With the Liberals and Conservatives running neck and neck during the second week of the federal election campaign, new data from Nanos Research shows the Liberals are enjoying higher support among female voters while the Conservatives are by far the most popular party for male voters.
In the latest nightly tracking data for CTV News and The Globe and Mail that was released Friday, the Liberals had the most support among Canadian females, with 37.1 per cent versus 29.6 per cent among males, while the Conservatives had 26.5 per cent support among females versus a whopping 40.7 per cent among males.
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I find it hard to believe female voters are still enamoured with Trudeau who thinks women are helpless without Government help. Most of the females I know are better qualified to be PM than JT.
Don’t forget PM blackface sexual assaulted a news reporter then said she experienced it differently.
Or him having an affair with a high school girl when he was a teacher.
Canadians are fed up with the him-becile in Ottawa.
Now that’s funny
I notice when you change sortby, the commentsdisplay change. Completely changing the nature of the conversation. Be aware of that. That’s how attempts to changeelections are carried out, onediscrete step at a time.
Your English and grammar are both horrible.
@theTOOLshed1 What are you on about?
@theTOOLshed1 You are both emotionally stunted and confused. Pay attention. You’ll understand why. Eventually. May be a few more lifetimes for a person of your capacity.
@theTOOLshed1 YouAreLikeADumbGuyTryingToBeSmart. Don’tDoDrugs.
I can say unequivocally that my spouse, a female, can’t stand Turdeau.
Are you sue?
She’s a female that is.
Sounds like you’re trying hard to convince others she is.
My wife thinks he is cite … but won’t vote for local N@zi vax pass port
@I.M. Greg
S/he identifies as a birthing person. Happy?
hopefully many more will be like her!!!!
There are also a lot of women who support Conservatives
I’m voting for O’Toole so I can see why he’s winning. Everyone I talk to is voting conservative
@W nope
@J NT 100 percent!!
@W still nope
@W your awful persistent
@W tried that in BC. complete disaster. again.
I thought pretty boy would be a great prime minister. Boy was I wrong. Can’t wait to vote conservative
yeah …thought he would be like his dad … a mere shadow
Voting a greater wrong doesn’t make it a right.
Only reason he got my vote was for cannabis legalization. Glad to see O’Toole is going center-right. A conservative party I can actually support.
I want a party that selects cabinet members based on qualifications and nothing else.
well said 100 percent!!!!!!!!
@Ben ShaP-Word Quality before equality
Should be the way everything works! 100%
@Formattednate 1107 Otherwise it’s irresponsible, especially when forty million lives are at stake.
I want a party that doesn’t have Trudeau as its leader or will tax my a$$ off!!!
A roundabout way of defamation.
Surging among all voters because the other parties are absolutely awful and unfortunately the PPC do not have enough support for your vote to matter. We need ranked choice voting.
What Justin promised?
Ranked choice voting is a disaster and resulted in the last leader of the conservative party who’s name I can’t even remember.
It causes middle of the road politicans to win every time. That’s not compromise, it’s just disappointment for everybody.
proud just posted updated polls;
Conservatives at 37% and liberanos at 31%
Total hogwash. That’s a clear outlier.
She-cessation, She-covery ??? It is Time to He-ave Ho the Him-becle.
I have gone online to read every Party’s platform in detail. I have found that for common sense and being best for the country, actually the PPC’s platform is the best .For anyone or company that invests money to make a return on investments, I was amazed to see that the PPC states that they will eliminate the Capital Gains Tax, which is HUGE for investors.
The PPC does have the best policy. Sadly, it is being shut out because there are too many political parties in this conuntry. We are OBESE with political parties.
PPC definitely makes the most sense and sounds the best…which is why they stand no chance unfortunately. Once again we have to vote to get someone out, not in.
Not sure how you got these numbers. Yesterday on a candid poll on Yahoo the results were about 60% for Erin O’Toole and 20% for Trudeau.
This looks more trustworthy that ‘doctored’ and payed for so called ‘polls’ which are looking more public influencers than neutral opinions.
The Conservatives have some nice policies this election, but subsidizing big business is a no-go for me. We’ve seen time and again how trickle down economics hurt the working class. NDP isn’t great either, but they have my vote just to get Trudeau out.
Almost every girl, family and friend, of mine is voting conservative!!

Correction. Surging with all voters.
I have no clue why folks call liberals “progressives”. There is nothing progressive about them any more. Its straight up lunacy.
Male voters: Care about real issues and facts.
Female voters: Looking for a father figure.