Ben Collins, senior reporter for NBC News, talks with Rachel Maddow about recognizeable patterns in the behavior of a man who was arrested after threatening to blow up a bomb in Washington, D.C. today, and how the pro-Trump fringe is handling the debunking of its conspiracy theories and the failure of its message board prophesies.
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#MSNBC #ConspiracyTheories #DomesticTerror
You can thank Ronald Reagan for closing down and/or dismantling mental health care institutions.
To be fair, the living conditions inside the asylums were deplorable and inhumane.
Every war, every conflict, every social conflict has been stemming from Regan. He started the TV presidency and armed terrorists so they could make a buck and that is ALL republicans have done since.
@Renee Beckett wow, really — I didn’t know that. I always wondered about the pay of waiters.
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
It goes back further than that look at the Nixon tapes
He wants free medical care, but undoubtedly supports Trump.
Biden offers Medicare and the Republicans call it Socialism. These people are beyond help.
They stupid and brain dead
When all else fails, blame Trump.
@N 827 trump is still trying to cheat his way back in and Biden was elected but the fascist GQP wouldn’t know about free elections.
Unfortunately, magats cannot see beyond their eyebrows. Against any social policies because it sounds like ‘socialism’, but when you sit with them, one on one, and explain what those social policies do and how they benefit everyone, they start seeing the light.
@Pat Murray Same with me. I get practically free healthcare for a puny monthly fee ($25 + small copayments) thanks to the military socialized medicine. And in my birth country, Spain, I’ve always enjoyed universal healthcare (a different way to call socialized medicine).
If comes a day and no republicans show up to capital for work better bring bomb squad.
Wow. That was one intelligent analysis. Needs to be repeated, over and over again.
@Some Guy yes, I understand that.
@Eddapults Tab I think you have me confused with someone who doesn’t comprehend that.
@Shin Yagami it is when the constitution, of which contain your amendable rights, are trampled on by a rigged election.
@Wohooo oh so it’s irrefutable then? Wow, I don’t even know you and to receive such a compliment is just,
. Thanks!
@Shin Yagami I’m surprised you didn’t use all* Mexicans because that’s what a lot of you assume he also said. So please don’t try to pass your memory lapses as actual quotes and facts. And get an MRI because short term memory loss could be signs of a tumor.
It would be an isolated case if the right didn’t repeat the exact same things. How many similar people are there out there hearing the same things.
Dane calloway
Says the lemmings
If they had a shred of common sense they wouldn’t do anything insurrectionist like on sep 18, but we are dealing with easily manipulated imbeciles.
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
I find it hilarious when the Qtards call everyone who doesn’t believe their craziness “sheep.” Especially since their own “motto” is “Where We Go One, We Go All!”
That sure sounds like a bunch of (violent) sheep bleeting to me.
He decided the problem he ended up with that came to a head over a period of months is suddenly the fault of political refugees. I understand his despair due to the US health system but his anger was definitely misguided.
One guess for where he got his hatred for refugees- FOX and other creep conservative outlets. It’s like poison and spreads with their viewers.
North carolina privatized their medicare leading to his complaints being acted upon by people he voted for to own the libs
The anger was passed down by his forefathers! When all else fails, blame the Black and Brown immigrants!!!
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
Topic well versed in debate about ” message board prophesies” . Thank you Rachel Maddow forever for your vast, journalistic range & guests.
Yeah. About that. Her show is not a news show or even build on journalism that was the opinion of the court. It’s at most infotainment.
Those ‘bubas’ need to pressure their politically ambitious, unintelligent and uninformed governor’s to expand Medicare and support provisions for universal healthcare. Externalization of blame is a classic and malignant defense mechanization in efforts to avoid accepting blame for your own stupidity and mistakes.
AMEN, WPAtostay!!! Perfectly stated!!!!!
His Governor is Roy Cooper. He fought for the medicare increase but was overruled by a GOP dominated legislature.
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
Close call sign,,,, “WOKE”,,, old school, women and children first, and new wave non binary lifeboat goat. Project FATBIRD and the LGTQB fanboy, Obama GOAT OF WOKE. Pure and simply women and children vs. LGTQB athletic ability. Obama drama, project FATBIRD and the “WOKE” lifeboat goat. Lebron James gothing on this whiny Afghani fly’n hi guy. LGTQB flight suit athletic ability vs. women and children first.
LMAO…and you won’t mind the extra taxes you’ll have to pay for your own and someone elses health care? Sounds resonable to me
Claiming he wants health coverage while supporting the man trying to end the first step towards universal coverage. Duh!
@Don F well like I just said to john yost, you can either take what the government has to offer or seek out private providers.
@Feather Merchant pfft, yeah, you would sell just feathers and call it a lucrative business.
@muskat22 you are sidestepping your first response. We need universal Healthcare coverage for every American citizen to which you responded several options without raising taxes. So please explain how every American citizen has universal single payer Healthcare in the USA without raising taxes. Saying they can buy it is not an answer to back up your own statement.
@twocents And if they are the wart, then didn’t you mean to say “the mole they are getting” instead of more?
@Do-Bee Brothers this is the most bizarre string of text i have ever read
When you got a propaganda machine on 24 hour loop…. Welcome to America! Stoke violence and blame others for it!
i dont remember AFGAN attacking the CAPITAL
@baba yaga ganoush i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
“Stoke violence”? By not supporting the whack a doodle conspiracy nonsense that these idiots believe? Violence is a choice
Close call sign,,,, “WOKE”,,, old school, women and children first, and new wave non binary lifeboat goat. Project FATBIRD and the LGTQB fanboy, Obama GOAT OF WOKE. Pure and simply women and children vs. LGTQB athletic ability. Obama drama, project FATBIRD and the “WOKE” lifeboat goat. Lebron James gothing on this whiny Afghani fly’n hi guy. LGTQB flight suit athletic ability vs. women and children first.
@Do-Bee Brothers How cute, the little bottom boy troll has learned to babble inanities!
30% of America
Still fly Confederate Flags.
That should tell you all you need to know….
@daniel desimonedanny The ultimate “2nd Place” ribbon.
@Greg Orchard it is like a trumpet cant read simple english
……and if you think they’re fighting against police brutality you’re a sucker. I don’t see them out there marching for Ashley Babbitt
. They are as racist as the folks you’re criticizing for flying a confederate flag……same type of human garbage…..just a different shade of color.
@Ricky Bobby sorry, we are against police brutality
Your personal incredulity is meaningless in reality
@Stefan Jakubowski you SJWs receive your marching orders from other buffoons. Come try to burn down the courthouse in my town……you’ll think roof-top Koreans are freaking girl-scouts.
This is the result of a society with zero accountability. Your “leaders” are no different to dictators. And in 2024 you could elect that lunatic again. What a country.
@Hey Yo Hahaha you can’t back up your claims. I guess that’s what you do when you can’t prove something, you go straight back to trying to speak down to others. I guess that just shows who the brainwashed person really is. Am still waiting for you to show it to me, cmon
@Søren K Jessen If you did any type of homework it would be right in front of your eyes but like a Democrat you refuse to see anything. How many times does it take to get played by the same fools to actually see thru them……..
@Hey Yo YAWN
I’m still waiting buddy, cmon now?
@Gary Botha Niiiiice. Keep in mind, he’s part of the MAGA cult. They’re not too keen on “book learnin’ “. Its why flat-earthers over here overwhelmingly vote for Trump. I’m sure you’ve heard the Trump quote about how he “loves the poorly educated.” Well, there he is.
@Hey Yo
Biden is a Lunatic but the guy who wanted drop a nuclear bomb on a hurricane isn’t? Pleeeeeeease make me understand what makes you people so stupid.
He doesn’t have healthcare BECAUSE HE HATES THE MAN THAT TRIED TO GIVE IT TO EVERYONE and vote for people that don’t want them to have it.
@reality some you mean people that vote for republicans? The 10 poorest states in the country have been controlled by republicans for decades. Their top commodities are obesity, infant mortality, teen pregnancy, unemployment and high school dropouts.
Yes, it makes no sense.
@Kevin Turner Wow, that’s not exactly what people need… people need preventative care … people need to see doctors before something becomes an emergency. Are you commenting because you have good health insurance and are actually whining about people getting free stuff?
@Madison Heights it they were rational they wouldn’t be trump supporters
For conservative voters, policies, services, or benefits that potentially improve their lives are a secondary concern. Their first priority is making sure that Those People don’t get health care or other improvements in their life provided by the government, and they will gladly sacrifice their own well-being to spite Those People and to own the libs. Remember the prominent comment during Trump’s government shutdown: “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”.
If he’s mad about undeserving ppl getting healthcare, he should be mad at the senators/congresspeople who vote against giving it to us, but enjoy having us pay for their healthcare.
His own GOP state legislature opposed medicare increase that would have helped elderly and disabled.
@Jan Van Besouw you can’t really build a society without some socialism. That’s The whole freaking point of society. Even capitalist or communist societies. Socialism is inherent in society.
No “society” can call itself civilized while turning their backs on those less fortunate, or denying basic education and healthcare for the foundation upon which you are built.
Close call sign,,,, “WOKE”,,, old school, women and children first, and new wave non binary lifeboat goat. Project FATBIRD and the LGTQB fanboy, Obama GOAT OF WOKE. Pure and simply women and children vs. LGTQB athletic ability. Obama drama, project FATBIRD and the “WOKE” lifeboat goat. Lebron James gothing on this whiny Afghani fly’n hi guy. LGTQB flight suit athletic ability vs. women and children first.
The cult of lifeboat WOKE Athletic ability plane and simple. Stomping kids like pimples. Afghani lifeboat and the interpretive dance class dominator, the LGTQB GOAT OF LIFE BOAT WOKE. Project “FATBIRD” Obama mama drama turds. Stick’m up folks it’s the fun love’n criminal.
THANK YOU BLUES!!! For telling it like it is. You think Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, AOC and the Squad give a sh-t if you have health care?..If you do then you’re dreaming. Ask Pelosi to share some of her name brand ice cream in her $25,000. freezer.
This is a larger ideology that needs tracked, monitored, controlled, prosecuted, and put down at all costs
How exactly do you track, monitor, control, prosecute and/or put down an ideology?
He’s going to a place with free healthcare, & free food. He looks like he needs other men taking care of him…. In prison.
His “revolution has started” has assured partial loss of his freedom. It’s now “Free Dumb”.
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
@Steve C Yeah, I have been hearing that Trump was going to go to prison on Day 1 of the Biden administration. It still hasn’t happened yet. I don’t think he will get the nomination in 2024, so people will have to settle with that.
Close call sign,,,, “WOKE”,,, old school, women and children first, and new wave non binary lifeboat goat. Project FATBIRD and the LGTQB fanboy, Obama GOAT OF WOKE. Pure and simply women and children vs. LGTQB athletic ability. Obama drama, project FATBIRD and the “WOKE” lifeboat goat. Lebron James gothing on this whiny Afghani fly’n hi guy. LGTQB flight suit athletic ability vs. women and children first.
@Benedicto Trump TREASON Not yet. Thank god that judge has ruled to reinstate the stay in Mexico policy, perhaps that will help prevent that from happening.
The only person he should be mad at is himself because he chose to listen to Don Jr and Fox and Friends when all the signs were saying DANGER, DANGER!
What signs?
Like most conservatives, he wants a happy and secure life by denying the same to others.
Hey equal status is not guaranteed but earned through hard work. No one told you to not go to school. No one told you not to graduate high school. We are all born with equal opportunities. It’s funny the lowest education scores are mostly in democratic ran counties and states. Bottom line is we all have equal opportunities and it’s the work that is done that gives the results. You people want equal outcome without doing the work. Yeah you might have a job that pays less but you can go to school and educate your selves to get better pay. The road to higher pay is there but you want a burger flipper to have the same pay as a welder or equipment operators. Those people went to trade school and got higher wages cause they put in the work by educating themselves.
@Mike Kim Spoken by someone who sounds happy and secure.
He lives in a state where Republicans have blocked the Medicaid Healthcare expansion.
i dont remember the TALIBAN attacking the capital
Republicans: “We don’t want healthcare!”
Republicans: “Let’s keep electing people that hate healthcare!”
Also Republicans: “Lets bash each other on the heads in a huge fight and end up in the hospital.”
@Benedicto Trump TREASON the American taliban…you know Christians.
@LLL I don’t know what you did not understand about my comment.
@Good Citizen We are talking about good and “universal” health care. How can that possibly be done without the government being involved?
Funny how he doesn’t blame the former guy, who’s “great healthcare plan” was always a week away
Correction: Two weeks. LOL
And? your point is?
@Trump will never be President again Q is stupid Yeah, but what if Trumplicans are able to vote him in as a representative. Then he becomes SOH. That would be tragic.
Never heard of misplaced anger ?.