Kelly Bachman, the comedian who confronted Harvey Weinstein at a comedy club in New York, speaks to CNN's Ana Cabrera about her experience. #CNN #News
Comedian who confronted Harvey Weinstein recalls ‘surreal’ encounter

Kelly Bachman, the comedian who confronted Harvey Weinstein at a comedy club in New York, speaks to CNN's Ana Cabrera about her experience. #CNN #News
Ms Zoe Stuckless and Ms Bachman have my respect and admiration. Too many remain silent. That took courage and integrity.
These UNFUNNY FEMALE COMEDIANS are just making a SPECTACLE because they know its FREE PUBLICITY for them…. After all they can’t even tell FUNNY JOKES, so this is their only path to FAME.
@The Great Anointed Lord Trump. He deserves to live out his days in a women’s jail after having his balls and penis removed. Being the plaything of the female bullies in there.
That’s what he deserves.
She just looked like a hysterical lunatic, then got booed off stage which was hilarious!
@davids11131113 2 separate women, moron.
I can’t believe they booed that comedian even though they could if they wanted to. But that is unbelievable they did, how low where those people too boo her. Both those women the comedian and the other woman had every right to do and say what they won’t too. Those women there where not hurting anyone by standing up for them selfs. Come on, Weinstein, I mean for god sakes no one on the planet can honestly think this guy is not guilty. We all no Weinstein you did these things to these woman own it man.
@sativa shiva you understand how sexist your statement is?
@Anonymous Person you re sick! mentally very sick!
@sativa shiva Most men aren’t Indians.
Women comedians suck all they do is talk about their vag and how they once got raped.
How is this creep, still walking freely around?
@adamtzsch Epstein and Weinstein were big Hillary supporters.
He gave a lot of money to the Clinton’s and Obama’s. Just look at Jussie Smollett, a liar but again, great friends with the Obama’s, Kamala Harris, & Cory Booker.
Nikolai Collushnikov
More words of “wisdom”? What a fucking joke
Really because it’s truly that difficult for a man who’s currently being accused of rape and sexual assault by dozens of women to stay out of the nightclubs for one year or less while it’s being dealt with in court? Honestly if it were me I can’t imagine even wanting to be in public.. handle your business, man.
@Amazonia – Tongkat Ali money, money, money.
@Amazonia – Tongkat Ali because its all a scam. Yes he’s a creep but the women who fkd him are sluts
@Amazonia – Tongkat Ali there’s this thing called “due process” which was brought up in this video. He hasn’t been convicted of anything, just accused. Here in the States, people are innocent until proven guilty.
Amazing to see the left eat their own, over something they say you can’t criticize anyone for!
Right on. If Weinstein thinks that you’re wrong, you are doing something correctly.
@Furious Rivera yup, you should be first in line for a castration
Harvey Weinstein epitomizes the democrat party.
@Gooey 911 it took a bit job loser!! Smh, your life must suck
If you need any further proof that the movements we think are hitting their objectives, this incident proves otherwise. As admirable as the MeToo movement is, we need more: more unity of purpose, of recognition of the depth of the damage inflicted, and of how to accord the perpetrators that gave rise to this movement. I salute everyone in this scenario who spoke beautiful truth to grotesque power!
All that is needed is more sincerity and facts. Metoo has become a joke
I respectfully disagree. Though #MeToo is absolutely necessary… we violate the rights of others and ignore due process at our own peril.
That’s what stand-up is for: to make fun of celebrities and everyone else, especially people accused of crimes by 80 different people. Good for her!
Also, I bet the same guys defending Weinstein have made Michael Jackson jokes and other jokes like that, but that’s okay when they do it or when it’s making fun of someone they don’t like.
The unexpected geek Nemesis

Sleeping with family members doesn’t count, incel
@adamtzsch Thanks for the benefit of your experience.
Nikolai Collushnikov
What experience would that be?
@adamtzsch That you know what sleeping with family members counts for.
Yep it’s funny that people like these call out on Michael Jackson (Who is innocent and already dead), but they are cool with exposed sex offenders of the Weinstein Effect and Bill Cosby (who is a rapist).
Chappell had the best line about him. You see a picture of him and say to yourself “yeah he’s raped”!
Who was so classless and unaware to invite WeenerStain to an event with young women artists?
adamtzsch h8chan
They needed to make women comics interesting.
@socal rocks wow did i get the job? Awesome
@Mockery Channel He still hasn’t had his trial, dumbfuck. But maybe I should alert the FBI to your ID as a probable rapist.
No one else would be triggered by by people hating on a rapist than a rapist.
@Chadillac I am SS’ing your posts and reporting you to the FBI and House security council as a troll posting propaganda for a foreign power trying to subvert our Constitution and election.
Google isn’t anonymous, dumbfuck.
Weinstein’s parole conditions allow him to access these types of places???
The justice system sucks
There is no parole! Parole happens after prison
No conviction.
He’s an innocent man until proven guilty in a court of law.
I just wondering who is invited him to that event. It is dumb.
I invited him punk
The unexpected geek Nemesis
Still not funny. Stay in school.
Stuckless amidst a bunch of gutless cowards. Now there’s a real gal. Respect!!!
Bill Cosby’s retribution was swift and Nasty…Weiner should be in Jail also !!
Don’t forget it was an ELECTION YEAR..!!
Would like to know who sat with him, invited him, booed and said “shut up” to the comedian.
Mockery Channel you must be a women-hating gay who’s afraid to loose his BBC.
Don’t worry, honey, nobody here will touch your men
Now go play with your Ken collection, OK?
@Brad Dibble come on you said you were going to to get me fired let me see you do it? Come on call my boss oh wait I am the boss. What Wil my boss say, I don’t care what my employee says he’s a good worker.
probably a democrat sitting in the crowd.
Weinstein looks like he’s had his face set on fire multiple times
And the comedians not a picture of beauty either, what’s your point?
those are scratch marks from some of the women he assaulted.
@Hayden Williams Did you remember the 13 year old on your list.
You did what you needed to do, be proud of yourself your way better than that man.
The gall. Those courageous women are applauded for speaking out. Weinstein had no business there. He is an outcast. How rude was he preying on women for the past 40 years?
Remember the days when evil people were ostracized from society, not welcomed to enjoy it.
Yah, me either.
@Rudy was created equal gibberish from you.
Hayden Williams my kid just assaulted my other kid for her toy. That’s evil. No consent. Just straight up theft.
Jews get treated differently

The vitriolic responses show that the majority of our population in the US is still completely and helplessly IGNORANT

Wow you lefties don’t get it at all it’s sad. I bet money you’re gay, nothing wrong with that but you lefties and particularly gay, feminists and trans are enabling this behavior. Expect a whole lot worse as you don’t speak up against the enablers of those who try to strip individual liberties.
@hope less you failed.
@hope less That Weinstein is not incarcerated is about all the liberty to which he’s entitled. I would say that their should be a restraining order to keep him at least 10 feet from all human beings.
Ofcourse the boo’s were from dudes.