The number of novel coronavirus diagnoses in the United States has exploded, now topping 6,000 confirmed cases. Aired on 03/17/2020.
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Confirmed Cases Of COVID-19 In The U.S. Reaches 6000 | MSNBC
The ‘count’ is missing the 40,000 from the airport
@dogz70 Over 20,000 have DIED from the common FLU the past 90 days…
Where is the HYSTERIA???
@Mr Brown Over 20,000 have DIED from the common FLU the past 90 days…
Where is the HYSTERIA???
@dogz70 Over 20,000 have DIED from the common FLU the past 90 days…
Where is the HYSTERIA???
The larger the number actually shows the illness is not as bad… While it may spread easily, it moves the death rate incredibly low to the number of people catching it. It’s actually good news. As always wash your hands… And immune compromised people and their caregivers need to quarantine themselves until the virus spreads among the healthy and natural herd immunity takes over.
The true count is probably 600,000.
I forgot who said this but late Feb.” We have this air tight…almost air tight” when cases were in the twenties in US 2 weeks later over 6k.
Dont forget, it’ll magically disappear in the spring / summer even though it is in Australia which is having their summer…..

Victoria Simpson Lol two term president trump.
@Samuel Brown so 2 things you can’t prove n irrelevant stuff about creeper Joe. You do realize this covid has barely even started going around compared to the swine flu, not to mention a severe lack of testing so we have no idea how widespread it’s become. I guess you look at Italy n think no big deal, right?
@Samuel Brown you have a high IQ, a medical degree and you’re a staunch Trump supporter. You have absolutely shown your critical thinking skills and high IQ with your dogmatic support of Trump. Who is obviously a narcissistic, pathological lying buffoon. Kudos to you for putting your high dollar education to work for you.
This is a total disaster men..
After all these years…….. being antisocial is paying off.
@Alex The fool I will keep that mind…….
J. F.
Did i make a wee bit of sense or did say something dumb i tend to do that alot
Just wondering because how you wrote ……
Xes hman I duh em
NJ NJ or lik
In September 2015, the United Nations held the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol – to address climate change. In this meeting, they introduced the first of its kind – it basically set new guidelines for emissions reduction and efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases. There are 191 countries who are implementing this new framework, and I am writing this to explain what exactly is in this bill.
I found 2 documents on the UN website – the first is UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, and the other is the United Nations General Assembly. When you read the document, it sounds good – a lot of warm and fuzzy phrases like ‘sustainable development’ and ‘eradicating poverty’, but the people at the United Nations and you and I speak a very different language. I have learned how to translate some of this, I am translating it from what they are saying, and what they really mean. While reading the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol document, I arrived at page 3, and got an error message that denied me access – so, I am wondering why they would publish this document on their website, only to restrict access? So, I am working strictly from the other document (and I will post a link at the bottom of my article).
This document basically outlines their ‘goals’ for Sustainable Development. Their first goal on this list is ‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’. Now, that sounds great – I believe the world would like to see an end to poverty. But, we must remember, this ‘goal’ is coming from the people at the United Nations, and these are the same people who concluded that climate change is occurring because there are too many people on the planet, and these problems are being caused by man. So, how exactly do they intend to end poverty? Well, they don’t exactly tell us in their outline. They sort of leave these goals open ended, not much explanation of how they intend to achieve these ‘goals’.
There are over 60 of these ‘goals’ outlined, I am not going to translate each and everyone, there are a few on here I think are important enough to highlight. In order to translate the language here, one must understand who these people are, and what their real agenda is. And in my previous blogs, I outline that. This document is one of the most insidious documents I have ever seen. I have seen the NASA war document (I will leave a link below), the Iron Mountain Report, the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document and a few others. The reason I find this one to be the most offensive, is how they are masquerading their agenda. It is deceptive. These people will lie about the data, the statistics, the science, and even falsify history in order to achieve their goals. Their biggest concern is ‘too many people on the planet’. So when I see things like ‘eradicate poverty’ – one must read between the lines. How do they intend to eradicate poverty? Well, let’s find out.
As I mentioned before, their objective is to reduce everyone’s carbon ‘footprint’ – and this document tells us how exactly they plan to get each and every last person on this planet to do their part. Remember, this isn’t just some idea, this has been the law since September 2015, so many of these objectives are already being rolled out.
On page 14 of the UN General Treaty document lists 17 of their ‘goals’ – the first one listed states “End poverty in all its states, everywhere”. Now, that sounds great. I think everyone would like to see that, but again, they don’t tell us how they intend to achieve this. So, let’s interpret it. The way the people at the UN see things, first and foremost, there are too many people on the planet. The way they intend to ‘end poverty’ would be to end the 3rd world. How they are already achieving this is via mass migration into the 1st world. They have no intention of making any improvements to the 3rd world (if they did, they would have helped them long ago, for example, Africa is rich in resources (oil, minerals, diamonds, precious metals, etc) and there is no way the people who are behind this intend to allow these countries to develop, so they will migrate as many of them into the first world as possible, and force them to assimilate to UN Agenda 2030 laws. For the people who aren’t migrated, I believe they will be left to fend for themselves. In other words, I believe their interpretation of ‘ending poverty’ is ending people. Make sure these masses are all on food stamps and government housing, so they are completely dependent on government, self reliance is unsustainable.
Goal #2 states, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” I think I can interpret this one quite easily. One of the objectives in the UN Agenda 21 document implies ‘false scarcities of food, energy, water and other resources’ so when we see ‘end hunger’ – I believe that means, they intend to starve out as many people as possible, so there won’t be starving people left to deal with. “Nutrition and sustainable agriculture”, that’s easy. Translation for this is simply “Supply the masses with GMOs (sustainable agriculture), and ensure that nutrients are declared illegal (oh, this has already occurred – see Codex Alimentarius, this is a trade commission that has already declared nutrients illegal – all food now is irradiated, that includes all fresh food).
Goal #3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages.” Translation: Vaccines at gunpoint, heavily medicate all children with antidepressant and ADHD drugs, educate using the Common Core dumb-down-the-masses curriculum, re-write their history into a false history so they never learn the truth about freedom.
Goal#5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.” Translation: Criminalize Christianity – demonize males, promote LGBT, gender fluidity and ‘gender is dead’ propaganda, shame masculinity and heterosexuality, and feminize society as a whole.
Goal #6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Whenever I see ‘for all’, I want to cringe – it is a very communist phrase (Obamacare for example, ‘Healthcare for all’ -remember?). Translation: Corporations seizing control of all water, energy and electricity – rationing supplies to the masses, only providing minimal amounts. All the while, criminalize, coal, gas, and oil production – promote wind and solar energy (which has proven itself a failure).
Goal #7: (see Goal #6)
Goal #8: “Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.” Translation: Regulate small business out of existence, force employers only to hire LGBT, transition to a dictator-based economy, more government regulations and mandates.
Goal #9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and promote innovation.” Translation: Drive nations into debt to the World Bank, spreading corrupt corporatism to build large scale infrastructure and trap developing nations into unending debt. Punish the wealthy, confiscate all gains from those who choose to work in the private sector Redistribute confiscated wealth from the working class to non-working human parasites who contribute nothing to society, all the while, demanding “equality”.
Goal #11:” Make cities and human settlements more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”. Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens and put them into hands of obedient government enforcers, who rule over the impoverished serf class. Criminalize all rural property ownership and relocate them to Hunger Game style fenced-in electronic concentration camps called “Megacities” which are surrounded by restricted areas, under 24 hour surveillance, educate the masses to ‘snitch’ on their peers. (ie: ‘If you see something, say something)
Goal #12: ” Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” Socially engineer reduction of consumption by creating false scarcities, burden violators with heavy fines, use TV, social media, and movies to shame those who use too much and do not conform (in California, they have an app for your phone, if someone is over-watering their lawn, you are encouraged to take pictures of the persons’ home and upload pictures, shaming the individual), encourage tattlers to report negative activity in exchange for subsidies.
Goal #13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” Translation: Set energy consumption quotas, criminalize and punish negative lifestyle decisions that exceed energy usage limits set by government. Institute total surveillance via ‘smart meters’ where we can track and calculate energy consumption. Penalize private vehicle ownership and force masses onto public transit where TSA grunts and facial recognition cameras can record the movement of every persons’ activity.
There are many more ‘goals’ set in this document. I hope this was a short course in “Interpreting U.N. language into what they really mean.” This is not mine but is fact that I use regularly. Thanks for reading):-)
@Love is the most powerful force in the Universe they’ve been talking more about it the past couple days. Today someone asked Trump, how much exactly and when? But he said they’re still working out numbers and the timing. As though there are two checks possibly.
@Tim Smith what do you say, Tim? Move your 401(k) to Roth IRA or ride the crazy waves long term?
I I Captain!
Are you suggesting a 401(k) doesn’t ride the crazy waves too?
@Tim Smith they do bigger picture… over the long term. Looked into it, though Roth gives more flexibility, not worth penalties. Better to dip into other savings if you have it. Otherwise tighten up that belt and cut the ‘wants’ and focus on the real ‘needs’.
If I could afford to stay home I would but I have bills to pay
@Christian Justin I hope you don’t blame me. I didn’t vote for Trump
@DairangerSentai7 I hope so
@Mr I I’m asking! I’m asking! I’m asking all to ask Jesus.
@Jack Shreve It is. And I noticed that today, Trump is asking for a exemption so that some tariffs can be lowered or removed, on Chinese goods. You know, because of this “crisis”, that if it happened under a Democratic president, Trumpers would all be crying about how it was a manufactured crisis and a conspiracy.
@SRSOS Well Trump did that when Obama was President, remember?
And yet some college students are going to spring break at beaches, people complaining that bars & clubs are close.
Erick G Outdoors is good.
@Jaocb O’Grady It is overblown unless you say we should do this every flu season and I understand the risk, I have heart issues and dad turns 100 on the 26th of this month.
@PhatpersonVids Well actually, that sucks for everyone, because I’m sure some will get the virus and then fly home and infect those at home too (ie. their home state/town, etc). Luckily some resorts in FL are closed for spring break and that’s a good move. People just need to realize that the sooner we implement a self-lock down and people stay home when feasible, the sooner we can start to tackle the problem.
Erick G honestly, if the coronavirus going to be happening for a while, then I rather to go to the beach and have some fun than to stay in the house since I’m informed about it, life is short and “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” – Charles R. Swindoll
Frenzy Guy hey I totally agree with you, I myself am a healthy 26 year old. but I would hate to be the reason without having symptoms, my grandparents or neighbors die because I decided to have a night out. We’re all in this together and have to do our part to keep the number of cases down. Not for us but for those who have a compromised immune system
Meanwhile Elon Musk is leaving for Mars next Monday…
@Judy Corso you’re like a rat watching the last lifeboat leave the Titanic.
@lee lunk are the dolphins still here?
Me too
Incoming Comments: “mE iNtRoVeRt gOoD”
Wow that was spot on. Are you like, a psychic or something?
mestizo goblino? what race are you
I’ve been self-quarantined since 2010. Who knew watching anime and reading manga all day would be good in 2020. Good luck with the virus guys.
John Doe A fellow man of culture except I add video games to that list
You see the Bleach anime just got confirmed!!!.
So you a neet.
Ever heard of sleep?
Same here, lol.
Hope Howie Mandel is ok. He’s probably in a full body suit with a bubble around his house!
Poor guy haha yeah you’re probably right.
He’s a phony that’s part of his shtick
“I love hide and seek but for now I will just play hide” – Howie Mandel (latest tweet).
He has a second house on his property for if someone in his home sneezes for him to quarantine pre-corona…I think he’s fine.
The people living in their moms basement had it right since day one…lol
” Pretty soon it’ll be down to zero “.
Zero people *not* infected
Will be a tuff job to heal all the people..
Dumb Trump said that all the time
@Ken Luu The United States is in a very bad situation at this moment..
Day 3 wirh no sports and the bars are closed.
So I see this lady sitting on my couch, it turns out she is my wife and she is really nice.
Update: I asked the lady to make me a sandwich and she made it.
I saw a kid playing in the yard, turns out he is my son.
Best comment
Lol good one
why are people panic buying when people say that don’t crowd up?
Makes no sense.
How do you feed yourself?
My wife has been practicing “social distancing “ for years!!
Ken Bessler
Due to coronavirus all our dates have been postponed….
@Richard Lomeli Just like Melania and Don ever since he ran for Chancellor.
nice boomer “I hate my wife” joke
@The robot with human hair Good retort from a tattooed meth head millennial.
So has Melania…

Work till you die is actually what the economy wants from you.
You will starve if we dont
That’s what Cuomo want’s from NYC. De Blasio actually want’s a quarantine but Cuomo absolutely refuses to do so. The reality is that most of us will be just fine though…this is more about protecting the elderly and not overburdening the hospitals. Over 80% experience mild symptoms or are completely asymptomatic. Hell…3 of the 4 NBA player’s that currently have it are asymptomatic right now and not experiencing any symptoms. That’s another reason for these extreme measures as well…because most that have it don’t even know they are walking around infecting other’s.
“We were waiting for the President to get his act together..” Good luck with that one LOL
no they weren’t they are trying to make this seem like trump is the basis for all problems currently arising. I am really sad there is such a divide in intellect in people in the US. Like some people can see one or two levels deeper than others, and that is exactly where the political disagreements stem from, differences in intelligence of people to be able to recognize deeper meanings behind why things occur.
Well., hold your breath ’cause Nancy Pelosi will save you! What color of snowflake you want your coffin in?
Remember: you have to stab the zombies in the “Brain”!
Shoot in the head..
“No tests for anyone who wants one”….except celebrities and professional athletes.
That’s bs! We’ve already tested 50k people and only 8,400 positive.
That’s to many hypochondriac testing for no reason.thats what we don’t need.
Just cause your test negative now don’t mean your good tomorrow.
It changes nothing if your test positive.
They are literally asking us all to isolate our selves period.
Trump: Thats Life
Key word: *”Confirmed”*
Don;t use Georges Name . Its a mockery. Change the face seriously.
Exactly! A lot of us have already had this virus with little to no symptoms back in January/February.
what do you mean fellow patriot?