Cohen predicts Trump’s next move following Mar-a-Lago search

Micheal Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal attorney, tells CNN's Don Lemon what he predicts the former president's next move will be following the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago. #CNN #News

Cohen predicts Trump's next move following Mar-a-Lago search


  1. I love the way MC doesn’t sugarcoat it. Lemon; ‘Why do people still believe in Trump?’; MC answer; “Because they’re stupid!” 😆

    1. @Charles James …Your explanation explains the Trump phenomenon better than anything I’ve heard or read so far. I think what you’re saying is THE reason Trump has so much appeal with so many weak-minded people.

    2. Hey Rudy!😦😧😩🥱
      Time to make a deal with the DOJ!👻👽
      Limited time only! … You know you’re not the ONLY one they are talking to… RIGHT?
      DON’T let Mag-a-Lardo 💩🤡👹🤡💩 throw you under the bus AGAIN! (re 6:17)… SMH😁

  2. I love how Cohen ” speculates ” with confidence because he knows what he is saying will come out as fact.

  3. Mr. Cohen—you are forgiven. Can’t wait to read your next book “Revenge”; the first one was enlightening.

  4. Why wouldn’t any convicted person be put in a Federal Prison? I’m sure the Federal System has facilities where a known person can be safely incarcerated. Special treatment, seriously?

  5. “He would sell it to anyone in prison for a bag of tuna” – Michael Cohen.
    That really got me choking 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Actually like hearing what Cohen has to say because he knows this man the best better than Trump knows himself and everything Cohen said is so true to fact. Wish Cohen the best because I believe he has learned from being a pawn for Donald j Trump

    1. @Studentforlife71 Cohen’s info led directly to Dumpy’s current tax fraud investigation in SDNY—Dumpy claimed the 5th 400+ times on the day his crappy estate was searched for NARA docs! Also, Cohen did his time so I feel like it’s fair to gloat a little, right?

    2. @Shauna Ragland no absolutely cant blame. i agree with you, im just saying you dont know what he says or knows is all true. it maybe is it maybe no. nowaday you gotta be careful who to believe

  7. I enjoy watching Michael Cohen. He’s paid his dues for getting caught up in Trump World, he’s been accountable. He is funny and has insight many do not have. I wish him all the best.

  8. Finally exactly what I’ve been saying all along. People are so absolutely atrociously stupid in this country.

    1. @Richard Christie Ah but Richard, it was unheard of for the president* and his party to be so corrupt IN THIS country. If memory serves, they said that about the Shah of Iran too.

  9. When a former president acts like a mobster, he should be treated like a mobster. When he complains about how he’s treated, bring him in and quiz him about who it is treating him unfairly, and why, etc. Question him anytime he makes an accusation till he backs it up or admits he lied. Quiz him till it hurts.

    1. @Connie Hamilton – What part of All the Shenanigans from tRUMP dont you understand???? – – We’re Amazed at you Wont Accept his Criminal Behaviours!! – Incredible!!

  10. Don didn’t need to keep saying “those are YOUR words” and “that’s YOUR opinion”. That’s what you have him on for and most of the time he’s right so stow the unnecessary disclaimers.

    1. @Osvaldo Rubalcava


      Well, now, that’s for the jury to decide.

      The prosecution kicks off then the defence sets out their stall and both sides attempt to convince the jury one way or another.

      An innocent bloke could well end up in jail. Easily done … and then there’s the possibility of an appeal but best not the depend on that tho’.

    2. I wouldn’t put him past him giving away nuclear codes for 2 packs of cigarettes—- or get a guard to get him 3 Quarter Pounders & fries!

    3. the prison guards – also MAGAts – will protect him and treat him well… but he will at least be in prison.

  11. Might I suggest another solution to the problem of how to keep Donald of Orange quiet after his arrest and conviction, if you really think a former president can’t go to prison? The Man in the Iron Mask.

  12. Trump: “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart, right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.” (reference: Sept. 2019 Ukraine Whistleblower).

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