CNN's Kyung Lah speaks to conservatives in California's Shasta County where Republicans outnumber Democrats 2-to-1. #CNN #News
Community directs anger towards Republican county leader

CNN's Kyung Lah speaks to conservatives in California's Shasta County where Republicans outnumber Democrats 2-to-1. #CNN #News
Oh man I feel bad for that community. All they are doing is scaring away business investments while the younger generations move away from the crazies.
@Donald Perkins Who’s gonna handle the responsibilities for all of your “rights”? Not you, obviously. Permanently spoiled children is what I see. “Mommie, gimmee my rights! Wahhhh!”. Grow the hell up.
The real danger is that only a minority of Non-Trumpists are tracking our slide into Neo-fascism. This is allowing a corrupt media and a well-funded political apparatus to guide the deluded masses, using lies to fuel political outrage. We must alert our distracted citizenry to the existential threat occurring throughout our country – and oppose it with verifiable facts and massive voting.
@Sal Spencer – It’s your radical Democrats that defunded the police, which is why crime is surging in Democrat cities.
@kelperdude all cities that are run by democrats are very bad.
Dude crime is surging everywhere, yeah especially in your rural meth lab counties all over the country.
Sounds like a stupid town to stay out of.
Sounds like a stupid town to go to.
“We are all born ignorant, but MAGAs must work hard to remain stupid.”
They sure do
no one is going to be stupid enough to click on that link 

Self-own there?!?
Biden does suck, and you voted for him.

– “We’re just called domestic terrorists because we’re passionate.”
– “We know where you live, we know your kid’s name, we know your dog’s name.”
– “I believe the only way to fight this is with an armed confrontation.”
The lack of self awareness and relentless stupidity knows no bounds.
@Leaving YouTube.Moving to rumble sounds good to me.
@James T Cat Cato
Sorry but Texas isn’t our country, Texas is Texas.
@Oggsmash99 probably, but for entertainement I prefer sports.
When people tell you who they are believe them
In a semi-democratic society where there is ubiquitous access to credible information, the masses, in the aggregate, get exactly what they deserve. Looks like the people of Shasta County have self-selected thugism as a governance paradigm. Wish’em well and boycott Shasta County.
Personally, I chose to wear a mask and got vaccinated purely for political reasons. It had nothing to do with science.
Unfortunately, representative government does.
Isn’t that where a bunch of drugs have been grown and processed for a hundred years and people have gone missing there over and over and over again.
“Just because you’re passionate doesn’t make you a terrorist.”
Me: Being dumb, loud and violent does.
All they’re doing is laying down the foundation for their own demise. Who’s going to want to invest in a community run by nut jobs? Who’s going to visit a county where opposing views are confronted with violence?
That happens all the time on media and campuses to people who dont follow leftist ideology.
@Richard Horn George Washington made all his troops take vaccines. It was their patriot duty. Are you vaccinated?
@caroline gooder my vaccination status is not your business but I appreciate you asking. The History has been changed. I can only find what your saying on digitally written articles and nothing from books hand written so I don’t believe a damn word of it. I know Washington would have shoved a mask so far up Gavin Newsom arse he would not be able to eat solid food so I don’t believe before the virus was even discovered. Nice try
@caroline gooder and you were spot on with how many people the US would evacuate from Afghanistan…the skydivers couldn’t even make the flights
@Richard Horn Library of Congress and group Ladies of Mount Vernon have the original paper.
Omg when does the insanity stop…… these people need to spend time in a country that has no freedom, then maybe they’d know how lucky they are. Truly selfish and disgusting
Or time in a country with a lot of “freedom”. Let’s see how long they last in Somalia that has little/no govt
@EdOne21 Oh I’d LOVE to see that movie. Or a reality show with Marjorie Green Margarine swopping countries with a North Korean. But seriously, Americans can learn a lot from people who remember the time before democracy came to their country.
This video is about Shasta county in Northern california, I lived there for about 6 years. I moved away in 1993, fortunately long before these nuts started taking over.
Being loud and disruptive sets you back, not forward.
You are right you should be banned.
They won an election, so that gives them a platform. We can’t ignore them and hope they go away.
Sure, but ignoring them won’t make them go away.
This is what happens when our laws are not enforced. Criminal behavior is emboldened, made stronger.
Remember: trump will never spend a day in prison because America has a two-tiered Justice System.
@Sunset Palms don’t you find it funny that the most investigated man in history, and the people that have investigated him, have not found anything to charge him with. Keep up the establishment lies. There was a time that liberals stood up for working people. No longer now they view workers as terrorists, for wanting their constitutional rights. This includes the divider in chief biden.
@Donald Perkins Well, you are right about approximately 70% of Americans. That many don’t need a babysitter because they act like civil adults and do the right thing for the people around them and themselves. Some people are just ignorant and that is why we have laws at all.
@Sunset Palms well that also goes from Bidens son, Hillary and more though too. A lot more that goes on in background than we know.
@Donald Perkins very well said 100% agree
Threats of political violence.
See Also: Domestic Terrorism.
i am always amazed at how fast fascism spreads and grows…until those who wanted it…become the victims of their own actions!
A lot of uneducated people love the idea of a autocrat or dictator until they step out of line in any way and face the consequences, these people think they’ll never face consequences for their violent rhetoric…
First of all facism is government and business colluding and dictating to the public. I don’t believe this guy is a government or business. However fascist biden is colluding with business to silence dissenting views. The real fascist.
Maybe we should start a “Let’s Go Darwin” movement.
Na..don’t have the same beautiful ring as LETS GO BRANDON!!
Seriously some people have absolutely lost their minds! They want a 1 party fascist state until they get it! Please take care!
When you grow up to be an adult, you learn that there are different thoughts about the same thing. If your thought isn’t agreed with, you try to learn. If you can’t take not being right all the time, that’s childish. Children with guns are criminal.
“They like to call us domestic terrorists because we’re passionate.” No, it’s because you’re more than willing to use threats of violence to try to get your way.
@Donald Perkins I have never said anything that I didn’t mean. I think before I speak.
CNN you have lied so much that anything you say thats controversial is cast aside …Can’t but back your integrity..Its priceless ..sorry
@Lunar Wuffy They burned and looted instead to get their way.
Yea just like all the terrorist in all the us city’s burning buildings to the ground and looting everything in site. But these guys are “terrorist”
Carlos needs to be watched by the fbi. Funny how he supports a party that would deport him based on his name alone if they could.
When you see someone making threats of physical violence you have to deal with it quickly and decisively!!! You cannot wish it away.