CNN's Laura Coates predicts the socioeconomic impact that a draft majority opinion, obtained by Politico, would have if Roe v. Wade is overturned and if what Politico is calling the draft opinion is the final ruling. #CNN #News
Coates describes potential socioeconomic impact if Roe v. Wade is overturned

All through this drama, never mentioned the fact there are five possibly six Catholics on the court. What did you expect?
Minimum replacement birth rate: 2.1
EU birth rate: 1.53
Canada birth rate: 1.47
USA birth rate: 1.70
Russia birth rate: 1.50
Ukraine birth rate: 1.23
Australia birth rate: 1.66
Israel birth rate: 3.00
The right decision.
We already have a health caste system in the US
1 Elaine Goad Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s a good one too!
This is going to be a really difficult case for the newest supreme court justice. It must be hard to talk about abortion rights when you don’t know what a woman is
This comment wins the internet
Oh hahahaha…so funny. Now define a woman, I’ll wait. None of you in this thread can actually define a woman. Waiting…
Still waiting…
why is jefferey on tv. desparate as cnn+ just a pathetic irony here.
jeff has first hand expertise.
He’s been Toobin
@Lorraine McFarland pleasuring yourself during work hours? In front of a computer? Everyone does that?
@What would DLOVE Do? He beat it like it owed him money!!
Well said sir!
Finally, we’re talking about the socioeconomic state of the world right now!
I’m so happy about this. In fact i went out to buy some chicken to celebrate but it was sold out.

No one should have the right to murder an unborn child. It’s not about religion, its about guman rights.
This why the senate and congress need term limits. To prevent what is happening now. People hanging around too long to gain more power.
@Royce Benning What has Pelosi done that you don’t like?
Why is it a bad thing that each state is a decide what their laws are?
Isn’t that improving democracy the local population gets decide what their laws are not people who don’t live in their neighborhood.
@Russ K which is perfectly legak and its exactly why people voted republican for this to finaly happen
“we will have a health caste system if this holds” ummm using your logic, that has always been the case.
@fr smith yea I agree i’m just pointing out that when she says “now we will have a medical cast system” it is totally meaningless.
@findingfaith we’ve always had a medical caste system
Why do you think we don’t have one now?
Toobin is a great advocate of abstinence
His new name is TUBE OUT.
Are you a Monk or something..?
@bivio1 #metoobin
@Mark Hepworth

We do have a cast system! 2 separate systems, one for the privileged and one for the rest of us. That’s just the truth.
Do better then….
range Monarch
Like the d’
Should he been incarcerated years ago.
@Sapiens Ursus he’s right
@Nj Osborne he lives rent free in your head.
Just two weeks to flatten the mid-terms
Quick look over here!
*EVEN THE LATE JUSTICE GINSBURG PREDICTED THIS DAY WAS COMING. SHE SAID PUBLICLY THAT ROE WAS DECIDED ON SHAKEY LEGAL GROUNDS AND WAS TOO FAR-REACHING.* In a 2013 law school speech marking the 40th anniversary of Roe, RBG was surprisingly critical of how Roe was decided in 1973, and said it left the door open to legal challenge. “My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change.” RBG was also troubled that the focus of Roe was the right to privacy rather than women’s rights. Do her words not matter?
@Targg 3 week old TROLL ACCOUNT
@Benito Salazar Nearly died at your response! But you’re most certainly right (for the most part).
@Targg you would know
The Authors of these two dedications ,however , were less easy to identify Although they seemed to have played roles in the preparation and printing of the book ,they identified themselves only as Phil’esius Vogesigena and Marttinus ILacomilus – pen names that had long ago been forgotten .
Men will have to pay child support for at least 18 years!! Thanks for SCOTUS!! No other choice!
@Hare Dr well said! Thank you
I guess you could take care of the kids yourself and let the women run around!
@Hare Dr 100% agree with you
Should this law be overturned and an unwanted pregnancy occur, they should also require that the DNA-matched father share the expenses of having the child, including: providing shelter, the medical expenses incurred during pregnancy, post delivery care and the raising of the child until they are 18 years old. This should be the law already. If they are fighting for the rights of a child they should seek legal accountability for their care by both parents.
@Jina Ringhofer What do you call murdering birthing people? A father should have a right to that child if the human bearing that child resorts to murder.
@Меѳодїи With the divorce rate of about 53% in the USA last year, what’s marriage got to do with anything?
So I guess after what Jeffrey Toobin just said… He would apply that same logic to gun laws…
Zoomin Toobin
It’s always been like that. Certain rules for the wealthy and different rules for the rest
Time for that mentality to end. Eat the rich!
@BoltStrike Should we boil, roast or grill?
Yes. Much like School choice. Poor and working class don’t get to select a private school over a preselected government school for their children.
Wow, people were going crazy talking about their right to make their own decision when it comes to mask. Yet don’t see what is wrong with them telling a women what to do with her own body. This is only the beginning of taking more of our rights.
But it’s not your right to have an abortion, resulting in the murder of a human being. Abortion is not protected by the constitution in any way, shape, or form.
And yet there is at least one justice on the court that can’t define what a woman is.
“It is not the function of government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.”
–Robert H. Jackson
The legal standard for human death
is when specific human brain wave patterns are absent.
This criteria is used for determining life’s non-viability.
These specific human brain waves start in the fetus
at 24 to 27 weeks of pregnancy.
Medical science seems to indicate abortion cut-off then.
No need to let religion or other cultural factors decide.
Let law allow abortion up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.