U.S. colleges and universities are announcing plans for the fall semester, which include having students leave campus following Thanksgiving break. Adm. James Stavridis and Cosmopolitan's Jessica Pels discuss. Aired on 05/20/2020.
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Colleges Develop Plans For Reopening In Fall 2020 | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Insane in the Membrane! good luck!
Luv, The Trumpian mindset has infected academia, totally delusional magical thinking. The healthy students will take the virus home to a vulnerable population.
If classes are online tuition should be cheaper and more students should be able to get a higher education.
liberals really don’t like paying for things do they?
@frictionRx9 irrelevant comment to the conversation be gone!
The degrees our country needs to fight this pandemic, medicine, virology, immunology, etc. all require a lot of lab time. My degree was in microbiology, and I had to take labs in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biochemistry of bacterial growth, bacteriology, virology, hematology, parasitology, immunology, mycology, and other ologies. I spent more than twice as much time in labs than lectures. How can one possibly get such a degree online?
@Deborah Freedman yes indeed cuz all education must be the same…very narrow minded in thinking as this event will pass and much education can be attained off campus. I hope you don’t display as much panic and cognitive thought in your profession.
and available to a larger section of the population.
I was thinking of going back for an MFA last fall. Sure glad I didn’t do it, and I’ll be damned if I am going to take that risk this fall. I am in the arts and want to study working in glass. The equipment at the school I have in mind is fabulous and there is no way I can do the work I want to do without the equipment.
My guess is it’s the money these colleges are after not student safety…
Every time.
KCs Funhouse, Yep! Bingo!!!
They will cut out this nonsense when 2000 “kids” (who are adults, kids are people under 18) get covid. I noticed no word about testing. This will become a “party till you die” case.
College is much like churches need to get this thing going start that money flowing
Lol, it’s nothing like churches. Colleges actually provide a useful service. Religion offers what, the belief there’s a fairy in the sky. Get real.
Rmg Rmg one distributes real information lol
colleges are essential for continued technological advances.
clark personally college is overrated. Half the degrees are pointless ones. Best starting up your own business instead of getting yourself into a 100,000 dollars in debt for a degree that is worthless in the real world. I have 4 siblings 3 of them have went to college for degrees that are worthless the other one works for me I pay him about 50,000 as hes a highly skilled welder as am I the three other siblings make nowhere near the amount as my brother earns working for me. I left school with nothing and I’m doing well got my own business that employs 9 people 4 oh whom are family members the other 5 are friends I put through trade school to get them the qualifications they needed for the job we do
cmc R100 interesting point of view… I guess my degree in molecular genetics is overrated even if I contributed to scientific discoveries that help learn more about ourselves and our cellular processes… you probably think I’m talking about your smartphone though
College students will still travel, party and create and incubator of germs in dorms that will spread. Good luck.
Same incubator (college students), different germ.
Well when I go out, it will be in a CDC jumpsuit with on board air supply through a N100 mask! CAN YOU SAY SPACE SUITS!
Institutions of higher Deaducation
Null and void pretty much sums up this plandemic
Life is more important than school… many things in life more important than school
So American universities put making money first, and English universities put the health of their students, staff, and faculty first. I usually like this speaker’s comments, but today he is playing to the paymaster, pure and simple. Pathetic.
What do you expect from a corrupt nation such as America were the money corrupts everything it touches personally America should be blown off the map with all of trumps base in it those sane Americans can come live in Europe
As long as the colleges are getting millions of dollars in tuition they don’t care whether the students die or not!
So true !
Good luck with that. Fall season is when the virus is expected to pick up again. I wouldn’t even bother with college right now, just get a job anywhere until things are back to normal.
Or study online.
Not the same thing. People don’t spend thousands on college to study online. A lot of people landed their connects on a college campus.
So what’s the difference between getting a job and going to school health wise? The virus doesn’t just disappear in the workplace, just like it won’t on a school campus.
His decision is money driven not scientific data driven.
Is customer demand . Omg
Its too soon. A lot of Grand Parents are raising their grand children of various ages. They could transfer the COVID-19 to their Grand Parents or whomever their Guardians may be. Its Too Soon! There us no nice way to say this, But You cannot attend classes if you’re deceased. And you risk the life of Others! ITS TOO SOON! States are opening to appeased Trump because Trump will hold back Federal Funding like he did with the Ukraine President. Now the Republicans Senate see the damage they cause by not IMPEACHING Trump.
…Wow, I couldn’t have said it better, Trump and the Republicans have weaponized this virus, until we lockdown *”all non essentials”* the numbers will continue to surge…stay home and be safe y’all.
Those students in those situations can stay home! They’re not being forced back to campus. And people who actually want to go back to campus to learn in a sustainable way, shouldn’t have to give up their education for a situation they’re not in. I know we’re waiting for a vaccine but who says that will even happen?
This is going to fail.
@Exc3l Mazing its already failed in France they’ve opened back up schools and they’ve had to shut them down again
I would have made some different choices when applying to college if I was referred to as a customer instead of a student.
Viewing students as customers is absurd. These schools are making a mistake
Coming from an Admiral, who understands politics, viewing students as “customers” does make sense … just like killed civilians are “collateral damage”
Highest infection and death rate in the world, no universal health care, and a “let’s just ignore all that” attitude and no idea of the long term health affects. Fiddling while Rome burns. This is too bizarre for words.