Congress Unimpressed By Trump Admin Explanation For Iran Attack | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow rounds up the reactions of some members of Congress who were less than impressed with the Trump administration's briefings on what imminent threat required the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani without consulting Congress on the use of military force. Aired on 1/8/20.
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Congress Unimpressed By Trump Admin Explanation For Iran Attack | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Congress Unimpressed By Trump Admin Explanation For Iran Attack | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Revel Heir
      Your perceptions of my fact based answers are the feelings you’re confused about. Go research what I stated. You’ll find I’m correct.
      “Trump had no evidence!’ That’s a fact NOT a feeling.
      My response to “mind freshener” another poster was an observation NOT a fact NOR a feeling. You obviously do not know that difference or you never would have addressed me.

  1. There’s nothing impressive about tRumps grandstanding. He is a compromised Russian/Putin asset besides a fool. Thing is he is a foreign policy neophyte & whats really scary & dangerous about him is that he has the nuclear codes at the fingertips of his fat grubby little hands & small mind.

    1. That’s funny, I always thought he is a spy for Putin also. Without doubt, Putin has something on him. He’s turned! He’s turned! A double knot spy, like Jethro. And just as bright.

    2. LOL…….I guess you are still bitter and angry that mueller let you down. I have to say that when the Russian Oligarchs put 150 million dollars into the Clinton Crime fund, they thought they had the winning horse. Wrong horse. You’re going to be even angrier when the indictments come down from Durham. I am digging your misery.

    3. @THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE IS A WORK OF INSPIRED GENIUS Pos Barr covered up for the other pos with his 4 page summary….release the full report…it is so obvious yet you morons are so gullible

    1. @Revel Heir – Please, honey… go right on ahead, thank you ! I get nervous when you are walking behind me.

    2. @Revel Heir Obama was an eventuality that opened a door to anyone being president. Hate and stupidity brought us a Trump.

    3. @theodore roberts 1)Operation Fast & Furious

      2)abandoning Americans to die in Benghazi

      3)denied knowledge of the IRS targeting conservative groups during his tenure

      4)used his DOJ under Eric Holder to seize journalists’ records

      5)authorized the increase of NSA mass surveillance (which Trump is also guilty of)

      6)”pallets of cash” to Russia’s ally Iran ransom payments

      7)Bowe Bergdahl swap

      8)Secret Service scandal

      9)obstructed justice in the Clinton e-mail scandal

      10)Loretta Lynch

      11)prosecuted 8 whistleblowers w/ Espionage Act; Democrats criticize Trump for wanting to know 1’s ID

      12)Turned military bases into refugee centers, detained kids in cages on border

      13)repealed habeas corpus

      14)issuing more executive orders overriding Congress than all other presidents combined

      15)pushing ACA, which was designed to fail and benefit insurance companies

      16)allowed VA offices to deny patients’ care by cycling them thru endless waiting lists; killing vets

      17)giving weapons to ISIS in Libya, and destroying that country, where they now sell slaves

      18)illegal war in Syria, where we are aiding terrorists

      19)interventionism in North Africa led to migrant crisis into Europe

      20)drone wars dropping 10x the amount of bombs in his first year than Bush dropped in 8

      21)making Bush-era tax cuts permanent

      22)spent $96 million in private or fundraising trips on the taxpayers’ dime

      23)gets Nobel Peace Prize, then expands US wars from 3 to 7 countries; criticizes police at home

      24)Says in a UN speech that Americans are too stupid to lead and that the UN should dictate to us

      25) tells Fed to print money, drops American credit rating score, and doubles national debt

      26)Guts work requirement, doubling the amount of able-bodied people on welfare

      27)Allows China to extend influence into Southeast Asia, and Russian influence in Crimea

      28)accepted money from corporations and banks that he cut taxes for and staffed his cabinet with

      29)Sanctioned the FBI to use wire-taps on Trump properties to influence the 2016 election

      30)turned blind eye to Russian and Ukrainian collusion with Democrats to influence the 2016 election

      31)said on TV that Trump would never be president; goaded Trump into running for president

      Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. Senators seems to know a dangerous joke when they see it..can no longer hide their disgust.. it’s a start.

    1. 10 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS VOTING – huh! Muller investigation made money. If you think it’s a doorstop you haven’t been paying attention. And who is Sooliman?

    1. @I love dogs Is really he worth that much? No violence . he´s going to prison all we need is a Orange suit to mach his fake tan.

  3. Here’s the explanation: He needed an impeachment distraction. He put himself above America and put America’s soldiers in harms way. Add another article of impeachment. Impeach, remove, then lock him up.

    1. @Peter Tillman For now he is not going anywhere. It is coming however. After he is out New York State will get their hands on him.

    2. @Revel Heir dehumanizing? Hahaha, you MAGAts are too much. You’re cult leader dehumanizes people constantly. Grow up. Tell your cult leader to grow up too.

  4. They walked out when asked though questions. Is that what “alpha males” do? This administration is pathetic.

    1. ok fellow republicans, we have to remove this mad hatter from the WH. Everything he does from now on is on US!

    1. @Heather Mefford omg lighten up its a movie reference to go along with the original comment. smh some people.

    1. check out craigslist days before his rallies in the city that tis going to. . There are ads for employment at rallies and people talking about the process they put you through. You have to also tweet nice things about him.  This is because most people can’t do that. Anyone that willingly go to his rallies are uneducated bullies.

    2. @Richard Darlington communism is long gone. Even Putin is running a fascist regime straight out of Mussolini’s playbook.

  5. “Strategy” someone should Tweet a link to the dictionary entry for the word to Trump…. ah I can do it myself

  6. There is a metaphor I used a lot during his first year.
    “Slow motion trainwreck.”
    I think we’re about to see the next level.

    1. @David Clayton That’s the same attitude that got Trump elected… wait, I thought smart people _learned_ from their mistakes?

    2. @THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE IS A WORK OF INSPIRED GENIUS Oh, just figured it out! “United States of I Love the Poorly Educated”

    3. @David Clayton That’s exceedingly rude to the majority of people who did not vote for him.

    4. @THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE IS A WORK OF INSPIRED GENIUS It’s wrecking your dreams but your too ignorant to find out your food stamps are going to be cut off.

  7. “My goal is to start this trial in the next coming days, not let [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi come over here and tell the truth to the Senate,” Graham said

    1. the impeachment proof is supposed to be presented and voted on in congress and the senate acts like a jury and deliberates it, there is not supposed to be “more or new evidence” given in the trial and if the dms had it, it should be put into the impeachment articles= that is the law no matter how many liars say otherwise.the congress can put any new info into new articles of impeachment so why don’t they? hahahah you know why.

  8. We know that it was a hoax, and a Lie. This Administration is the enemy of the United States of America.

    1. Deborah Blackshear Yep. Trump is a hoax and a lie all rolled into one. All he does is hoax and lie all day every day.

    2. @AppropriateAdam Absolutely right. Trump is a hoax and you’re the sucker. Someday this country will be suckerfree

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