Rescue efforts continue after 12-story condo partially collapses near Miami
RELATED: Miami condo collapse: Drone footage shows the destruction
Rescue efforts continued in Surfside, Florida after part of a 12-story oceanside condo collapsed.
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I believe two things could have caused this bad concrete or the building was built on top of a sinkhole.
All buildings over 30 years old need to be checked annually for structural integrity, and that it is still functional
I’ll go even further and suggest that every building/home over 50-60 years old should probably be stripped to the studs and have their studs, plumbing, wiring and insulation inspected/replaced.
@Mark Keller that’s already a thing. After 40 years much of the concrete needs to redone.
@Steven Rodriguez I also mentioned homes … all homes aren’t being stripped down.
Only time people look for a structural engineer.. is if a building collapses… Other than that, we’re totally unappreciated..
It sad to say but probably out of the 99 people most of them didn’t survive as it’s been too long since the building collapsed and an severely injured person with no water or food can’t last that long
Holding on to faith and praying that most of them were at work at the time it happened or just out taking care of business. Father God if there are some buried alive help them in their time of needs in Jesus name I pray Amen
our incompetent politicians: China and Russia did this on purpose!
Anyone viewing precollapse images of the building could see that the load capacity on the bottom floors was too much the bear the weight. Worse disasters are looming in NYC. This danger is kept from the public.
Anybody see a conspiracy theory here?
It’s almost like building a high rise in the middle.of a swamp is a bad idea
Florida will sink anyways people need to move asap
A three-bed, two-bath unit on the ninth floor, about 1,748 square feet, sold on June 17, 2021, for $710,000, according to Zillow.
A four-bed, four-bath penthouse suite, about 4,500 square feet, sold on May 11, 2021, for $2,880,000, according to Zillow.
ARMerica standard—-Creating troubles and disasters to the whole world but just ignore the human right of their own people.
The responsibility falls directly with government officials that must be held accountable and charged to the full extent of the law
some other collapse footage looks as if there were sequential demolition detonator caps going off during the collapse…

O Evangelho:

Pelo que recebi, passei a vocês como de [primeira importância]: que Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados segundo as Escrituras, que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia de acordo com as Escrituras, e que ele apareceu a Pedro e depois aos Doze. Depois disso, ele apareceu para mais de quinhentos irmãos e irmãs ao mesmo tempo,
Querido Deus
no céu, venho até você em nome de Jesus. Reconheço-te que sou um pecador e sinto muito pelos meus pecados e pela vida que tenho vivido; Eu preciso do seu perdão.
Eu creio que o seu filho unigênito Jesus Cristo derramou Seu sangue precioso na cruz no Calvário e morreu por meus pecados, e agora estou disposto a abandonar meus pecados.
Você disse na bíblia que se confessarmos o Senhor nosso Deus e crermos em nossos corações que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos, seremos salvos.
Agora mesmo eu confesso Jesus como meu Senhor. De coração, acredito que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos. Neste exato momento eu aceito Jesus Cristo como meu Salvador pessoal e de acordo com Sua Palavra, agora estou salvo. Um homem.
Evangelio para la salvación de tus almas

Porque ante todo les transmití a ustedes lo que yo mismo recibí: que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados según las Escrituras, que fue sepultado, que resucitó al tercer día según las Escrituras, y que se apareció a Pedro, y luego a los doce. Después se apareció a más de quinientos hermanos a la vez,
The Gospel of salvation of our souls:

For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,
Dear God
in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.