Marking a national day of observance to commemorate those who died due to COVID-19, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says March 11, 2020 will be remembered as the day when life in Canada changed.
Delivering a speech in the House of Commons on Thursday, Trudeau said in a "heartbreaking" year with much loss, Canadians have showed persistence, solidarity, and compassion.
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Every Canadian should sue the government for their handling of this virus problem and still we have homelessness….?
It’s about control. This gov. Are committing crimes against humanity.
You can’t they signed a bill awhile
Ago saying they can’t be sued for anything to do with covid 19 problems
@james harlow comvenient eh.
Sue for what??
@kelly mitch no they have there own thing government passed a law for themselves protecting government from any lawsuits
When will we have the commemoration for all those who have died from untreated heart disease, cancer and mental health?
@Ghazi Abu-dayyeh What you did was ‘moving the goalposts’.
The op responded to the notion that we need to commemorate the huge numbers of deaths in Canada, and responded with OTHER causes of deaths that go unmentioned.
Then YOU moved the goalposts and made it an argument of what is contagious or not.
Try again.
@Ghazi Abu-dayyeh No but you are!!!
Simple cure: eat less meat
@Ghazi Abu-dayyeh so they don’t matter then ? You are very insensitive
Covid cured heart disease dummy
Trudeau and O’toole can go sit in syrup.
@Alica Wind Better than Castro’s son.
@Mark Smith Well, if you want to, go ahead. It’s your vote.
oh ya eh!
Syrup doesnt deserve that….
All a dog and pony show … obviously all of them are feeding from the same trough
This Guy is so sad !
He’s a MK Ultra victim / asset. He doesn’t have control.
He is a sadist
The amount of his corruption does not make him looks like a mk ultra victim at all
He is destroying Canada
I can’t even stand his voice
No kidding. The sight of him makes me ill too.
Too moistly for me.
Such a phony.
Such a phony.
Yet here you are – whining.
3rd 4th wave is coming now and I said that over a year ago .. this will never end !
It’s not meant to … til the world either embraces fascism or stops cooperating with their enslavement…
@Edward Faris Exactly!
Nope it won’t
Once they realized they could do it for 2 weeks they figured it’ll work forever
The pandemic didn’t start last year today, it took the government 3 months to figure it out that just in.
Wonder what they are planning next.
More made up taxes more scare tactics, and create more racism and division, Typical liberal play book
Canadian’s will remember the incompetence and naivety of a government unprepared for such a crises. Trudeau and Dr Tam should accept responsibility for their shambolic early response which allowed the virus easy access to Canada
And that sad part is Dr. Tam was a coauthor of a report highlighting Canada’s failings of the original SARS pandemic. She should have known better but chose to do the politically correct thing rather than the medically correct thing that would’ve saved Canadians lives and businesses
” it’s racist ” I’ll never forget
It’s because they let it happen so they could attempt to exert this new level of control.
@j2simpso stop being racist.
This is strange, never had nation commemoration for the flu before
He just loves to waste money. Period.
@Tamara Taylor waste?!?! I thought he blatantly stole tax money?
Anything for an emotional sob fest to show how empathetic they are. In reality, Trudeau hates Canadians and proves it every day.
any title with Trudeau in it has like 1000-1 dislikes to likes
Weather is well in canada today comrades!
History in the making!!! A memorial for victims of the flu. About the same as every other year in history. Amazing!!
yo Whats it like being in 1st grade??
@knoxiscool even worse imo. 1st graders are smarter!
@knoxiscool Ask Blackface. That’s the one grade it actually finished, it did take he/she two try’s tho. But it did finish
@Z M You’re offended over a Halloween costume?
@knoxiscool I’m not offended, are you offended?
What happened to the Military Olympics in 2019 in WUHAN? Lets talk about that
The day the Trudeau government utilize the Canadian military as a dispersal system For the Covid bio weapon!
Wait what happened?
@Sheckle Silvergoysteinchildberg Yup
Canadian mainstream won’t ever show the truth. I try to post as many vids as I can. This country is toast.
What about the commemoration for those who died from lack of health care, suicide and anxiety due to the manditory lock downs and c0vid restrictions?
Those are included in the Covid statistics.
@Drunk Viggo Of course. No one mentions that the ICUS are used by those suffering respiratory illness from years of cigarette smoking, who (may) have contracted covid19 being in a high-risk group, and having their deaths pad covid19 numbers.
Dont forget depression, limiting rights and freedoms, alcohol and drug use/addiction increase.
No doubt
Canadian military members arrive back in Canada sept 2019 who had flu/Wuhan Virus symptoms and Derek Zoolander and the military hid it form Canadians
Owen fan ?
True story but XiBC listeners never heard it.
*oct 2019 wuhan military games
Oh no, I just can’t listen to him , nope!
Blah blah blah disgusting

Can we also take the time to remember the lives lost to suicide over mass unemployment?
And overdoes from cerb checks being handed out to drug addicts living on the streets.
When will they commemorate those kids who killed themselves due to isolation and despair because of the government imposed lockdown?
He wants death, look how excited he is to use these “covid deaths” to seize power and indebt the nation.
Ok 30 seconds in and I’m signing off now.