensive experience in “international security”. Last time I negotiated with the Taliban I negotiated with 5.56. Whats your negotiation skill?
@jason watling there you are fake whitey lackey
@Robert Swims to you Camp David is just a place. SMFH. Yet, people like you are quick to challenge others patriotism. I get comfort in wrapping myself in the Red, White and Blue. This I will defend against foreign or domestic…
@TERMINATAH do you decide for yourself who are our enemies, foreign or domestic? Or do you take orders and follow a chain of command? And if you did take orders who was the head of your chain of command?
Trump is the “LIAR IN CHIEF”
Bolton is a war criminal.
Throwback POS chickenhawk from the war criminal GWB era.
Trump is actually setting up Bolton to take the fall for Sharpie Gate.
Thank you for the real news MSNBC
@Jewels Star Where’s the debate Star of Jewels? It’s propaganda television. Now go back to burying your head in the sand, looking for them jewels.
@Greg Van Gaasbeek And you have much better sources of info, do you? Do tell…
@Jewels Star Independent news all over the Internet. Stay away from mainstream media. It’s biased, and they have a agenda.
@Greg Van Gaasbeek As you can see from my subscriptions, I get my news from many varied sources… I don’t swallow it down like a Murican swallowing Trump’s lies though.
Name your *independent* sources who have NO agenda or bias…
John Bolton is a crazy Lunatic SOB. Good Riddance I’m glad this war criminal is gone.
Me too.
Yea, but what’s to keep Trump from hiring another criminal? He seems to like them. You know…birds of a feather and all that?
Don’t forget Republicans where loving Bolton getting hired
LibHunk – There is no bottom to the Trump swamp. There could be somebody even worse than Bolton waiting in the wings. At least we knew who Bolton was.
LibHunk, then why did CONald CHOOSE him in the first place? To play these trumpturd Rethugs, more likely.
In America the term “national security” has become an oxymoron. All because of an utter MORON.
@canadianperspective Ah now… be nice… it’s not the majority of Americans… it’s the minority MURICANS who are letting the team down.
They are the weakest link…
@Jewels Star But that majority is as slight as a majority could get
@bandeye khoda Not really. Only half of Americans even voted in the last elections. There was still a majority who voted against Trump though…
@Jewels Star 38% still think that trump is doing a good job … that’s around 130 million Americans. May be a minority, but still a head-shaking number when you consider the s**t show America has become under this “president”
There’s one less draft dodging coward in the WH.
Imagine if Bin Laden were still alive – Trump would make him a best friend.
He wrote me a beautiful letter, what can I say? We fell in love. We fell in love…
Kim Jong Un would be shattered. Probably better Bin Laden is dead
Yes, they would exchange beautiful letters.
Nothing is off the table with the stable genius.
Whoa, you’re so right!
Disabuse your mind.