Commission On Pres. Debates Co-Chairman Discusses New Rules For Final Debate | Ayman Mohyeldin

Co-chairman of the Commission for Presidential Debates Frank Fahrenkopf discusses the decision to further enforce rules for the final presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden and claims they are "in the best interest of the American people." Aired on 10/20/2020.
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Commission On Pres. Debates Co-Chairman Discusses New Rules For Final Debate | Ayman Mohyeldin


    1. @Lennard Kahn LMAO A Fox News Report is your evidence. Ill be selling brain surgeries for half off if your interested.

  1. Its an international embarrassment that your Bully in Chief needs to be muted … Trump makes the US look ridiculous …

    1. @foxy brown That dumb god is responsible for The Flood. It was the worst sentence and verdict in legal history.

    2. Following his maniacal outburst calling the press “Dozy Bar-Stewards” was confirmation he’s completely lost the plot. How on Earth is that behaviour acceptable by a President ?
      Chuck him out, for the sake of Global Security. He’s a Lunatic !!

    1. @allen benjamin Remember how reliably the cones of silence worked? May his microphone work just as reliably.

    1. Trump was the only one doing that consistently though, most times Biden interrupted Trump was to get him to shut up so he could actually have the time alotted.

    1. @Patrick Again, you swallow a lie about 200K COVID deaths that are in fact NOT CAUSED BY COVID, but deaths ‘WITH COVID.’ These ‘deaths’ exploded because, with dramatically increased testing, we now know vastly more people contract COVID than originally thought. Most have little if any symptoms and almost 100% survive below the age of 70 years old, while 95% of those above 70 survive. The lying media hide the only pertinent information (Survival rates).
      Below is a quick summary of the CDC COVID-19 Survival Rates.
      Age 0-19 — 99.997%
      Age 20-49 — 99.98%
      Age 50-69 — 99.5%
      Age 70+ — 94.6%

    2. What America needs in more unemployed career politicians. Thank God for Trump he created the strongest worldwide economy the envy of the west, the highest employment rate in 50 years, amongst Blacks Hispanics and Asians with the highest wages. He rebuilt the strongest military force globally.He neutralised Nrth Korea. A peace deal signed between Israel and their Arab Neighbours, that no other president could achieve. Acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capital. Stopped endless American wars, derailed the swamp`s gravy train.Built a wall all in his first term in Office. That`s why he will win by a landslide victory because the silent majority are with him. This time he will make the economy even stronger. If it takes a showman to deliver not a politician then so be it.

  2. 72 vs 22 times is a big difference. The only reason Biden interrupted Trump is because he was tired of the foolishness. Lets be real the mute button is a result of Trump.

    1. @Willy Win Why would he ? He’s intelligent enough to know that it had already been investigated (while trump was in office mind you) & found to be proven a false story that trump & the rest of his corrupt cronies created. Guess you forgot that it was trump who was found trying to blackmail the leader of another country into backing up trump’s fake allegations. Remember that little messy thing called “trump’s impeachment” ? LMAO

    2. @Willy Win The CPD is run by a Board of Directors consisting of 9 people, *two of which happen to be former REPUBLICAN Senators* who retired from office years before Trump even ran for office in 2016.
      Let’s see there’s a ‘Reverend’ and a former News Anchor; a lawyer and a banker and three other Businessmen (and Lady, lol), 1 at least I believe runs a NON-profit. I don’t see how this group would be ‘protecting’ Biden.

    3. @Willy Win 🤙 it’ll never happen these debates are all in the bag for the Democrats any Common Sense thinking person knows.
      I’m thinking letting Biden go for 2 minutes might be a mistake…
      One question is there a mute button on the moderator so she can’t bail out stumbling bumbling Joe.

    4. @A mad scientist called Snowflake c what Trump has done. Wilie nit wit don’t recognize a gentleman (Biden) when he sees one.

    1. Anybody who is still supporting this train wreck of a Presidency is in a cult, where it doesn’t matter WHAT he does their like ,…. DUH , OK…. WE’RE American your not. Like – reporters , woman , protesters, ethnicities, political parties that don’t agree with me…………..

    1. @Rocky Comet
      all comets have a ‘coma’ a cloud of dust and rubbish – you are clearly in one
      ….or a perhaps a fugue state…

  3. What was Biden supposed to do after trump kept interrupting, trying to bully him, attacking his children. I wish they would have made him explain right there on the spot why did he say stand up and stand by, and who was he exactly speaking to, stand by for what. We all know, but I would still like to have heard him lie about what he meant.

    1. @Rebecca Trump only shows certain Fox staff to interview him. This are the ones who blindly follow and sorry him. They are the ones who, even they ask him a question, actually help him answer those questions. That’s who Trump wants to interview him, pro who agree with him.

    2. @Youtube Viewer Trump is in bed with the worst of humanity. The proud boys, he told them to “stand back and stand by”. He has plans for them to protect him when he loses and refused to leave. It’ll be great to see them mowed down by the military and funny to see Trump removed in handcuffs.

  4. Donald tRump is known for breaking all rules, norms & decencies so it was imperative that the debates co-chairman had to toughen up the rules against someone like tRump!

    1. @Karl Foster After 4 years, you’re still saying that. Thanks for admitting that Trump has failed on that campaign promise. Let it sink in.

  5. President “Karen” is already whining about not being able to talk over someone else like the bully he is.

    1. What America needs in more unemployed career politicians. Thank God for Trump he created the strongest worldwide economy the envy of the west, the highest employment rate in 50 years, amongst Blacks Hispanics and Asians with the highest wages. He rebuilt the strongest military force globally.He neutralised Nrth Korea. A peace deal signed between Israel and their Arab Neighbours, that no other president could achieve. Acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capital. Stopped endless American wars, derailed the swamp`s gravy train.Built a wall all in his first term in Office. That`s why he will win by a landslide victory because the silent majority are with him. This time he will make the economy even stronger. If it takes a showman to deliver not a politician then so be it.

  6. The reason he cant swing the suburban woman to vote for him is that whenever he starts talking rubbish & calling his opponent names they just want to put him on the naughty step or tell him off..trump is a crybaby & women dont want a child as a potus

    1. Men with half a lick of sense don’t want a child in the oval office either, but alas Republicanism seems to induce childish behavior, so perhaps they see themselves in his behavior?

      Certainly for all Bush jr’s faults he was still a serious man clearly trying to do well, and at least cared – this is just horrific to watch by comparison.

    2. Else crazy elsewhere, we`re fully stocked up here. We are at a crossroads in world history, Capitalism or Communism. Trump he will win by a landslide victory because the silent majority of Americans are with him.

    3. Looks like that fell on deaf ears Leonard. There’s something really soothing about the sound of silence, not having to listen to the 🍊”would be king” will be a miracle to behold.
      Peace ✌️ out.

    1. I don`t blame Trump, he has such patience with Joe Biden. 47 years in congress achieved nothing, other than enrich himself and his family.

  7. Trump will be screaming conspiracy theories across the stage while his mic is off. It’s going to be hilarious.

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