John Di Nino says he was home when the gunman approached his unit and witnessed to moment the shooter shot his wife, seriously injuring her.
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Bless you sir. Please accept my condolences
PTSD is pandemic
I live in a 24 hour support
I am a veteran of 28yrs in the RAF.
I live with PTSD every day.
Take some time for you my brother
His wife did not die.
Yeah being a sissy has spread wide across North America, especially in Canada.
@ngafsince1995 Get a life.
So sorry for your loss…
He’s not watching clown.
@El Terrifico And how would you know that?
@El Terrifico rvenetas, is that you?
@El Terrifico i’m going to be watching you.
His wife didn’t die.
Sorry for your loss. Gun control needs to start at the borders, not the licensed owners like this channel wants you to believe.
@Hassan Abd al-Adl al-Muttaqin a car is far more dangerous then a gun.
@Necromancer hand gun owners have a background check done on them every 3 days
@Necromancer nah we have a pretty robust system in Canada. I think maybe adding mental health evaluations or notes on peoples’ healthcare files, if they’re gun owners, might be a better idea.
@Hassan Abd al-Adl al-Muttaqin thats what i was referring to. That should be part of background check.
@Jrod RCit’s every single day at 9am actually. It’s called “CPIC”.
I am sorry for tragic event hope your wife gets better soon and my deepest condolences to those victims’ families. Mental health needs be fixed in this country asap
Have the government do anything on the issue?
@Ray M. the government cause the issue bro
This guy calling it an assault weapon and automatic weapon, most hand guns are semi automatic
Was the crazy guy a legal gun owner or not is what I want to know before talking about gun control
SIU keeping that info tight
And why would a guy with such obvious mental problems get a gun license?
well if the information wasn’t shared by now ( no clue if it has) its probably illegal gun if it was legal they would say it pretty quick. imo
now everyone knows why they use volunteers & not the owners of the building or property management staff.
Facts. So sad.
volunteers are the owners of the condo units. All of the building units/owners voted/volunteered to manage the building.
Union Rep speaking like a grade 8 teen….do better. Sounds scripted and marginally rehearsed.
I get the exact impression, he’s not even trying to answer questions, he’s vague, he’s evasive, perfect union guy. Not too bright either. Hard to listen to him.
Notic how he pointed out gun control. I’m sorry for the ones that where lost but come on is this not a coincidence
Yeah that’s what comes to my mind also.
Sounds like he was coached as to what to say and emphasize….Condo boards and housing associations are usually the bullies …doesn’t matter if you are 15 or 75 . Still very unfortunate
You are very knowledgeable.
You only need to look at Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC)…run by the city, and financed to hundreds of millions of dollars. And all the management and high level managers are totally CORRUPT.
The government of a 3rd country will shine against them
Just a bit of a goof is all, I’m sure that’s what caused this.
yes fishy story, kinda obvious it was a targeted intent , not a coincidence those were killed specifically. not sure what the guy is suggesting about guns not in our community, hunters need to keep those firearms home when not in use.
Once again no due diligence by rcmp. When there’s multiple complaints filed against an individual threats , aggressive behavior it needs to be investigated. This same behavior was documented with nova scotia
shooter but no follow up by police
This guy is probably one of the reasons the guy went crazy, the way he did. I know this guy, this is just a big show.
Depending on the folks who make up the condo board, dealing with an issue could be an impossible task. This is indeed a tragedy! Hopefully they will not solely focus on guns and this legal gun owner while dismissing the events that precipitated this outcome.
You lost me at gun control…
Exactly, it has nothing to do with guns. Our mental health care in Canada does absolutely nothing to help Canadians.
Can’t enforce the current laws and they think more laws will do something? Ha!
Maybe if it was your spouse, your child, your parent, your friend, yourself then you wouldn’t have lost it
Gun control, gun control, gun control…. the fact that this guy was not flagged much earlier – not mentioned. And again it is fault of the semi automatic weapons again… not the crazy guy who had problems with the board…
We have gun control. You have to take advantage of it. If you know your neighbour is aggressive, unstable and owns firearms, you should call the police.
Divert from the real issue. The board were bullies.
The court documents show that the condo board was told to take action to help the situation and they did nothing. Who cares if they are volunteers. They tortured the guy and drove him mad.
Betcha he’s going to think twice now before he bullies another tenant.
Every Canadian should have the right to own weapons for self defense. Criminals will always come with firearms, law abiding citizens m
So sorry John my wife and I are praying for you and your amazing wife,keep strong.
Fairness and humanity must be priority in this country and things like this would have never happened
We’re all praying for you and all the victims