Cohen: Release Of Trump’s Tax Returns Is ‘The Beginning Of The End For Trump’ | The ReidOut | MSNBC

Michael Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, calls the new revelations on Trump’s tax returns the beginning of the end for the president. Aired on 09/28/2020.
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Cohen: Release Of Trump’s Tax Returns Is ‘The Beginning Of The End For Trump’ | The ReidOut | MSNBC


    1. @ASR you have no idea what your talking about. I live in Canada and it’s just fine. I’ve had broken bones and 2 surgeries on knees. No problem. Quick. And no worrying about paying for any of it.

    2. Not true.
      You can wait months for surgery in the U.K.
      We have quicker care, better technology and better doctors therefore Americans are healthier and live longer. Facts.

    3. @Ja Ac Of course! Even on the poorest country they will take care of someone with a broken bone right away.
      Try calling and tell them you feel some pain in your knees off and on and you want to have it checked, you be lucky to see a doctor in 2 weeks.

    4. @Fred Abrams Thats your right wing political propaganda, its your choice to believe it but consider this, your believing a lie…why would you want to support a party that lies to you.

  1. How can you tell Trump is lying about his wealth?
    Because truly wealthy people don’t brag about how wealthy they are.

    1. That is absolutely the truth. I know wealthy people who absolutely say nothing about what they have and they do not display extravagance.

    1. @Bruce Boring the Lord IS my master, your lord is “dear leader” ….Now run along and drink your kool-aid, cult following fatboy !!!🤦😘

    2. @Stark Horizon says only you, you f…ing troll botski wanna be pos. More baseless qanon conspiracy bs from a useless Ivan bot brainwashed simpleton. LMAO!

    3. in actuality, trump is NOT the legal president. which makes all this trump corruption and insanity even harder to take. our constitution isn’t enforceable. if it was, trump would’ve never been allowed to steal the 2016 election. nor would he have been able to violate the constitution and federal law as freely as he has and he would’ve never been in the whitehouse for anything close to 4 years.

    1. @mlk27743 I feel sorry for you ya sad pathetic little boy ….You are brain washed so bo point in talking to execpt to say go back to rooting your mother and sister and stay off here.

    1. @Fred Abrams For eight freaking years, u guys spread that same bullshit,I have not seen anyone in my neck of the woods, that had their door busted down and their weapons, being confiscated.Could you show me where that’s is happening @?

    1. Denise Mohr …Trump stole the life saving, stole every penny, from thousand of regular hard working Americans. This was adjudicated, Trump found guilty, was forced to pay multi millions in restitution.

      Trumps charity was dissolved by the courts after it was determined to be a fraud. He stole charity money from kids with cancer and veterans and stuffed that money directly into his own pockets. This was adjudicated, Trump found guilty, was forced to pay millions in restitutions.

    2. @Miguel Mota Hi Miguel. Honestly I was born there and am one of 7 generations of San Francisco Born Mohrs. I had the sense to leave unfortunately the place is so very badly run its turned very very trashy 🙁

    3. Do you ever do your own research or are you too lazy.Sell Crazy somewhere else. We’re all stocked up here, Trump will win by a landslide in November.

    1. Tony Ng wow I guess you didn’t read it either. No he didn’t pay $750 in taxes.

      That’s what he was required to pay. He actually paid more than that. Substantially more than that. More than that plus 3 zeros.

      $1 million in 2016 and 4. Something in 2017.

      That’s one thing I love about people like you. You always say “nice try“ but you can’t ever seem to manage a refutation.

    2. That’s the joke. They pretty much figured out they can say whatever they want. This close to the election you guys are just gonna buy it.

      You idiots are demanding that he show you his tax returns to refute them. What did they show you? What empirical evidence did they show you that what they are saying is true?. Have they ever lied to you before? Absolutely.

      You’re gonna try to come back with something stupid like “has trump ever lied?“ To which well say “sure“ but then it’s not on Trump to prove their accusation. He didn’t make the accusation.

      But in doing so you’re going to make a point. Has the main stream media lied to you? “Trump called the virus a hoax” or “Trump said inject disinfectant” or “very fine people on both sides see their Trump can’t bring himself to condemn his Nazis and white supremacists“

      All of these. Emphatically false. Complete lies. But they don’t have to prove anything to you do they?….just say it. And that’s enough.

  2. The system itself is set up to shield fraudsters like Trump. He borrows hundreds of millions of dollars from banks, he squanders this money on his many failed enterprises, he files taxes recording these huge losses and so he is not required to pay anything (because he HAS nothing). The banks keep lending to him because they know if his empire of debt collapses, he will file for bankruptcy and they will never get their money back. And on and on and on…a giant Ponzi scheme.

    1. Wait — the banks did get their money back — from us, thanks to baby bush, 2nd worst president ever.
      Remember he told them to write their own ticket out of the dump and left everyone else behind.

    2. exactly. it is working for him and all big business exactly as its designed. Look at how a credit score is determined. Once you get rid of a debt your score doesnt jump, it falls. They just want your $. If you dont play the game you cant get ahead. it is ridiculous and unfair.

  3. Trump is a malignant narcissist. This means that lying comes as easily to him as breathing is to most people.

    1. The Jezebel Resistance , Yes. Narcissistic Personality Disordered Trump. The man was abused by Fred at age five. The ONLY way that Trump can exist is with Narcissistic Supply Rallies.

    2. Vampire Slayer That is exactly right! Trump is a giant black hole of deep seated insecurity who cannot function without their lifeblood: constant praise and adulation. This is why they’re so goddamned exhausting to be around. They drain you of your spirit the way a vampire drains their victims of their blood. You could make the case that narcissists are spiritual vampires. Cheers, 🍻 brother!

    1. If the senate gets flipped, we’ll have a lame duck in office if he does win — which I am doing my art to insure does not happen.

  4. America’s finances will look like Trump’s finances when it’s all said and done. They’re using the COVID response as cover.

  5. The problem is NOT Trump, it’s the braindead supporters who don’t care about anything. Remember this, “I love the ignorant voters.”

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