Conservatives tap John Baird to review election campaign

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says his caucus has tapped former minister John Baird to lead a review of their election campaign.

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Conservatives tap John Baird to review election campaign


  1. Trudeau barely showed up to the House when he had majority, now that he’s been humiliated, you probably won’t see him any time soon.

    1. nancy h I’m pretty sure Trudeau won the election. Even if it is a minority, there is nothing “humiliating” about that.

  2. Let me help out Mr. Baird

    Issues leading to defeat:


    Anti-women choice

    A track record of deficits and debt

    A slimy campaign against a political opponent.

    The Mulroney legacy

    The Harper Legacy

    The in-depth analysis is complete.

  3. Very odd that Baird is surfaced. Wasnt he forced out because of irregular sexual activities with underagers?

  4. “Largest official opposition in Canadian history.”

    1972 election, Liberal minority:
    Liberals: 109 seats
    Progressive Conservative: 107 seats

    There were many more elections than that which featured larger official oppositions than this one lol..

    1. Brandon G I assume it’s because there’s more seats now than there was back then, so technically it is a larger opposition by volume, but not in ratio. However, I think it is misleading.

    1. On the contrary, you Liberals have everything to worry about because you know Trudeau is really not up to doing what is necessary to govern the country under a minority mandate. Heck, he barely got by with a majority, almost losing votes in the House on two occasions. This much weakened government could easily mark the last gasp of your party as a viable political brand and the end could come much sooner than anyone thinks.

    2. So the destruction of Canada continues … how can you actually not be concerned about the mess Canada is in, particularily the affect it’s going to have on our offsprings and how they will be the one that is going to pay for this? It won’t affect me, but I fear for them as I won’t be around. I cannot foresee much with our current government.

  5. Time to separate. Enough if the liberal bs. They sell out our country. They have no shame. Time to go Wexit. Enough is enough

  6. We want Alberta oil pipelines built now.
    Nothing more than our oil pipelines built now! If dialogue fell then it should be imposed.

    1. an’t shove Alberta pipelines down people’s throats. Montana, B.C, Ontario, Quebec, no one wants them. Sorry.

  7. All party” leaders” are swayed to and fro by public opinion, trendy fads ,the money that pays the freight for their campaigns and most of all by the advice of their handlers. Not a fit leader in the bunch. This election proves the citizens of Canada got the gov’t it deserves.

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