Former FBI Director James Comey joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the Capitol Hill riots, which he calls a "horrific failure" from a security standpoint that will need a 9/11 commission style review, as well as security ahead of inauguration day. Aired on 01/15/2021.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#JamesComey #CapitolHill #MSNBC
Comey: 'Horrific Failure' To Protect Capitol Hill | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Comey you are the reason this all started. Trump took your lead and made it worse but you are culpable and yes… Horrific Failure. Next time listen to your wife but if you think you were not part of the problem then you need to talk with your wife.
Now we know the wife is the brains of that family…
Trump shouldn’t be allowed to pardon another soul
Do people really believe that Trump wouldn’t have used his rioters, in order to stay president? That’s why he sent them.
@Tim Smith Right on Tim the voice of a Lion… Truth will win keep the faith brother
we are going to watch swift precise action unfold very soon
@Tim Smith Awake and can see the truth , right on!
@Jim H was wild….. did not say get wild…. many supporters stopped antifa outside
@Joshua Shorter Where is the words violence in that? Are you people even coherent?
@Jim H I’ve been to wild parties but it didn’t mean violent! Quit making up your own narritive! It’s a lie!
A black officer defending democracy from the attack of privileged white insurrection! How ironic!

Let mr Goodman do something wrong in the future he will get his wake up call
Thx Capt Obvious
That colored officer deserves a medal of honor for what he did .he could have been killed..every single person that was in that building needs to be in prison for the rest of their life. and charged with murder of that one officer was killed manslaughter.
@Karen Lee I heard Congress has put up the motion of awarding Officer Goodman the Congressional Gold Star, one of the highest awards a person can receive.
@Sapphire Star definitely that brave man needs a medal of honor he was willing to risk his life to save other people
J’accuse – I accuse – Donald J Trump of:
Inciting the mob that stormed the Capitol
Feel free to add.
I do add
@Candida prout but what?
@Emilio Maspero j accuse. You know what. If you asked me means you know. Me I just say “j accuse” et j y reste. Be well and safe all of you
The guy with the roadkill on his head, hides his spear, with the flag, which kind of says it all.
If those marauders were intelligent and planned enough, they could’ve killed dozens of officials. The luck of these insurrectionists being inept won’t be there the next time.
Same for Trump. The next fascist won’t be such a dolt.
Thankfully all that diaper donnie touches is doomed for failure. That does NOT mean he hasn’t and won’t cause harm. But he will fail in the end.
Have you watched any of the actual full footage or just what the propagandists show you?
@C A I watched Samsung’s event fully. I know all about those little propagandists out there. Thx
Joe Biden should NEVER pardon Trump.
I did be deeply angered and offended if Biden pardons that orange evil thing.
@Lee 4 years of pardons for his criminal fat ___.
Biden will leave that to the Congress.
@Robert Nguyen I understand what you’re saying and why it might happen. If there were even a 1% chance of this happening, I would hope a full on conversation with the American ppl would happen first straight from Biden.
Even then, I’m on the fence about this creating or destroying peace.
MAGA is not moved by acts of compassion, nor is Trumps social presence weakened by him roaming free.
And all this 1% is assuming our government and justice system works and we’ve seen the track record of many in congress even after the riot…
@Lee Republicans (exRepublican here) may reject such violence but MAGA doesn’t. So wether Trump intended a riot or not, he created MAGA. Reveled in it in fact, and MAGA listens to ONLY HIM somehow. So follow the trail…
To your credit though, media has been lying to all of us. Not usually “lying” but twisting facts to play to their audience or agenda. Thing is every single one has been guilty of that. Some more than others. Some intentional for profit and others because they feel righteousness.
Before this I mostly trusted PBS and because of their track record, I still do, but the bias is always evident. But who am I kidding… with a president like Trump, some have a right to be bias for or against. He’s a polarizing individual as that’s what’s going on in our nation now.
We have members of Congress that we know are anti democracy. They literally assisted this sedition. If we do not find a way to cut out this malignancy we are doomed.
Why does he think people can heal without justice? This is a serious crime, and people died. How can he say that?
@Aluminum Marsupial FBI, here’s one…
War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Terror, War on Racism.. We’ve seen this made for TV special before.
@Mike Peng Hillary was political poison. Clearly a war criminal in Libya and Syria who also supported the illegal 2007 coup in Honduras. But, let me guess you’re morally outraged by the mob? C’mon. This isn’t multiple choice. Notice she was quiet as a church mouse during the election. Let’s hope it stays that way.
@Dallas Texans 1952 it’s 2021. Maybe you haven’t heard. Still butthurt about Hillary in some way? You probably should see somebody about that.
Just remember Jame Comey help give raise to Trump stupidity in America.
ad hominem
Source please…
This bot needs a grammar and spelling checker, I have one on GitHub, go get it.
Exactly! He’s a large part of the reason we are in this situation today.
@D T
Trump is the reason, we are in this situation today. Comey did the wrong thing, but in good faith. Trump did not do anything ever in good faith his entire life.
That whole family except Mary has no shame.
Neither does the Beijing Biden Crime Family including mastermind Dr. Jill Biden.
@Lawrence Harris Trump lied to you
We don’t want to “head hunt or take anyone’s jobs”???? OH YES WE DO!! Wtf is wrong w this guy?????
Remember when a Bernie supporter shot up a Republican baseball game and shot Steve Scalise?
Where were you people then?!
@Crimdor that’s f#%king ridiculous, I’m sorry. No leftist of good moral standing would have ever done that, let alone do that in _Bernie’s name._ Seriously, that’s cartoonishly outlandish, and nothing but a lie.
And I hate to break this to you, but you’re commenting on an *MSNBC* video. This is not where Bernie supporters, progressives, or really _anyone_ on the broad left hangs out. This is simply not where leftists get their news, because of the strong, and untenable pro-corporate, pro-establishment bias present in every slot, and in every anchor. I guess you’re lucky I just happened to be strolling by to educate you on that!
You don’t want to just make a scapegoat of someone but if you find someone that maliciously failed to act or acted to HELP the terrorists. Then yes need to put in jail.
Zachary Fluke – well it happened princess.
Facts are facts.
@Crimdor Same place we were when a nutjob shot Gabby Giffords. Wondering why unstable people are allowed to carry guns.
Not Prosecuting the Terrorist Leader who Incited the Mob is even Dangerous.
and all his enablers
Just get the Impeachment done. That takes him out
Can you imagine after ww2 if they would have just done this? Let them all go like it was nothing?
I’m so confused by all this tbh.
Justice matters. Why should we allow him and his followers to just walk away
Why aren’t there any surveillance camera inside and outside the Capitol Hill?
And body cameras on the cops.
When the leader of the Republican party is Guilty of Insurrection, then his Entire Party has to go. Dissolve the Republican party Today!!
If the senate convicts him, can‘t they void his pardons, too?
Republican lies and right wing media are literally killing us
I wish.
Comey: “the many crimes of Donald Trump”