Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., joins Way Too Early to discuss watching new security camera footage of the January 6 Capitol attack shown at the second day of the Trump impeachment trial. Aired on 02/11/2021.
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#AbigailSpanberger #Impeachment #MSNBC
Congresswoman Reflects On New Security Camera Footage | Way Too Early | MSNBC
Secret hero. The carpenters who designed and emplaced those doors in the Capitol building.
Here here for the local Carpenters UNION….
@Richard McKinney One of my Dad’s 1st jobs in 1938 was bronze doors on a church
@Yourdeadmeat69 my dad is a retired Ironworker lu 584 Tulsa Ok, and I am a former Ironworker form tge same local.
@Richard McKinney ,Imagine that! The very organization the Republicans try to break up. Protected them.
Thank you for making this point! Union YES!
I love that everybody is too polite to say her camera was out of focus.
I hope the Senate does the right thing, but I doubt that they will.
@Maharajji NKB A stolen election WITHOUT a single shred of evidence?
If they do the right thing which we all know they will they will totally exonerate President Trump then the people NOT the filthy Washington swamp reptiles will re-elect him President in 2024 . Then we can impeach Beijing Biden for treason which is still a capital crime & Pelosi , Harris & Waters for inciting violence in our cities during the summer . THAT will be true justice and democracy .
@Andrew Walton We know all Trump supporters are uneducated people and you just proved the point with your ignorant statement. Statements like this only show how pathetic Dump supporters really are.
@Andrew Walton you are a willfully ignorant seditionist. Please move to wherever Q lives.
Indeed, the good, honest people have more important things going on than making sure a computer camera is perfectly focused. Here’s some fun facts, out of his own mouth; “election fraud” at 1 minute 40 and “drain the swamp” both campaign tactics the 45th got from other people and not important to him, just tools for power:
Criminal Trump supporters.
Pretty simple.
The ones that entered the Capitol Building will receive time in federal prison.
@Spider Taylor will they seriously?I hope so,I hope hawley and Cruz are right there with them
Where is the video of lauren boebert giving the tour prior to the Capitol Riot? Who give the directions for the crazy pink hat lady to give orders? Need more evidence on all the Senators who are involved in this Riot? I want to know this??
I bet that will come out after this trial
@wild rural troll account started 5 days ago
and delayed back up for police
For decades Republicans have been getting away with lies and distorting reality. Now it’s all on HD video, captured in real time.
@Beverley Arscott from England fix your teeth for god sake‘s it’s 2021!
@Trap Daddy Lol.
And in spite of that HD video, they’re still going to get away with it because they have the spines of jellyfish.
@Trap Daddy ,For decades Republicans used Abortion as birth control.
@marsha blye I’m glad Republicans seen the error in their ways so why are Democrats baby killing Satanist?
And he blocked security assistance.
@wild rural Total disconnect from Law and Order will elevate distrust and resentment for the GOPestapo!!
This is the part that is not emphasized enough, beyond the months of inciting rhetoric, the fix was in, the capital was purposely left with inadequate defensive response forces. The capital police that died and the hundreds who were injured were set up by Trump and Republicans. Trump as president is the head of the federal govt and commander in chief, so a myriad of forces not being prepared and not reacting to situation they knew was going to happen and they could actually see happening on video for hours is ultimately Trump’s responsibility. The National Guard, the FBI, secret service, homeland security, capital police all failing in preparation and reaction to the riot is much too much of a coincidence, Trump arranged for the response to be inadequate. If instead of VP Pence, Pelosi and all the Senators and congressmen being inside the capital it was Trump do you think the response would be the same if Trump himself was in danger??? In 10 minutes from the first sign of violence there would have been troops, tanks, helicopters even jets deployed.
@Eric Takahashi Total disconnect from Law and Order will elevate distrust and resentment for the GOPestapo!!
The police let them in and took pictures with them everyone hates Democrats even deep down inside Democrats hate Democrats
@Trap Daddy oh KKKay go start another insurrection see what happens MAGA traitor!!
There are rioters who would testify trump led them and they believed him! They are getting charged and their leader doesn’t have consequences?
This is Trump: I don’t know them people and I never seen those people before and beside they’re never Trumper.

What else needs to be exposed for these greedy Gop senatongs to say yes to impeach their handler.
That’s What Happens When You Follow A Narcissist! That’s a Who He Is…He Doesn’t Care About Them…He Doesn’t Have The Capacity To Care Outside Of Himself! He’s A Narcissistic FRAIDY CAT!
Up to recently they identify them as Antifa. Smdh
They were hoping agent orange would blanket pardon them.
Lord give the GOP a spine…
And screw the constitution right ?
pretty sure if you can live life in the fetal position you have a spine, thanks!!
@Wally Censorship Actually they would then be saving the constitution, you are backwards.
@Carriemchardy Carrie The Trump cultists still don’t get it, do they? Or, maybe they need to lie to themselves because if they faced reality, the truth of their stupidity would be overwhelming.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” – Voltaire
Why is it that some of the US Population could see right through Trump and know he was a liar, a grifter, cheater and only cared about himself and the other half of the population believed he always told the truth, was a God fearing man, sincerely cared for others etc.? I don’t understand how some of us had our eyes wide opened and others were as blind as a bat.
@Lynn Lanier Soto-Shambach truth sounds like hate to those that hate truth
Mike Pence was a patriot for doing his job that day. But his refusal to criticize his former boss is cowardice.
Pence is no hero. If there was any chance he could have changed the result he would have but he was tied by the constitution. For 4 years he backed trump 100%.
He had nothing more to gain in licking clown-face’s balls, as Trump had deemed him a traitor via Twitter, and in trouble himself if he hadn’t certified the ballots, so it was not heroic. He had no choice left.
Pence should’ve booted Trump.
@Max Moon I think Pence was being pragmatic, he may want to have a further career and the big donors do not like the insane and _erratic !_ narcissism of Trump.
The House Managers need to hammer home that there were zero attempts by Trump to end the riot once it broke out. So he claims he had nothing to do with it , well what did he do to stop it ? Via tweets , news conference or sending troops immediately.
I agree. This is the most damning thing, imo. People he KNEW could have been killed and he hid in the White House and rejoiced.
The GOP may never live this down if they vote against conviction.
They can hammer home whatever they’d like and it’s good to set the precedent. However, they will acquit
If the American people can’t trust our congress to prosecute the former president, due to his party affiliations. How can we trust trust any change in the justice system. The republicans are showing us that the checks and balances are only for some and not all.
To all GOP Senators and Congress Members.
We know he is guilty.
And we know that you know he is guilty.
And that’s all that matters.
I doubt it on all counts
And it took hours for him to tell the mob to go back home and that he loved them and to remember this day forever how sick is that is like we seeing this from a Looney Tune cartoon presentation
Why have we heard nothing about Boebert? They have video, did she lead family, or insurrectionists on a tour before the trump riot?
That’s wat I have been asking too…
Thank you Rep Spanberger for your service in the CIA and now as a Congresswoman.
How many of the capital insurectionists will be prosecuted , and how many will no longer be allowed to possess a modern firearm????? UH-OH !!!! OH NOOO! LOL
pawns are generally sacrificed…ijs
It’s an outrage to think the Republicans have already made up their minds and won’t find Trump guilty, guilty, guilty!
“The gift of discernment” Well, that prayer went to the spam folder
As they all do. God doesn’t exist.
I heard McConnell told his people to vote their conscience. That’s rich. Republicans don’t have a conscience!