During a panel on CNN's State of the Union, conservative political commentator Scott Jennings weighs in on President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan.#CNN #News
Conservative commentator compares Biden ‘tossing money out the window’ to the Joker

all people fill a role in society, not just nurses and teachers and the like
@FroggyBug the top 25% provide 87% percent of all taxes collected
@Kimberly Garrett
(Which they swindled from the bottom 75%)
@Zoom ShakaLakawrong, just making up more lies …
I went to college on a Pell Grant and Federal loan. There is a misunderstanding happening here. There was no qualification for the loan other than my income being under a certain amount. It was a grant and an opportunity for poor people to try to go to college and was nothing like a car loan.
@Tia Chia

Careful how you judge because *you* just may be the next one considered *useless*
@john knarr
I took *nothing* out when the trump administration changed the parameters of my Teach Grants and rolled them over to 50k in loans I would have *never* asked for.
@Daniel M.
Or what, you won’t like me?
Boo hoo.
Perhaps we should be addressing the issue of why colleges & universities increased their tuition rates to such absurd levels so quickly. Rather than taxing the hell out of hardworking Americans that already did the responsible thing!
@Caroline Nachtrab I did not go to college or take out student loans.
@Wick Jezek If you’re working & paying taxes, the partial forgiveness of student loans will be paid for by the taxpayers (many who make much less than those who committed to repay their own loans). That’s the problem.
@Wick Jezek I don’t think businesses & banks should be bailed out either! We concur.
By God, they better be tossing out SOMETHING, cause the tired masses are getting FED UP.
@Matt Boswell Really? Why are those human rights? By your logic, wouldn’t food, shelter and clothing be the same?
So why draw the line at education and healthcare? Shouldn’t the aforementioned be “universal”, so called?
We need to start over.
If you’ve been in congress 10 + years and made no contributions, but your net worth keep increasing you need to go, bye bye. Tired of these corrupt politicians telling us what to do meanwhile their pockets are being stuffed.
They all need to be flushed down the toilet, especially the bureaucrats and regardless of party.
@Don Sims Man, I am not the Therapist that you need. Good luck.
Where was SJ at when the Gopher’s were running up the national debt? Oh pleases???
Gunk I just want you to get a job and

And billionaires got tax relief
The medium income is 67k a year, she says. That’s $32 an hour on a 40 hour work week. The majority of Americans do not even come close to the medium. Don’t calculate in the millions and billions 1% of the people make. It’s not reflective of reality. 40k might be more realistic.
Went to school for engineering, made 60k at 22, and that’s honestly kinda low for the degree. Don’t major in stupid stuff.
@Christine Andersson 41 is over $20 an hour
Since when did the median income is $67K a year?
Everyone asking when the median income became so high needs to know they’re counting everyone’s income including people who make billions then averaging it. Now you need to know they manipulate inflation numbers the same way. That’s why when they tell you inflation is at a certain rate but the cost of things you need is way higher than that rate. The formulas they use are constantly changing to suit their narratives.
This is the Wackiest panel ever no push back or challenge at all on what their saying…
This is NOT debt forgiveness, it’s PARTIAL loan forgiveness – HUGE difference! And, for probably most, will put a small dent into the amount owed.
@April N With a nursing degree you could have had your loans paid off by now if you prioritized it. People often get into the same situation as you in a few ways: Did they buy a $30,000+ car? Did they buy a house you couldn’t afford? Did they have a kid (or kids) they couldn’t afford? People don’t live within their means and are then surprised when they can’t get ahead. I appreciate that you do not want the hand outs. Nobody needs them, some just want them because they chose to try keeping up with the Joneses.
@Red Blooded American lol trump created no jobs and didn’t cause gas prices to lower
@Jordan Hillard not when you go through a divorce and your kids dad doesn’t help. Also, living in California where the cost of living is atrocious, I was not able to pay it off. I had three kids when I went to school. I rented all those years, and could not afford to buy a house. If I didn’t go to school, I would not be where I am now and when I went through my divorce, I would of had it so much tougher. I have no regrets. And I don’t ask for handouts.
So it’s ok to give tax breaks and incentives to these rich people and companies but we can’t help people with bad loans? I paid mine off but if someone else gets help, bless them. Oh I understand. If it was Agent Orange doing this it would be wonderful.
@Phillip Banes Tell that to the rich people who got their corporate welfare tax breaks.
@D R
The last time I checked most of the rich people in America were left wing.
And what makes you think I’m excluding companies? Everyone needs to pay their own damn bills!
@D Are you talking about after they finish years of schooling, their residency, and then establishing themselves as a reputable doctor ? Obviously, you’re clueless.
@D R An average college loan for a bachelor’s degree is $28,708 so $20,000 will go a long way in paying it off. College loans are generally for 10 years so around $900 a year.
Considering a college education earns from $600,000-900,000 more over a lifetime even paying off the $28,000 is very doable with basic budgeting.
The problem with the forgiveness is that it financially punishes those that either did not go to college, paid for college or paid off their loans.
*Sensation everyone is shocked by his statement…* ALLTIME.ML
Mr.Dunn – respect for you.
Student loan reform is the answer.
@Dan Nelson College is pretty much unaffordable for most Americans.
foreign Troll
1000 likes in 2 hours?
Yet giving failing banks bailout loans which they then gave to the CEO”s as “Platinum Parachutes” was just fine and dandy with the Republicans, not to mention every time they gave them another MEGA TAX BREAK.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. A 5 year old could not get away with that with their mother!
Rich get richer. The poor get poorer!
Banks wete forced to lend money to people they never would have, creating the subprime mortgages.
When did the federal government order you to borrow more than you could repay?
There’s a half a Trillion reasons I’m asking.
Yeah, stop giving out tax cuts to the middle class! What the heck!
You expect the government to get by on a measly 4.2 trillion dollars?!
@gljm 1159 You have no clue who Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are. Funny how they somehow escaped your criticism and blame?
But it’s okay to give billions and trillions in aid to other countries every year but not give a few thousand for our own Americans who also work and pay taxes. Something is seriously wrong with Republicans. Student debt forgiveness doesn’t fix the main problem which we can still look for a solutions but it does help a lot struggling teachers and other public service people who starred families and had to still deal with student loans, why do republicans always spin anything good and positive we do for each other into something bad, if we could give other countries trillions in aid why can’t we give tax payers right here at home some relief
@TRUMP JR what’s a plandemic? Did you go to Trump college?
Historical parallels tell us everything we need to know about Democrats-
”We’re trained Marxists”-Patrisse Cullors BLM founder, vs.,
”I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit”-Adolf Hitler.
I post that parallel to show that the stated economic and governmental ”goals” of Marxism and Fascism are in fact identical, making both Leftist ideologies, and all anyone has to do to see this fact is to pick up copies of the Communist Manifesto and the NAZI 25 Point Political Platform and compare them. This is the reason why the Democratic Party’s political playbook Rules For Radicals by Saul Alinsky is in fact FULL of NAZI tactics like Goebbels’ ”projection” and ”ridicule”, while also being dedicated ”to Lucifer, the first radical” aka the Father Of Lies. You would figure most Democrats would have read that book, but sadly many haven’t. We have to KNOW OUR ENEMY if we are to defeat them.
Remember, our subversive CIA did in fact import 1600 WWII NAZI’s to our country right after the war during Operation Paperclip 1946-1954. They recruited a few and released the rest into ALL aspects of our society, academia included. It’s not a coincidence that Fabian Socialist academic indoctrination to anti-American Marxist/Fascist/Leftist ideologies began at about the same time based on the Hegelian Dialectic and the calculated lie of ”far Right Fascism”.
”We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete once EVERYTHING the American people believe is FALSE”-William J. Casey CIA Director 1981-1987. And here we are…
This lie of far Right Fascism has done two very nefarious things,
1., it’s REMOVED the NAZI’s FROM Marxist ideology thereby making indoctrination TO the ideology easier, the reason Ms. Cullors’ and Hitler’s quotes ”line up”, and,
2. it’s divided us as Americans by creating a false ”middle”, i.e. no one wants to be too far Right for fear of being called a NAZI, and no one wants to be too far Left for fear of being called a Commie, when in fact there is NO MIDDLE. There’s only PRO-FREEDOM Right ideology based on our Founding Principles of LIMITED/SMALL government and Classic Liberalism, i.e. equality of individuals/opportunity, and ANTI-FREEDOM Left ideology based on the works of Marx, Lenin, Hegel etc. it’s as simple as that.
At one time BOTH the Republican and Democratic Party’s were FULL of Classic Liberals, unfortunately the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Leftists and Leftists are not Liberals by any stretch of the imagination my friends. This is exactly what has happened over the past 70 years and it can’t be denied, the evidence is all around us.
First of all there’s no credit check required for federal student loans. Second so it’s ok to give companies that keep screwing works over billions of dollars in bailouts and subsites but as soon as it comes to the actual people that’s a bridge to far. Almost everyone can “afford” college in the US, but be warned that free money will come back to haunt you. It is not ok to bind a young person straight out of high school to these insane loans that they don’t understand how the job markets won’t be there when they graduate. Companies need to be held accountable to paying proper wages to their employees and colleges need to be reigned in on the prices of tuition and books. Edit oh and all the stimulus money that was a waste this would free up money every month for the next 30 years for these people, that’s a way better use than giving away money to another bankrupt airline because half of congress has shares in it. Also edit again after reading some comments. You all should be ashamed we all grew up in the same country being told if you want to be successful you have to go to college then find out way way later that college graduates still don’t earn a livable wage especially now. Stop arguing with each other with the my kid worked blah blah bs I worked too and still have loan debt. Even at current wages how would one pay for rent, car, insurance, food, fuel, lights/heat, internet, and maybe kids while paying an additional loan payment on 30-40k a year and that’s if your lucky.
1 Chris Van Alstine Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Chris Van Alstine You are ABSOLUTELY correct! My sentiments exactly. They didn’t turn down the stimulus checks, did they?