Commutation Of Roger Stone Is Unconstitutional, Says Law Scholar | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Author and professor Corey Brettschneider joins First Look to discuss his latest piece in The Atlantic on why the commutation of Roger Stone is unconstitutional. Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Commutation Of Roger Stone Is Unconstitutional, Says Law Scholar | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Commutation Of Roger Stone Is Unconstitutional, Says Law Scholar | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Anyone notice that trump’s “hairbeek” is extending farther and farther out as if it’s covering a thinning forehead?

  2. Trump knows he’s going to jail next year, he will try to cheat the election then he’ll try to run to Russia and daddy Putin…

    1. @Brian Ragland Sr. Riding the coattails of Obama’s economic policy. Numbers started to go down AFTER Trump was inaugurated. FACT. Look it up.

  3. “I’m getting rave reviews for what I did.” REALLY?
    Is that why even your fellow Republicans are coming out against it?! And if it were a hoax, why are 2 or 3 of your guys going to prison (or WERE) for lying about it?! Lying about a hoax?!

    1. @Sam Bacon not here to impress you…just stating facts. Since you proceeded to call me a liar. And other people in this thread where posting LIES.

    2. Daniel Burnley did you even look up Rep. Van Drew’s political history? Did you even look at what his policy positions have been since long before he was elected to the US House of Representatives? He was an extremely CONSERVATIVE politician who constantly voted with the Republicans even though he was registered as a Democrat. He consistently voted against Democratic Party platform planks while openly supporting Republican Party policies. His switch from Democrat to Republican isn’t really what you think it is, it’s just a more appropriate political affiliation.

    3. Daniel Burnley no, I didn’t call you a liar. I very clearly said that if you were unwilling to live up to your responsibilities as an adult, then the only logical conclusion would be that you were lying. Since you actually DID fulfill your responsibilities, you obviously weren’t lying, however you misinterpreted the situation.

    4. Daniel Burnley and quite frankly, since you’re incapable of understanding basic concepts, what’s expected of responsible adults, the proper use of the English language, how to conduct basic research, lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, logical thinking and argumentation, and I strongly suspect that you also completely and utterly lack any understanding of US Civics and History, your assessment of who is or isn’t “simple minded” isn’t very credible.

  4. Stone said himself: “I could’ve turned on him (Trump), and it would’ve eased my situation considerably.” He’s CONFIRMING that he has knowledge of the Presidents crimes that he could’ve told!! Obviously not a hoax then!!!

    1. @Ben Dover Hey, could be. We do our own cooking. Even when we use a microwave, it’s for cooking fresh food. Trump wouldn’t want to eat it!! We steam veggies in our microwave! He wouldn’t touch them.

    2. @chuck mcveigh Yes, he is more of a well-known character in BK court than even divorce court, hello Melania!

    3. @Paul Somers much better than the high salt, high sugar diet more and more people seem to be adopting. Though i feel a microwave is a good way to ruin good food. If it is worth having it is worth taking the time to steam it.

  5. But if Obama did that he should go to jail, this White House is so corrupt so wrong and they don’t care about anybody but themselves

    1. Rand Kocher proof, your main man lies on tv every day and makes everything political oh and provide the proof of how Obama’s corrupt exactly? Wait wait wait you said he’s a saint !?!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

    2. bulletsholes it’s been years if he was supposed to be in jail he would be, the annoying Orange however, scandal, xenophobic, hate, lies, don’t care, only to further his own agenda at the hands of millions bounties on us soldiers, his dad Putin I Mean I can go on and on but once he gets out off office he’s going to jail for sure 😂say goodbye before he’s gone for a while

  6. Who thought that electing a Narcissistic sociopath who is a pathological liar to the position of POTUS would be a problem for the United states in a crisis?

    1. I had been bracing myself for a big crisis ever since tRump got elected Sure enough, he screwed it up.

  7. This will continue to happen, his criminals and who ever he likes, won’t face full justice, And if we don’t wont a corrupt leader, someone that fires his own staff for legitimately doing their job, Than Get Your A** Out And VOTE!! Even if you have to stand in line for hours, DO IT!!

    1. @RJE Time to stop trolling ,little one. Now’s the time to try and get a better job and come out of the basement.

    2. @Alex Hamilton Who cares about your kind? You’ll be out of a job soon and then there will no money coming in . Just don’t go asking the government since that is a socialist program. Like cops, firemen, keeping up our roads etc., etc.

  8. “Everyone tells me I’m doing the best job. They say they’ve never seen anything like it. People tell me all the time how they can’t believe only 135,000 have died and only 40 million lost their income. You know lots of people tell me I make the best deals. I negotiated the 100k price on our troops. No one has ever paid that much before for an American soldier. I think I’ve done a perfect job. Just ask Chuck Woolery” – #FailedTrump

    1. Still, the rat is still a criminal. So, if the rat tells you that he didn’t eat the cheese but his mouth smell of Cheddar and there’s a ring of yellow cheese around his mouth – you are going to believe the rat and the “corrupt” fake president? You are a bigger fool than what you look like. Gullibility is your middle name.

    2. Yeah he admitted he lied. Lies about very serious issues. Like julian Assange HF e never even spoke with him . He is attention hog. Caused a award winning journalist to rot in the UK worst prisons. Loosing our freedom of press and freedom of speech. Next freedom of information and then guns. To many of those anyway without mental health care.

    1. @ TerrorMinnow
      Funny, it’s not rich Capitalists that have been terrorizing the country. It’s filthy Little Antifa/BLM Communists. LOL, someone like you talking about rule of law is like a vegetarian talking about hamburgers.

    2. @Hector G. Trump won in 2016 with a multiracial coalition of 29% Hispanics, 8% Blacks, Asians, Gays (watch this, Indians, Native Americans and white (hundreds of thousands who voted for Obama twice). This year that coalition is growing.

  9. When the verse… “As you all know” comes out of Trumps mouth, you know the next part is an outright lie.

    1. @Gene Viève but he has the one job where the truth must be paramount in times of say….a pandemic ! He is the face of this country. Out right lying is a no go zone. Avoiding the question is at least a better path. Which I hate just as much but I understand the need for it to stop Hysteria.

    2. @Gene Viève Not even then. He would have to be mentally CAPABLE of knowing what REALITY IS to begin with and his hallucinations prevent that from occuring

  10. “We’re a nation of laws and the president is beholden to the law”. That train has left the station long ago. Barr says, Trump is above the law. So now you are a nation of flaws.

    1. And all are in the the swamp.. bigger and deeper than it was b4 donkey dumpf promised to empty..

  11. Trump is getting “rave reviews for his commutation of Roger Stone’s sentence”. Not exactly correct, Trump is getting reviews which state that he is raving mad

    1. @JOHN KLINE
      Exactly. The man becomes a Billionaire, becomes POTUS, first try, and these jobless basement dwellers on their laptops are calling him stupid?

    2. You guys are some, the most racist people on earth are white liberals, how day say I’m not black because I’m not gonna kiss the Demon rats ring smh Malcolm x was rite

  12. trump can remember first and last names of every person involved in catching him in the Russia scandal, but he can’t remember being briefed on Russia putting a bounty on American soldiers head!!!

    1. James ג’יימ Ya’aqov
      kind of hard to figure when there was no Russian scandal or briefing on a not proven Russian bounty

    2. @Albin M Nope. Trump has a lot of Faults.
      Everyone does. The sad part is that 95% of the one sided BS you hear in the media is all opinion with either no proof or voters don’t care about it.

  13. All through his babble, I had a vision of someone grabbing his hair and slamming his face into the table like they do in the movies.

  14. At this point I would feel safer if Corona virus held a press conference telling us how its going to save us from Bunker Boy and his cronies

  15. It makes me sick every time the president opens his mouth and lies about the Mueller investigation. When his tax returns comes out we’ll see if he owed Russia 🇷🇺 and if he did its time to lock him up.

    1. lisa gibson
      yeah. It is a bad thing to be a hypochondriac. The funny thing is the Mueller investigation was a waste of time and tax payers money. It proved there was never any Russia collusion. It also proved the Democrat’s would do anything outside the law to get Trump. You do realize that the IRS diligently investigates income taxes? How do you think the Clinton’s
      never got in trouble? Trump will be out of office in 2025 and that will be it LOL

    2. @Alex Hamilton funny how the mueller report was actually so successful that it made a PROFIT from the trump campaign’s criminal funds.

  16. “They found nothing initially”
    Hence the investigation. Imagine mob bosses using that defence.

  17. Sen. Leahy: “Do you believe a president could lawfully issue a pardon in exchange for the recipient’s promise not to incriminate him?” 

    AG Barr: “No. That would be a crime.”

    1. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him. It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.” -Stone; saying the quiet part loud, admitting the very same type of exchange that Barr said would be a crime.

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