Combat Veteran Who Was On July 25th Call Testifies In Impeachment Inquiry | Deadline | MSNBC

MSNBC’s Garrett Haake, NYT’s Annie Karni, former Congressman David Jolly, former federal prosecutor Berit Berger, and Donny Deutsch on top Ukraine expert at the White House, Alexander Vindman, testifying that he was concerned about Trump’s call with Zelensky. Aired on 10/29/19.
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Combat Veteran Who Was On July 25th Call Testifies In Impeachment Inquiry | Deadline | MSNBC

Combat Veteran Who Was On July 25th Call Testifies In Impeachment Inquiry | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. Purple Heart Veteran does his patriotic duty and get slandered by Republicans. He should sue them all, and they should all be removed from office. They should also face prison time for aiding and abetting hostile foreign powers, domestic terrorism, and obstruction of justice.

    1. Interesting to see that the little people lower on the pay scale with a lot to lose by speaking the truth, show more concern for the welfare of the country than the Republican senators and congressmen, not to mention the president himself. This man risks his job and his future for the country. while the Republicans defend Trump when they know he is a hack whose presence in the White House has been disastrous for America in so many ways.

    1. @Daekj32 Its true ……and that’s the problem you don’t believe it …why not??? its the truth but yet you think its not why???…i just watched a whole documentary on it 2 nights ago on how this has happened

    2. @Daekj32…Aren’t you the very busy little bee? This isn’t about the Republican or Democratic Party. It is about Individuals in Either Party, Willing To Put The United States of America at Risk for THEIR PROFIT. That is it. So Why the Pretense and Division. You Offer No proof. No Evidence. Just an attempt to sow Divisive beliefs and Strife. Why?

  2. Lt. Col. Vindman has more honor and integrity in his pinkie than Drumpf and all the GOP sleazeball hooligans trying to smear his name

    1. @Daekj32 curious how old you are….. if your not around 17 – 19 your a bot….drump never lies ??????? That’s hysterical. In the future we all should ignore daek .

    2. rachelknepper0811 tired, curious why you are using logical fallacies? And you democrats call yourselves educated………

    3. @Pricilla Shivvers-Triplett , My apologies about the hyphen. I assumed people in political chat would be well familiar with the term neoconservative. You should also look up neoliberal while you are coming up to speed.

  3. Trump is a traitor and a liar. GOP’s weak, ever-changing, gutter defense of the president shows their corruption. Col. Vindman is a decent public servant- the exact opposite of Trump, who put personal gain before American interests.

    1. @SAMUEL ALIA do you have an arguement or just accusations? why do democrats need to do things behind closed doors but republicans want everything in the open

    2. @Stev Rex …I agree. Just paid Trolls here to spread TRUMP/PutinTtrash of devision. When you ask why, what, where, who, when questions NO ANSWER. Just endless NONSENSE.

    1. I’m just waiting for President Trump to pipe in, based on past precedent for him, “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said at an event in . “I like people who weren’t nearly killed by an IED.”

    2. I cant imagine giving 20+ years to the US armed forces and getting called a spy for raising a concern. It beyond despicable behavior from Republicans.

    3. Mr. Vindman is a wounded soldier, a hero, Trump is a wounded of paper from a Down syndrome doctor!
      Most republican are low level, bad mouths, rotten brains to comment the patriot like Mr Vindman.
      TRUMP IS RUSSIA’ S puppet!

  4. This ARMY OFFICER has on his uniform ,Infantry school , paratrooper Wings . RANGER , Trump has draft dodger fake bone spurs . no contest

  5. As he is an active serving person he has to report all he may see and understand as being active servicemen,the oath he took and act is for all Americans,and if the American President acted out of office and tried to blackmail another country is against the American constitution,as trumps Bullying type Congress Mates try to give fake information to cover it all up,

    1. Oath to constitution takes priority, it is used to resolve any conflict of legislative or executive branch order. Ignoring the white house order to not testify is the right thing to do.

    2. Mod MINI nop your quite wrong read this Impeachment
      How a officer may be removed
      IncludingThe President,Vice President,and all civil officers(Goverement Officers) all officers of the executive and judicial branch but excludes members of congress,See 1.5.2)of the United States,she’ll be removed from office,on Impeachment ( A formal charge or accusation of misconduct in public office,see1.2.5.)for,and Conviction( some crime or misconduct (See 1,3,6,-7,)Of,Treason( The crime of betraying ones own country by giving help to its enemies (See111.3.1) Bribery or other favour in or illegal conduct in an office of trust)or other high crimes and Misdemeanors ( Such as violating the Constitution or abusing ones-power to harm or get personal gain),)).

    3. Ninja Foot Impeachment
      How a officer may be removed
      IncludingThe President,Vice President,and all civil officers(Goverement Officers) all officers of the executive and judicial branch but excludes members of congress,See 1.5.2)of the United States,she’ll be removed from office,on Impeachment ( A formal charge or accusation of misconduct in public office,see1.2.5.)for,and Conviction( some crime or misconduct (See 1,3,6,-7,)Of,Treason( The crime of betraying ones own country by giving help to its enemies (See111.3.1) Bribery or other favour in or illegal conduct in an office of trust)or other high crimes and Misdemeanors ( Such as violating the Constitution or abusing ones-power to harm or get personal gain),)).

    4. @Ninja Foot His parents immigrated to this country when he was three years old. He has done nothing but serve his country. He received the Purple Heart because he was wounded in combat. And you call yourself a patriot I’m sure. You’re just a Trump sycophant.

  6. It hurts my heart that the very immigrants who Donald Trump hates, have more national integrity than The president of the United states

    1. @hpqz He probably didn’t because the woman adopted the American way of putting on airs and probably greed as well!

    1. And World history I might add. America what were you thinking?. Oh yeah I forgot you weren’t thinking as usual…just acting on impulse and shiny object obsessions. The Republican party et al are the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world today…..Kremlin Kreeps have infiltrated your White House …you better start thinking together and do something or else the outcome won’t be pretty If you all don’t mind me saying so.

  7. If this case were to come before an impartial jury, Trump would be convicted ten times over. Think what that says about our senators

    1. Trump’s nothing but a yellow-bellied fake bone spurs commander and Mafia ganster. MAGA Trump it’s trying to, Make America Gangster Again.

    2. Trump meant that he thought his speech was perfect — that it followed the rules and requirements of his position perfectly. Yes, I love the assessment that it’s a perfect case for impeachment; removal also.

  8. Well if Trump can smear McCain, mock a handicapped person, insult parents who’ve lost a child, then why wouldn’t the GOP try to smear this guy?

  9. You will address him as Lt Cornel Vidmin.

    As a soldier we have no allgence to a party. Just the defence of America.

  10. When you join the military you take the oath to defend the constitution of the United States of America from all enemies domestic and foreign to the best of your ability and the president has shown him self to be an enemy of the constitution by not obeying it that man is faithfully living up to his oath !

    1. Clownstick has no concept of public service, integrity or supremacy of the constitution. All he knows is greed.

    2. @Ephraim – You are EXACTLY right. As a veteran, I can tell you that we are instructed to follow LAWFUL orders, and have a corresponding duty to protest unlawful orders.
      LTC Vindman was living up to his oath in opposition of this orange traitorous crook who never had any intention of living up to his.

    3. @John Jungblut Are you an active vet? If so, what kind of support is Trump getting from your fellow vets? Just a question, not an opinion!

  11. I can’t imagine if McCain was still living, how he would address those who questioned credibility of LT. Colonel Vindman complaint of #45

    1. I have often thought the exact same thing. McConnell would not run roughshod over the Constitution using the Majority of the GOP Senators, if Senator McCain were present. He was antithesis of McConnell and Trump. To the GOP McConnell is their Leader, not Trump.

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