The GOP-led House Oversight Committee questioned three former Twitter executives on how the company handled the Hunter Biden laptop story.
RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republicans boo Biden at State of the Union
The House hearing Wednesday into Twitter’s brief suppression of a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop outlined the queasiness of former executives to block it and provided a bare-knuckle arena for partisan lawmakers to debate allegations against President Joe Biden.
Former Twitter executives told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee the company blocked links to the New York Post story in October 2020 because of similarities to the posting of leaks from hacked Democratic computers before the 2016 election. The executives called the 24-hour suppression a mistake and said it was difficult to judge between contentious and dangerous speech during a campaign.
Against that backdrop, Republican lawmakers argued Twitter’s decision could have thrown the election to Biden rather than former President Donald Trump. Some lawmakers called for legislation to prevent Twitter from blocking posts or government agencies from recommending against publication.
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#Hunter #Biden #Twitter
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I’m astonishing, i think am the only one familiar with Mrs Charlotte, She handles my account too.
This is the kind of information that we don’t get from most Youtubers, I will get in touch with her right now
That waitress understands that even Hunter’s attorneys have admitted the laptop and it’s contents are real and accurate, right?
No, they didn’t. Now why don’t you go and Lika somebody’s Labia again.
@eco2geek men can’t get pregnant and there are only two genders
@A Leuttrel no they haven’t.
@Steve B you’re responding to the wrong person…
yes they have
She’s really trying to claim that that laptop wasn’t real?? Is she trying to muddy the waters or has she not been paying attention for the last 2 years?!
@Vagari Incipiam Rothschild or actually maybe “beth.” I’m not really sure tbh. It was not the wacky or tobaccy though, I’m sure
“Lies, damned lies and half-truths.”
Notice it’s all about her.
Hunter Biden already said publicly it’s his laptop but the bartender didn’t hear it on Twitter so she doesn’t know yet
@Henry Tomas hunter wanted to sue the computer store owner for trafficking in stolen information from his laptop. He admitted it was his without saying it was his.
“Explosive disinformation”
Somebody wanna inform this genius that it’s real?
Got proof of that? No I didn’t think so…
@A Leuttrel come on now Hunter said it was his laptop
@Digital yeah he admitted he owns a laptop, that doesn’t mean that what you want to believe is on the laptop is actually on the laptop, none of you right wingers know what’s on the laptop, and acting like you do is propaganda
But it was true?!?! Wtf is going on?!?
Aoc is NUTS
So ridiculous.
When you listen to the members speak and then you hear AOC speak it’s like a grade-school kid in with college grads
AOC is the toddler in the room.
There was evidence that Twitter, MSM, YouTube and other platforms suppressed due to political bias. That
point. Lawdy.
Aoc being the kid
Weaponize vote Republican
Hey New Yorkers this is who you voted in
AOC, gfy.
Does AOC not know hunter Biden already said the laptop is his?
she said again three times i think. mocking the trinity.
I’m assuming AOC has never actually seen what is on the Laptop?
AOC is the difficult kid that failed to grow up.
So was Twitter filtering BLM treats too or was it all right wing, because no one ever ask that question
Drain The Swamp.
Love it these Twitter hacks got thier butts kicked! Exsposed!
So now they are sorry lol. Hilarious. AOC being a partisan politican. Gotta love it
Right on AOC keep showing them to be the liars they are.