Connecticut governor Ned Lamont joins Yasmin Vossoughian to discuss federal and state coronavirus responses. Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Connecticut Virus Cases Near 2K With Over 30 Deaths | MSNBC
The cat is out of the bag and lots of kittens are on the way.
feral cats
Good thing t’rump is an expert at grabbing them!
You are a fine southern bell, joy
Trump, Jan. 22 – “We have it totally under control”
Trump, Feb. 10 – “We’re in great shape in our country. We have 11, and the 11 are getting better.
Trump, Feb. 25 – “You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country.
Trump, Feb. 26 – “When you have 15 people and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero…
Trump, Feb 27 – “It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.”
Trump, March 6 – “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. They’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
You don’t think Trump’s lies have consequences? Ask the families of the thousands who have already died as a result of this imbecile’s incompetence.
@Leonie Romanes after the Who tweeted that the virus wasn’t spread from human-to-human
@ihave35cents stop making excuses for Trump. His incompetence has caused America to have the highest COVID-19 infection rate in the world.
I think he was trying to offer HOPE. You want him to go on television and paint a from picture? Imagine the pandamonium if he did that?
You love Fake news!
@Russ Larocca well where do we find the real news Russ?
At the end of summer when the fatality number hits 2.5 million like in the movie Contagion people will still say it’s just the flu
Calm down dorothy
Harry Fire not “people”… just republicans
@ihave35cents Do you have no shame?
My sister on the stimulus help said ” Enjoy your 30 day free trial of communism ” yeah, she’s trumper. Bet she cashes the check she gets, hypocrite that she is.
@Homer Says Doh Trolls don’t.
Bunch of red states im guessing didnt start testing till a few weeks ago, good luck if you live in places that havent been aggressively testing since this began.
@Zach Addington Guns is not an answer.
@Homer Says Doh we need to fight Trump supporters only way they will understand and the only way trump will understand
@Homer Says Doh Some will DESERVE IT. U got balls asking me after that!!
@Homer Says Doh u idiots do REALIZE that you are reading this map wrong
@Homer Says Doh The states colored RED ARE TRUMP haters but MOST INFECTED. The other states are CLEAN THEY THEY SHUTDOWN when SCHOOLS CLOSED
Let’s take a look back at some of t’rump recent ideas:

1. Imposing a tri-state quarantine when it’s not enforceable and people are already staying home.
2. Re-opening the economy by April despite the dire warnings of pretty much everyone.
3. Not broadly using the DPA and suggesting the states are lying about their need, when these very same states are forced to bid against each other to save lives.
Re-election chances? Fading with every dumb idea.
Ro, dont forget the suspension of habeus corpus
A little known thing about the electoral collage is that votes do not matter. If a state votes for a person the person that gives the points is not bound by that of the state vote.
@Darwin Tremor Do you have no shame?
@Logan McLean Even after this?
Trump is more dangerous than COVID.
God let’s hope because hundreds of thousands are dying now and we will face a second wave possibly in fall or next year.
Hope The Chosen One is called home soon. ( Christian speak ).
Rump was wrong
2 months 163,000 cases 3000 deaths. Perception is 2 weeks behind reality with Covid-19. At the current rate of exponential growth we will be at over 20,000 deaths in 3 weeks.
Over 100 something people will die this week from the virus in the US
Trump pandemic task force now says 100k to 200k deaths if everything goes perfectly from here on.
“And the tests are beautiful.” said the nation’s uber moron.
How is a test even beautiful
im sorry im laughing in this terrible moment for america. But I cant belivie he Said the tests were beautiful . What does that even mean!
”And the swine flu is spreading like wild-fire now, hundreds of NY city school children ……hundreds of school children have it” – yep, that uber moron said “come on up, bring your drugs,STD’S and whatever else you got
@Logan McLean So, do you still support Trump?
@Paralyzer IDK maybe the color? LOL
2000 confirmed out of how many tested ? Damnit we need proper information.
2000 out of 2001
When we have done 2.2 million tests… we’ll have caught up with where Korea was on March 17th. (6109 tests per million citizens)
Mac Mcleod And they did testing early. And followed up the positive tests by testing all the people who came into contact with them. Look at what Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and yes, China. China dropped the ball early, but then hammered the virus via lockdown and testing. The other countries did it with stay home orders and testing early and testing often. Once the testing isn’t done early, then lockdown is the only way.
@Stu Pidas Yes. What’s happened in the U.S. is going to end up as a global tragedy only matched by 3rd world countries. Some 3rd world countries may have lower fatality rates.
Only 150 deaths in South Korea… clearly they are doing something right…
They put lives ahead of the economy. or
Relax, it is hoax perptuated by China
@Jim McLoughlin The US put a glib-tongue conman as President. This is his delivery in time of a disaster. Dont blame him, Americans.
More important, linear new cases (about 125 per day) and the number of active cases is dropping every day now.
It will settle to 125 a day- and slowly move thru the population unless something changes.
The first and
foremost responsibility of a government is to protect its citizens. The Trump
government is failing miserably.
A confrontation over the past two generations that our species has repeatedly won against ‘the littlest of things’ has been turned into an economic catastrophe and a potentiallly devastating medical emergency by the flaws of one man who by his actions and words shows he is unfit and unable and unwilling to carry out his oath of office.
Trump will win 2nd term.
When this virus sinks into the maga states Trumps people will turn on him.
Leonie Romanes I agree
Trump has betrayed the people. Fatally betrayed them. Beyond forgiveness.
@JRG2733 oh yeah because all the Democratic governors are calling for shutdown
@ihave35cents Trump will be called to account in the end.
@ABC DEFG you obviously stopped learning after counting to 7. It’s idiots like you that are holding the nation back.
put down the crack pipe
_”The 15 people within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”_ Trump Feb 26 2020
*_If only Trump had been informed the day corona began. His response would have been …_*
_”The 15 people within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”_ Trump Feb 26 2020
@doobie s oringes
planned parenthood has killed more Americans than corona ever will….)
itss why youll lose….again )
“Bold and decisive” lol. He’s ” bold and decisive” on giving himself undue credit. ‘ 15 people is going be close to zero, and that’s a pretty good job ‘. – Trump the traitor of Helsinki
Only hours ago … *_“I know South Korea better than anybody._* You know how many people are in Seoul? 38 million.” Trump 3/30/20 It’s actually 10 million. The BS never ends
@Akela DeWolf STFU you have no right to put your nose into anyone’s choices.
@doobie s oringes libotards love fake outrage…… gives you the illusion of being relevant! LOL
Trump wasted more than two months downplayed the outbreak, instead of ramping up medical supplies & equipment.
@Russ Larocca A southern wall won’t stop American travellers bringing the virus back home from Europe. Your stupid President bragged about closing the border with China but he left as gaping hole to europe wide open which is where the virus also flooded in from. Your beloved saviour Trump, is a dangerous fool with much death in his hands.
@Phil Hmp liar
@ABC DEFG Dr. Fauci: ‘It Became Clear That We Were In Real Trouble’ With Coronavirus Mid-January | MSNBC
@Phil Hmp keep on watching fake news propaganda! You have TDS.
@Russ Larocca No thanks! I’ve get self respect. I’ll leave Foxes fake news to you to get your brain numbed on Trump propaganda.
SPECIAL SALUTE with RESPECT to all the Medics, Cleaning Staff, Police, Truckers, Retail Staff, all the FIRST RESPONDERS during this Crisis
Heroes who shall not be forgotten!
Praise those who risk their lives so we can stay safe.
Red States partying because their dear leader said this is a hoax. They are going to pay dearly while their rich Republican Congresspeople get first-class healthcare and hospitalization.
Roger That jealousy doesn’t help anything.
@Cindy Mulvey it ll translate into votes to save the country.
Where’s my test Trump, my beautiful test ?
So as various state governors are struggling to stay ahead of this virus, the Trump administration is having the CDC & FEMA redirect equipment to preferred states loyal to him rather than who needs more urgently.
Trump thinks?
When has he ever thought?