Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., is set to leave Congress be a senior adviser in the White House as head of the Office of Public Engagement. Rep. Richmond joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 12/07/2020.
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#CedricRichmond #Biden #MSNBC
Congressman Set To Leave Seat And Join Biden White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The rest of the Jerk’s days alive will be in Court as a Defendant !
Going to jail for what? Not being in the pocket of the dems and trying to fix our country and put it first? You people are sick in the head and need help
who Biden
Toh wow
oh yes
Office of pug engagement?! Where do I sign up?
Foh wow
oh yes
I’ve already been using a mask and washing my hands and carrying hand sanitizer. It’s easy.
@J F yup
@Vilda Chaya : Lmao !
Jacqueline Wright yup me too. Once you get in the habit of doing it, it quickly becomes very natural. It is a basic courtesy to your fellow human beings.
You know what works even better than a mask or sanitizer? Eating foods high in vitamins low in fat.. know what else works better? A healthier lifestyle including breathing exercises and calisthenics. Everyone wants a quick easy fix…here, wear a mask, no need for actual health conscious actions or activities.
That’s excellent because the survival rate is 99.999%.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12
@X this verse (from Matthew) used in Handels Messiah, one of my favorite arias to sing.
@Gregory Guidry That’s a great passage as well!… I’m glad you’re saved and thank you for sharing the message of salvation. Blessings!
“And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:1-10
@Gregory Guidry another great scripture is John 3:16
Foh wow
oh yes
Government is of, for and by the people… not of, for me by the corporation
Cynthia- Progressive talking points is all that is. Talking points by millionaire progressive politicians selling young angry progressives the idea a living wage of $15hr is the cure all to income inequality. These snake oil progressives politicians love that talking point knowing their base doesn’t have the experience to know it’s not about raising the min wage but the cost of living which quadruples every decade making the so called American dream unattainable for millennials and zoomers. The 1 bedroom apartment in 1996 rented for $520-$620 ballpark. 2020 that same 1 bedroom rents for $1,300-$2700 a month ballpark depending on your location not including utilities that have quadrupled and continue to rise as utility companies continue raise the price. THATS the issue. Not minimum wage. Strange the likes of Bernie have never addresses that reality. You know what happens with min wage increase? Bernie’s own staffers demanded he paid them the same hourly wage he was selling the country in his run for President. He ended up having to break the news the only way that happens is to reduce their hours. Look it up. That pretty much sums up the living wage debate. Reduced hours, lay offs, higher cost of consumer goods as employers pass that cost into their customers and so and and so forth, not to mention your landlord wants a piece of that and raises the rent. It’s a pipe dream that doesn’t solve the issue. This ideas tax breaks for corporations were all stuffed in the pockets of CEOs is another liberal lie to anger their base as they don’t report the thousands of companies that immediately gave raises and bonuses to their employees the minute it went to 15%. There is no such thing as democratic socialism. Democratic socialism is the same socialism that caused millions to flee their country to America for our capitalism. You really want to know the plan for our country right now? The reality is we are about to take a way diffent direction. This video will describe what’s really hapoeing right now.
Yoh wow
oh yes
@Hairy Legs Did I say I say $15 / hour wage would be a cure all? No, but it sure would help out folks who work for a living. A living wage increases productivity. Any obvious inflation or job loss is a myth. As for Senator Sanders, those workers were on salary. If they decide to work for 60 hours a week for $13 or work 40 hours for a higher hourly wage is on them.
Cynthia- Did you read anything I posted? Even if they raised min wage, the majority within that income range would have their hours reduced by employers across the board to offset the cost. Instead of $9.00hr 40hrs a week, you get 25hrs a week at the new $15hr rate. A whole $25 dollar a week or $100 a month diffence that is taxed. I get what your saying. The reality is unless the cost of living is aligned to incomes earned by those who make less than 50k annually without constant increase, it won’t matter if they did raise min wage. Politicians have zero control over the private sector therefore have no control over what hourly income they decide to pay an employee. Forcing an increased federal min wage just causes everything I outlined. The fight that needs to happen is the people demanding government step in to regulate caps on price increase in various sectors like apartment complexes that raise the rent $100 every year. NY which is a disaster has similar type caps, but then again, their cost of living is no better than SF which nobody but he elite can afford. We have much bigger problems ahead and I promise you min wage increase is the LAST thing the globalists who now have their hooks in our Country have in mind. If you haven’t looked at the link I copied in my last post, you should really take a look. It’s only 3 minutes and describes exactly what’s happening now and what’s to come after the cardboard cutout is inaugurated. I’m a regular working class guy that’s isnt some partisan hack making conspiracy theories out of boredom. I am just sickened about what’s happening to all of us and wish to God people would wake from their slumber and see how badly we were lied to and how bad our world is about to get rocked. Left, right, doesn’t matter. We are now cattle to these elites who have plans for us all.
@Hairy Legs Government needs to be more proactive and creative with affordable housing for the working class. Use government property and 3d printing apartments? I’m not a urban development planner. I just feel that a $15 min. wage is just and that the benefits outweighs the drawbacks.
Nope. You have to remain in your seat…. This is the only way we can support and change trumptrucks wrongdoings
Oh people getting hurt well maybe you’re party to dunk rats or the one that started the plant dimick dummy
Idiotic question obsessing about black people and taking a full five minutes to ask it (make a speech).
The colorful icon customarily mend because sphynx recently repair but a ill-informed temper. flagrant, nondescript responsibility
You sure you’re not related to the orher commenter with the mashed up mug?
Good the dead weight is leaving…
who biden 50 yrs. of do nothing in politics.
Why, is the MSM cutting their feed??
Sounding good, will keep a close eye and an open mind on this!
Narrative of Self is the result of a feedback loop between “Separate Self” & Cosmos
Msm keeps a spinning,digging that hole deeper
I saw what Mitch put into the big bill. Corporations can’t be sued for not providing safe covid free environments for workers. Not nice, Mitch.
@sclogse1 on CNN…ok…
Congrats Cedric, many blessings thanks!
Nice to hear normal questions and normal answers! Yay America

Congratulations Congresswoman Richmond. Erin needs to shut up and have a seat!
Dayumn Biden filling the white house with Brutha and Susta . “White folks get use to all of us living on one farm ok!!
This entire government is meant to enslave ALL OF WE THE PEOPLE.
The problem is Wd the People have no critical thinking skills anymore.
Wake up slaves
Peoples ability to put food on the table is an essential requirement, but you’re pushing you’re socialist agenda. Like you claim Biden has been elected. Electors meet on the 12th.
He’s not President Elect until the college votes. There is no concession.