Mayor Jim Watson discusses members of the Conservative party posing for pictures as protesters continue to disrupt downtown Ottawa.
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I feel for the residents around the capitol. these unsubstantiated claims by the mayor of Ottawa are not helping the situation.
Outright liar
It is all Trudeau’s fault! Yuck
You made the choice to live in the capital you made your choice.
What unsubstantiated claims?
@Canadian Nomad The truckers chose to become truckers so it is their fault?
I wish the news companies would report both sides equally
@general grant no, they are not at all .
@Edward Moore nope,… this is a private capitalist corporation.
@donofon101 that took millions from the feds.
They do report equally. They report one side with equal praise and the other side with equal disgust
I think you’d feel differently if there was a fleet of trucks blocking off the street in front of your house and honking day and night.
This guy should be removed from office. Shame on you. Why doesn’t he push Trudeau
Dogs don’t push their masters.
I believe that Canada is still a democracy
@allen0007 Aussie?
Democracy is cringe. Read Aristotle
@Bev MacDonald Haha nah, Canadian. I spend, or well spent a lot of time in the UK because of my work. Crazy how the dialect rubs off so easily!
@allen0007 that’s funny, when I was in England, one could differentiate between the Ausiess and Brits by the use of the word ” mate” , just like my occasional “eh” let them know I wasn’t from the USA. For me it wasn’t so much the lingo but the accent that lingered a bit.
@Bev MacDonald The speech of Aussies and Brits definitely compare, and contrast is what I’ve noticed, but it is quite amusing how “mate” of all things could be such a dead giveaway lol. I personally thoroughly enjoyed being there, which I guess explains the lingering habits! Hopefully we’ll all be free to travel and work where ever we please soon enough.
How can they do shopping anyway didn’t you close the stores?

The sounds of democracy are alive and well!! Where is the balanced coverage?
@Daniel Theal it’s been on your front door for 70 years! Wake up!
@Daniel Theal it’s been on your front door for 70 years! Wake up!
@Hex don’t forget to bail out monopolistic companies like Bell and using our tax dollars to bail out failing gateway casinos
@Daniel Theal yes, because wtf would a country wide convoy be doing in a small rural town?
They went to the right location to protest. Capitol City.
It’s too bad our Cowardly PM chose to run and hide instead of doing his job.
@Daniel Theal No I would not feel differently, I’d be joining in.
It’s scary when we have to go to other countries for the truth to what’s really going on in our own country
exactly…. quite refreshing as well..
Nobody is looking for a fight. If they were a riot would have already occurred. I can’t stand this guy.
He is really disgusting.
No that’s what elected politicians should do they need to meet and hear from all Canadians even the ones that they don’t agree with .
PARTICULARLY the constituents they don’t agree with.
That’s how understanding and amicable compromise occurs, is it not?
Isn’t that how Society is SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION??
Sounds like he also like Trudeau would promote a BLM protest instead of this peaceful protest that the Canadians are doing
Interesting term. Being “held hostage”. We’ve been “held hostage” for 2 years.
If I was an auditor I would love to look at Mr.Watson’s books
They got lost with the O-train budget
Here here
his bias is clearly showing, he is lacking objectivity and showing himself as a stuck-up
or his share portfolio.
I didnt think there would be another person I despise more than Justin Trudeau but here we are.
In the USA, we have brain dead Joe (let’s go Brandon) Biden.
The fact that this guy is angry makes me support these protestors 10x more
If you think that’s so great, then invite them to YOUR neighbourhood and get them to blare their horns for hours on end and pee in YOUR yard. I bet more than your mayor would sound angry.
@Bev MacDonald they roll through and we cheer. Support it and it will end.
Why doesnt the mayor talk to the PM and come to a loving and agreeable solution. there has been no mishandling of the seniors in fact they gave extra food to the Shepard shelter in downtown ottawa.
Cause the pm is just enjoying this.
100% support for brave truckers! Thank you! The world is watching!
Watching Jim Watson cope is making me feel.better than the last 2 years
The height of irresponsibility is when you completely ignore the constituents you’re there to represent….
it sounds like he is trying to fight for the residents of Ottawa… the ones being harmed by all this.
What has the government done to communicate with the protestors??? Their leader ran away and they slander the protesters with false information. The protestors are not impeding the elderly from anything, they would gladly assist any Canadian in need
They have sent hundreds of cops to attempt to intimidate them. Failed
Thank You For Standing Up For What Is Right Conservatives .