CNN's Chris Cuomo compares President Donald Trump's actions before the conclusion of the Mueller report with those after, including his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
#CNN #News
CNN's Chris Cuomo compares President Donald Trump's actions before the conclusion of the Mueller report with those after, including his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
#CNN #News
Why 4 U.S. Presidents faced Impeachment:
Andrew Johnson fired a Cabinet member who was appointed by his predecessor.
Richard Nixon wire tapped and spied on his political opponents (as well as interfered with Lyndon Johnson’s peace talks during the Vietnam War but no one knew about that 1).
Bill Clinton perjured himself when he lied about having an affair as President.
Donald Trump has repeatedly called for foreign nations to give him dirt on his political opponents, repeatedly breaks the Emolunents Clause of the Constitution, multiple accounts of obstruction of justice, and has misused campaign funds.
@writer’s block Proof is proof. It’s not a matter of consideration. And you have none. Youre just a desperate little liberal piggy spewing ego-stroking propaganda. Remember, you have nothing and President Trump won’t be removed from office and he will win a second term. The American people are seeing how unfair and corrupt you liberal democrat pigs are.
@Finn MacCool Not a Libetal you tard!!!!
@Finn MacCool Wheres your proof soy man?
@Pirates Fate Oh please. You have nothing. Youre just copying what I said. Youre a loser. All you liberals are losers. Wallowing in your own failure over and over again. Psychopaths. Mentally deranged irrational hate filled asswipes.
Whoever fights to block the release of the Mueller report to congress should be guilty of obstruction of justice. That report is property of the American people, we payed for it, we own the right to see it and anyone keeping it from the American people should be held for their obstruction crimes.
@Trump Truth Train It’s Barr who won’t release it. If it had dirt on Democrats, I’m sure he would have released it.
@Trump Truth Train I’ve already read it, and your wrong. =/
@Trump Truth Train This Is a joke, right?
Just keep searching for made up reasons to punish President Trump. It’s all you liberal animals have left.
Hello everyone

He’s tendencies has Americans not willing togive up or sell out our Constitution just for a dollar Dude!
I don’t think I’ve heard it explained any better. I had to endure my Father watching Fox for years telling me how unbiased they were…My great Uncle 20 years ago telling me to make sure and watch Fox because they were the only one “Fair and balanced”…all I could ever see was a propaganda machine. Jim and Tammy Baker were more believable.
Emperor Kim Jong-un why would any decent intelligent person want to go on faux news?
These Trump supporters are about as dumb as they come.
Fake profiles or not. It’s just comedic at this point.
@Nemo Krada What you say makes no sense at all, it only confirms your stupidity.
@Emperor Kim Jong-un There is no point in discussing this issue with someone who is so far off on the facts. When you say only one person has accepted CNN’s invitation, I know you aren’t dealing with reality.
IMPEACH. Lindsey is a disgrace
@William H
Almost every single Deplorable has this “gay” fear. As if the world will know you all are gay if you don’t project as much as your dear leader does. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just be your Deplorable selves
@Rich C Lindsey needs Trump for re-election. She’s thrown her integrity (if she had any before) out the window because of that.
@Real M Extracting SCHMEG paste and infected penis hole syrup from greasy foreskin is nothing to be ashamed of?
you only have to look at his eyes to know what he is made of
@Swampy impeach Teump southern inbread takie lunatic racist hill Billy
He only hears what he wants to hear. My way or the highway. Such a dummy. Even when he knows he isn’t supposed to do it, he does it anyway, because it is what he WANTS!!! Height of stupidity.
@William H I just feel bad for all the Trump supporters who were conned. Those that spent money on ‘lock her up’ or ‘i have a great healthcare plan’ merchandise, and all those coal and Carrier workers didn’t deserve to be sh*t on like that.
He has an insatiable need for immediate gratification.
Curunir Stick with the program, Sport. This A-hole is going to be impeached. Got it?
You filthy liberal pigs have nothing and you have failed at everything. You are desperate and hopeless.
Miss Lindsay doesn’t know if she’s coming or going! Silly really. Oh yeah, dumpy trumpy, China ain’t going to do nothing for you – they’re, like the rest of the world, are waiting for you to leave! Idiot!
@William H William H Trump is going to win 2020
Logic B4Religion because Lindsay goes both ways
You mean she is going both ways?
Great job Chris. We need more of this!
@mrt57rn what’s that number now? 10?
His name is Fredo dumb dumb.
mrt57rn hahahahah
TRUMP 2020
I would love CNN to show us more of Primetime. It’s getting increasingly frustrating trying to find Primetime, Maddow etc content on YouTube. I used to be able to spend 2-3 hours per day catching up on these shows, it was important for me because I live outside of the US.
Saiyan Chief
CNN sucks buddy and that’s not my opinion as well as their ratings show it. If you wanna be all but hurt cause Fox has been rated #1 over CNN multiple times and to this day well that’s your fault. Be but hurt idc.. Fact of the matter is CNN has thrown itself in the hole they have dug and we’re slowly covering them up
@1776 educate yourself asap
@1776 I don’t really care for CNN that much. And I could really care less about Fox, which is no doubt, the worst opinionated network on television. I’m not big on the three main sources. Although, CNN is by far the most respectable. I dont let dumbass political bias get in the way of that fact. Fox is to far gone right. MSNBC is too far left. And CNN is as middle pack as you can get out of the three. CUOMO is a damn good reporter.
Btw moron, it’s “butthurt”…. not but hurt. Try educating yourself, rather than throwing bad insults. It’s like Fox, and Trump supporters have no brains at all.. the D- students in class.
Hayden Williams
I have educated myself and found out that I couldn’t believe one word anyone on CNN said
Trumps whole life journey has been corrupt..
Tom Acosta Trump said it himself. ” I love the poorly educated” because that is his base!
@April Valleyvamp no they found over 600 violations. If they went after Hillary she would sing like a bird and half of d.c. would be implicated. And we the people would say why was this covered up so long.
@Rob C Fact is 80% of people incarcerated are h.s. drop outs. Mostly minorities. 70% of ex cons register as a democrat. Notice all the polls regarding how education relating to how they vote. Almost always leave out the h.s. drop voter? It doesn’t fit liberal media agenda.
@The Gaming Hedgie No he was referring to the millions of Obama voters he flipped. What do you have to lose? If he said he hates the uneducated. Then he would have been called a racist as we know minorities and blacks are the real uneducated as They are more likely to drop out and go to prison. It was a got ya question. He had the right answer. They media loves to take things out if context.
Trump was a dirty business man….how can he be anything else as President?
@Cameron McKelvey It’s sad that Mueller wasn’t aware of Trump’s crimes. He’s an actual Federal prosecutor.
Based on what? Some hearsay smear story by left-wing media who couldn’t write a positive report on Trump even if he shat gold into their lap.
R EE Obstruction. That was the first crime for which the DOJ has to drag out to OLC memo for to shield him from.
You’re just being childish. If you actually cared you could simply google crimes trump has committed. Stop asking to be spoon fed though if you don’t care cause now you’re wasting both of our time
@Nikolai Collushnikov It’s sad you didn’t read the damn report. Last I checked, obstruction of justice is a crime, and Mueller laid out several instances of Trump’s behavior likely rising to that standard. Of course, if you had read the report, you would also know why an actual Federal prosecutor couldn’t bring charges against him.
But Trump won’t be President forever. Get back to me on Trump’s innocence when he is no longer protected by his office and a DOJ memo. If the Feds don’t get him, New York will.
Trump is so worried about losing in 2020, that he has tried to extort every foreign adversary of the US to help him win.
@fah q Actually HIllary won by 3 million votes.
(We need to get rid of the electoral college. Did you know it has its histrical roots in slavery and racism? The south wouldn’t join the Revolutionary War against Great Britain if not for the electoral college. It counted slaves as 3/5 vote, even though slaves couldn’t vote, to boost the population of the south, so it was comparable to the bigger population in the north. Born in racism and slavery, it is no surprise that the electoral college has almost always picked a republican in the last century, whenever the voter count was close.) A 3 million vote victory isn’t close; it is statistically significant.
I am enjoying the impeachment process tremendously. I always expcted it to fail in the senate, but maybe it won’t. My hopes were that the impeachment process would expose Trump to the American people for the criminal and traitor he actually is.
Did you notice that fans at the World Series heckled him without a prompter? It was spontaneous and heartfelt. It will turn American against Trump even if the Senate trial lets him off the hook. On the last day of the series a Trump campaign add showed on the screen at the stadium. The crowd booed at the add, too.
Impeachment may fail in the senate because the GOP owns the senate. Come 2020 we will defeat Trump at the polls, and a large part of that will be the impeachment inquiry, and the public following it. Maybe we will even have a democratic majority in the senate. (I would love to see Moscow Mitch lose his senate seat.) Trump’s popularity keeps dropping because he keeps doing criminal, stupid things.
Things are looking good.
@Bryna Waldman let me guess, you’re one of those people that says we need to get rid of trump to protect the constitution.
I bet the point of my statement went right over your head.
I see that you’re an RT subscriber, and also to many other Russian channels, including uploads in Russian.
You wreak of cabbage and vodka, Komrade.
Putin won’t be able to save Trump this time.
Kick rocks, Russian hillbilly.
Chump acquiring Bill Barr empowered him to break the law even more.
@Sonny Tuft its been explained repeatedly.
DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS Yes. The coup has been explained repeatedly. You wouldn’t know though. You’re still stuck to CNN’s tit.
@William H you seem to think it’s ok to be an ugly human being?? and I am not talking about your looks…you have issues with the LGBTQ community??? what have they ever done to you??nothing I bet…and if they beat you up.. judging by your ignorant comments you deserved it…you should direct your anger to those that are trying to destroy your country and the democracy that made it such a great country at one point…these people that are part of the LGBTQ community are NOT ashamed of who they are nor do they care what you think…get over it you ignorant trump parrot…get yourself some help and education and stop acting like a child!!!
Hey China if your listening do you want to get rid of the tariffs help us to get rid of Trump.
Nailed it!!
The swamp is fuller than ever!
It’s Amazing how seamlessly Lindsey Graham switches between his multiple personalities. Someone needs to check his Meds.

Trump must Really have some good Dirt on Lindsey…
@Logic B4Religion
His base of sub humans.
This from a little emasculated effeminate liberal beta male soy boy.
I didn’t vote for Trump. I’ll be glad when he’s out. However, I would not go as far as saying his base is subhuman. Doing this diminishes us all.
There are a lot of really smart people who voted for Trump. Unfortunately, they’re misinformed. They voted for Trump to destroy the system. They knew Trump would be a terrible president. They know they’d hate him as a neighbor. And they know he’s a crook. They were just tired of a do-nothing congress and thirty years of stagnant wages and no improvement in personal situation, so they voted a big “FU” in 2016 to the whole system. Unfortunately, as we now see, we still have a do-nothing congress, and worse — a president who is probably a Russian asset. Impeach, remove, prosecute before that man gets us all killed.
“Too stupid to know it was wrong” is *not* a defense.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden had a Quid Pro Quo when creepy Joe threatened to withhold $1 billion of foreign aid if the Ukraine government didn’t fire that prosecutor. Why is it ok for creepy Joe Biden and Barack Obama to threaten a Quid Pro Quo? That’s a double standard.
You stupid liberal pigs have nothing and you have failed at everything.
Trump may be dumb be he’s not so dumb he doesn’t know that asking for political help from a foreign government isn’t wrong. It’s what formed the entire basis of the Mueller investigation.
The point was repeated almost daily for about 2 years!
He knew, he just didn’t give a f**k.
@Antony Stringfellow You’re just lying. Because you dems have nothing but your lies to lean on. Youre really sad and desperate little resentful and hate filled beta males. President Trump is a winner, and you are a loser. Simple as that.
Leningrad Lindsay is a fool that sold out now we need to vote him out.
Trumptards would buy a used car from “Don the Con” if he had a few for sale.
Liberal Snowflakes would vote for corrupt Hillary knowing full well that she a corrupt piece of garbage.
@Sara Winters But But But HILLARY!….Is that all you got?…..What happened to “Pizzagate” and Benghazi you LOSER?…….Bahahahahahahaha.
@Sara Winters
Hillary is the dumb connoisseurs choice of ammunition for a clown argument.