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Kevin Smith: God shall protect me
God: K lol
Wow the timing was convenient
I 2nd that
…and I third that….EXTREMELY Convenient. Now watch all the investigations get swept under the carpet…and all the big names can breathe a sigh of relief, everything will simply ‘disappear’. Life on the Rock – and you can’t trust ANYONE!!!
Cover up
Amos 9:10 kjv
“All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.”
He went around for years ACTING like he is God and his son Jesus Christ…Very sorry
to hear about the Police Officers, much Blessings to the and their families.
This is a big sign nine days after the drama, can’t believe up to now
What a tangled web of lies and deception !
Reveal them Father God !
Yeah….father god.
Let me know what he tells you.
Like lifetime movie networks
I think he was silenced , this was a deliberate act, too much hole’s in this story, I ain’t buying it.
Yes, silenced by the demons he provoked. Why you never warn him not to play wid God. Who have ears to hear mek dem hear. Iniquity workers dont need nuh more sign.
Kirk wright could not even give a straight statement.all lies
Me agree with u smh o dm nu handcuff hm nuff mre studs
@YW123 Wallace fake
Facts truth
You can’t regulate church and state is different, you can’t infringe on anybody religious rights , the man never hold gun at anybody head they all freely went, they need to learn to read for themselves
They not too smart so they won’t understand your statement
This one is what sir P would said very spokey..
He associated with too much people at the top to live and go to prison.
So much names would called..
So much night would turn to day.
So sad they have to sacrifice the young constable with this con man now murder..
How do you know that he is associated with so much people, seeing someone in a picture with others doesn’t necessarily means association, especially if he is a public person.
Sometimes some bad things happen to us its because of the demonic people we have around us. I would NEVER go near that man!
Government don’t want to pay toll fee.
I thought the same thing
Then how the “accident” scene CLEAN SO? No splattered glass, how come the street clean so govt road NEVER so CLEAN YET. They took a road route that was OUT OF THE WAY, NOT WIDELY USED…..

Where is the other vehicle or vehicles that are supposed to be damaged? Unless the car just lose control suh and crashed.
From the secret get exposed, then what we expect he was never going to prison. This is not a mystery, this was well planned and organized!
True true true. It was plan yes
I totally agree, sumting nah right…
Something fishy fi true
Yep… Stevie Wonder can see it
Then them affi kill the police yute wickedness .. I guess then want it to be believable
Physical proof needed to believe this. probably on his way out on the ark out of jamaica
Me agree with u dm a lie no body smh
The way how he casually says the plaster is dead
Conspiracy at its highest level. The eyes of the Lord are everywhere beholding the evil and the good. He neither slumber nor sleep
Amen, Amen

This just don’t add up at all but God up above looking down.
This story is fishy, it a cover up it doesn’t sounds are smell right
Dead men tell no tales.
Why was this high profile suspect permitted to travel in a standard unmarked vehicle considering the risk posed to this man and law enforcement personnel. Whoever authorised this must give an account for their reasoning and judgement..absolutely shocking.
Corrupt and incompetent leaders are running Jamaica under the ground.
When I hear the name Freeport Police Station, Hunt’s Bay Police Station, Spanish Town Police Station and Denham Town Police Station, and Central Police Station I just shake my head! Especially, Freeport Police Station and Hunt’s Bay Police Station. Both should be closed in my mind! And all the officer there imprisoned in a foreign country where prison is prison! Both stations have the most jail breaks in recent times!
Corruption at it’s finest , he probably would have rat out some of the politicians and business people .
The people who’s feeling relieved are the ones with dirty hands who think their dirty secrets are dead with this man.