Conservative Supreme Court justices expressed their skepticism of President Joe Biden's controversial plan to forgive up to $20,000 in federal student loans for some borrowers and wipe away nearly half a trillion in debt. CNN's Jessica Schneider reports. #CNN #News
Conservative Supreme Court justices are skeptical of Biden’s student debt relief plan. Here’s why

But there is no problem bailing out banks and big business

@David Drake WHEN? DAVID….WHEN? Explain yourself.
@David Drake When was a school declared fake, wtf are you talking about?
@emort6 When the school lied so much, they were declared a scam.
@David Drake Executive order……stay on topic.
Congress or Supreme Court did not have problem with 3 trillion tax relief for wealthy but have problem with debt cancellation for students which will actually jump economy…..
@TheRunAndGun10 Actually it’s call STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS
I think your referring to GOP/MAGA FASCISTS “… didn’t bother to… pass a bill through Congress… (in) the last two years”, isn’t it

@sherman w These students might turn this corrupt country around for the better.
Gorsuch: “A half-trillion dollars is being diverted to one group of favored persons over others…”
You mean like, how we bailed out all the investment banks? Favored persons like that? That was OK though, right?
When banks default, so do all the businesses that owe them money. When a deadbeat, with a BS degree, in a totally useless field, defaults on their loan, there are no negative repercussions, for anyone else. Why should hardworking people, who knew they could not afford college, or were good enough students to get scholarships, have to pay for your five to six year vacation? Pay your own damned way!
Not that I agree with the bank bailouts but it was passed by Congress and signed into law as The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Like it or not that is how our government should work. The President and Federal Agencies can not make laws and these types of actions need to stop. Fix Congress!
Who bailed out the investment Banks?
@Deborah Freedman This could be a boomer meme
@Tony I think all the bailouts eventually got payed back with interest. Canceling student loan means free money.
The Supremes would have no problem bailing out a bank or an airline. Just look at all the rich folks that collected PPP money during the pandemic. Our priorities are a bit confused.
And you’re fair to criticize that. Government shouldn’t be paying other people’s debts
You’re a bit confused since you don’t know the difference of executive action vs an act of congress.
Or bailing out their own buddies, gqp!
Younger voters, eyes wide open! Conservatives never have a problem throwing money at the wealthy or well connected, but help students burdened with college debt? Absolutely not! Eyes
wide open and vote!
@adam Do you believe in personal responsibility?
@MaverickBlue spoken like a true narcissist. Accusation without substance. Insult people for not giving you what you want.
@adam If you believe that student loan forgiveness is right, how do you justify it? If you believe that those oppose this are uneducated, how do you justify transferring the wealth from a lower income levels to upper ones
My eyes are wide open. Never voting for Democrats again.
How about instead of eliminating student debt we do something to reign in the exorbitant tuition fees colleges are now charging because the government guarantees loans?
@Deborah Freedman alright Deb
There are a ton of BS classes you have to take in high school and college to graduate. Somebody wanting to become a doctor has to take calculus which he will never use in his career. A heart doctor is forced to take dermatology which they will never use in their career. When I was going to school to become a broadcast engineer, over half of the classes I had to take had nothing to do with engineering. I agree with Kari Lake, give the kids the education they need and not what the school forces them to take so they can make money. Schools need to go back to teaching what the students want to learn and not what they want to force them to take.
@Roger Schroeder
We can fight your wars, we can build your economy, but we can’t get an ounce of help from being burden by debt but billionaires can get all the tax breaks and loopholes they want . Got it
US personal is on the ground? And what war are you talking about? Ukraine was giving a loan.
How is getting a useless degree, from an overly expensive private school, fighting any war, or doing on damned thing for the economy? Other people, who actually do help the economy, aren’t getting their home loans or car loans forgiven. Why should someone who does nothing, and has a BS degree in children’s literature get $10K, that would be better spent helping more deserving people.
I graduated from college in the 90s , I want my money back and my debt relieved, thats only fair right? I worked three jobs to pay off my student loans.
Ummm…if they are worried about it being favoritism, they should just cut $10k or 20k checks to every adult citizen!
There are several scholarships in education, if you’re meritorious in what you do, there won’t be much of a debt to begin with.
exactly my thought if you did well in High School you would have some kind of scholarship, these ppl are probably those who took useless degrees in university and or who failed now looking for a bail out.
‘Meritorious’ – meaning? White, well-heeled, well-bred, connected? They’ll get the scholarships first – the ‘handful’ that there truly are.
@John Jones No meaning smart and hard working, regardless of race.
Don’t judge a book’s cover without reading it. Tuition these days are freaking expensive.
i got scholarships… still didn’t cover much of my tuition. get a grip and stop spewing the weak arguments against the much needed relief.
We have Congress. Pass a bill.
Btw I thought there was a demand for workers these days.
Making the taxpayer pay for other people’s bad mistakes cannot be justified
If you make $125,000 a year you can afford to pay $10,000 toward your debt!! I never made that much but I got my two Sons educated with masters degrees.
Good for you, don’t assume that if it worked for you and it should work out the same way for other.
@RW70 Why wouldn’t it? Live within your means and you will have no problems.
I don’t care if it gets canceled but I lost money in the stock market and would help me out haha. I do understand those who paid off their loan with their own money.
I’ll gladly do the same and pay it off
Why do the universities get off scott free. Shouldn’t they have to refund the money they took from the borrowers?
Inflation and the way of life is so much harder for younger people. And as a person who doesn’t qualify for debt relief and forgiveness. I want us to rise together and get the help they need. “A rising tide lifts all boats” I really like this information
How much of your salary are you willing to give up to hand over to the next gender studies major from Yale?
We’d all like to know the exact dollar amount actually
How about mortgage debt relief?
What a shocker…I don’t understand the point of all this when we all those judges have their minds made up. They’re not “hearing” a damn thing. What a joke
People who “plan their lives around not seeking loans” don’t need student loans in the first place, because they can afford to circumvent the financial hazard that represents a loan.
Gorsuch would not even shake hands with another American below his class.
It’s the ‘interest’ that gets people. Imagine paying the amount initially promised… and then still having to pay more and more. Even if the debt itself doesn’t get cleared students should only pay what’s initially promised and never adding to it when finished with college.
I’m equally sceptical of the Conservative justices confidence.
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