The Azovstal iron and steel plant in Mariupol, Ukraine is sheltering hundreds of military personnel and citizens and is the last stand in this city. Major Serhiy Volyna, Commander of Ukraine's 36th Separate Marine Brigade gives an update from the inside. #CNN #News
Commander inside steel plant surrounded by Russian troops speaks to CNN

How many times in History do the most desperate stands seem to fall to those formations calling themselves ‘Marines.’ It’s true, certainly, of the USMC and seems to be equally true of their Ukrainian Marines: you’ll never find a more ferocious foe nor a better friend than a Marine.
@Lamar Smith Lots of truth in the fact that war generates hatred on a scale most people can’t even comprehend. What I found shocking was listening to the people that were interviewed in Mariupol and their hatred and fear towards their so-called defenders. They told of being targeted by Ukrainian snipers and parking tanks and howitzers near civilian apartment buildings and hospitals. And very disturbing images of a woman that had been tortured and killed in one of their hideouts. Then in a rare CNN correspondent front line visit with Ukrainian police around the North west of the city, the people were too afraid of them to leave their basements and come out for food. Wow. But in other footage, people came out weeping and hugging Russian soldiers that brought them water and food and some were killed trying to do this humanitarian deed. Truth is an eye opening experience when one knows nothing but lies and deception. One has to go looking for the other side of the story and ask themselves, “why are we not hearing more from the people of Mariupol?” Why are we just getting reports from someone in a basement somewhere that could even be filmed in Poland for all we know? There are independents not many but some reporting from there. Even Chechen TV has many hours of interviews and actions that if one is wise enough can easily discern what is going on. We are being groomed to misunderstand this conflict and hate Russia like a fashion statement. I had enough of that over the last two years.
Liberty In Peril Hey, can you help me? There’s something I’ve been wondering for quite some time, decades, actually, that I think you might be uniquely qualified to answer. From the time of the czars, through Soviet times up to today, in account after account after account there is an underlying obsession, a mania, if you will, of Russian leaders and the Russian people of desperately wanting to be perceived as a ‘Great Power.’ Putin ponders little else, apparently, and I’m completely fine with that. Seriously. You want to be a ‘Great Power,’ great, seems a noble enough goal. Be the best you you can be, individually and collectively. The part I just don’t get, though, is how little you work to do the very things, in today’s world, that make this or that ‘Power’ great. It really feels like you want the title, you want to sit at the Great Power dinner and behave like Stalin did at table. You want to tear off chunks of your dinner roll and chuck it at whoever displeased you that day and curse and swear at them like a nekulturny potato farmer with irritable bowel syndrome. You want the title ‘Great Power’ but refuse to act like one. I’ve heard that you want the tile of ‘Great Power’ because you want the respect ‘Great Powers’ receive. You’re the Revolutionary-era commissar wearing a bra on his head to keep his ears warm trying to convince the world how sophisticated you are. Russia wants respect without even trying to behave in a respect-worthy manner. I think you’d be both happier and more comfortable if you gave up at least one of those goals. If you want to behave as a barbarian nation, then just do that and stop torturing yourself chasing respectability leaving a landscape of your victims in your wake. If you want respect, want to be seen as a ‘Great Power,’ then put your big boy pants on and act like one. You’ll have to stop shelling other people indiscriminately, of course. Out with the systematic raping and mindless torturing, as well. Let’s face it, judging by your actions you’re never happier ruining everyone else’s life while not doing too much for your own. Russians positively love to shell indiscriminately, same with your soldiers raping. You love to do it and, honestly, you’re good at it. Those just don’t and won’t ever add up to ‘Great Power.’ Either be comfortable with what you are or become who you say you aspire to be. You can’t have both. Sorry.
I pray for God’s mercy on these brave people with all wounded, hungry people and children.
@гена генов I don’t guess you are Russian-Putin has ordered the Russians not to discuss the military operation. Get used to obeying Putin, or his successor. ( just for practice)
@HHHPPP8 Are you agreeable to tell us where you are? Russia is a large enough country. Why don’t you want to live there? Is it because you like online chat? Enjoy your freedom until Putin comes for your contraband device. I saw him today in video. He is even sicker than last seen. People wonder, Parkinson’s disease , or thyroid cancer? Napoleon was poisoned slowly.
@E H once you surrender or get cought alive you out of the fight the money goes to the next Commander who take your spot,,,lots of western money for who is willing to fight.
@Judy Tullos Putin is dying but joe Biden is epitome of health and wellness
Its so easy to say stand firm when you are sitting in a comfy chair at home. Id like to say take care, but that doesnt seem enough or right. We constantly think of you and pray you ALL get out safely.
@Don Poe you are outnumbered more than 10 to 1. Save your breath
You sound so heroic Barbara. The reality is those 800 million $ a day weapons lease from U.S aid, are not free !. Ukraine is one of the poorest country over europe. Ukraine people themselves will have what 10 genertaions of debts ? SAD
Yes praying everyday several times a day for safety
Constant prayer and thoughts to the very brave people, and poor animals of the Ukraine, being caught up in this senseless cruel barbaric war.
from Namibia.

IF you are a believer in any heavenly entity – immediately send all your personal angels to the needed spot. And get everyone you know to do the same. Even if you don’t believe – just do it. You will feel a whole lot better for having done so. And, who knows, perhaps you can be a part of Good overcoming Evil in a totally unexpected way. It’s worth a shot (no pun intended) Godspeed.
Susan Fanoe, you’re a true human
Salute to these patriotic warriors!
@Mr 28 you will be crushed just the nazis were crushed in ww2 slava mother russia
It’s unspeakable what these people are going thru. Seeing them and their conditions first hand is important. Getting them out should be first priority in this world. Sadly, the free press getting these images out may be the only way to awaken the conscience of this world. I’m asking my American government to do what’s morally right and help in whatever way is needed. These are helpless, breathing human beings who need the help of other good human beings.
@Anjou to reach mars for the Usa is infinitely easier than for Ukraine to defeat the country with the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world, Russia, which is IMPOSSIBLE
@The Pinaysteader No…the soldiers have been given many chances to surrender and to let their families (who have been there with them) leave. These soldiers don’t want that though. They want a humanitarian corridor set up so that they will not be taken as prisoners of war. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to be taken prisoner either but they are soldiers and I would much rather be taken as a POW so that my wife and kids can be taken to safety and able to live. They are being very selfish making their families go down with them in the end.
@Audrius A You will be paid for by your arms industry? Hypocrisy yet pontificating!
Wow great interview my prayers go out to these people. I hope they are lead in the direction of Ukraine. How sad this should not be allowed to happen ever!!!
@Easy Money Go look first then call it as you see it. But you obviously haven’t done your research yet.
@Liberty In Peril All you do is parrot the same old propaganda no one believes. The same old lies over and over.
@Easy Money Go see for yourself, stop trolling here and go do some research. Maybe try some Patrick Lancaster videos? Don’t worry about me, I avoid propaganda like the plague; that’s why I criticize these strange headliners that contradict what is actually happening. You need to put in some time now, your turn to learn. Learn to ask questions, like why the hell would anyone stay underground when they can and have been encouraged for over a week to leave peacefully? Are they even there? The civilians in Mariupol don’t even like these people, why would they camp out underground with them when they can leave? How did they get there? At gun point? Why do the Russian speaking people nearly 90% that live in that area call Azov Nazis? There’s lots of question you need answers to before you are fit to judge anyone.
How can CNN possibly justify announcing a possible rescue operation ? This is irresponsible at best.
Because… it would already have been known?
I suspect that efforts to extract these people would be a forgone conclusion to the enemy. There were no details provided here.
Feel so sorry for these civilience.
Hope there Will Come a safe way to escape that hell.
Why are civilians held up there? They are using civilians as a shield.
There are no civilians there unless they are hostages. A corridor for safe evacuation has been held open for them for over a week. Why would any decent person not allow civilians the chance to walk out? Think about that.
Praying continually for those stuck in Mariupol for a safe escape and for their needs. My heart goes out to these people!
@Harold de Kock kkk.. neo-Nazi
IF you are a believer in any heavenly entity – immediately send all your personal angels to the needed spot. And get everyone you know to do the same. Even if you don’t believe – just do it. You will feel a whole lot better for having done so. And, who knows, perhaps you can be a part of Good overcoming Evil in a totally unexpected way. It’s worth a shot (no pun intended) Godspeed.
@Mwamba Kakudji – Sheep
“Those who have a desire to take my life put nets for me; those who are designing my destruction say evil things against me… come quickly to give me help, O Lord, my salvation” – Bible.

Prayer God bless all of you

A nem
IF you are a believer in any heavenly entity – immediately send all your personal angels to the needed spot. And get everyone you know to do the same. Even if you don’t believe – just do it. You will feel a whole lot better for having done so. And, who knows, perhaps you can be a part of Good overcoming Evil in a totally unexpected way. It’s worth a shot (no pun intended) Godspeed.
I only wonder how these guys have managed to survive for that long time without treatment, without food, and weapons, +how do they cherge
in tunnels?! Its a big miracle of GOD 

@Gary Williams Damn right.
engaging God in service of AZOV nazies is insane nonsense
IF you are a believer in any heavenly entity – immediately send all your personal angels to the needed spot. And get everyone you know to do the same. Even if you don’t believe – just do it. You will feel a whole lot better for having done so. And, who knows, perhaps you can be a part of Good overcoming Evil in a totally unexpected way. It’s worth a shot (no pun intended) Godspeed.
@Gary Williams do you have some way of proving God doesn’t exist?
Praying for all of them too get out safe
Let’s go Sharon!

IF you are a believer in any heavenly entity – immediately send all your personal angels to the needed spot. And get everyone you know to do the same. Even if you don’t believe – just do it. You will feel a whole lot better for having done so. And, who knows, perhaps you can be a part of Good overcoming Evil in a totally unexpected way. It’s worth a shot (no pun intended) Godspeed.
Your govt started it! They are pawns!!
They’re in my prayers 24/7. Slava Ukraine
You basically saved them
The problem is showing on is face every day ,, keep holding my brother love to you from Jamaica


God bless those people I hope they make it

They are free to surrender at any moment. So, what’s there to do staying in those tunnels? And why force civilians to remain when they can walk out and be fed and housed?
@through put Actually, the American people were appalled about the abuses at Guantanamo Bay. There was an uproar about it and the perpetrators were exposed and fired, I believe some of them were found guilty and imprisoned. The fact is, at least in America there are avenues for the people to find out about abuses such as that, whereas in Russia people are lied to about how Russia is flattening cities and systematically raping and torturing civilians.
Greetings to Serhiy Voluna and his soldiers, keep your heads up stay strong!


1 Cheeba Cheeo Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Praying for the safety of all in the steel plant. Ukraine will get through this!
Praying for you all, God bless Ukraine ♥️
Those people in Ukraine are sacrificing their lives so that we, in the rest of the world, can live comfortably. If there was no Ukrainian frontline and defense, Poutine would have returned the world to a darker past, if not worse.
I realize here, working at the polish-ukr border , that after so many decades without war on a continent ( in most of western countries by the same token) that had always been submitted to one, that the younger generations have become softer and softer to the point that I wonder if they would have sustained the violence inflicted by Russia to Ukraine.
That is why I stated my point above