Coalition Mounts Against Texas Election Lawsuit | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Attorney General for the District of Columbia Karl Racine weighs in on the Texas lawsuit aimed at overturning the election results in four battleground states and a brief signed by 106 House GOP in support of the lawsuit. Aired on 12/11/2020.
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Coalition Mounts Against Texas Election Lawsuit | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Coalition Mounts Against Texas Election Lawsuit | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Putin is so thankful who does exactly what he hired for dividing American, creating chaos, and destroying The US Constitutions.

    2. @Henry Bran * you’re, FFS.
      Stop making my teeth itch. 😁

      The problem with your average MAGAtard is that they lack the capacity to understand nuances or shades, to them it’s either black or white because quite simply that’s all their intellect can handle. It’s even easier for them to say that that is a socialist or communist because that’s the worst thing they can think of (leaving aside the fact that they don’t actually know what either of those things are).

      I have many friends in the US and am usually there for my work ten or twelve times a year, been doing so for thirty years, so it grieves me to say that while those lunatics are running around I’m actually quite pleased that the pandemic prevents me from visiting. The ones I really feel for are the sane, those who actually want their fellow citizens to have healthcare, education and decent housing like in many other developed countries.

      What amazes me is just how many of the so-called Christian right want to deprive their fellow Americans of those basics, where does their god tell them to do that? In their tiny, binary minds it has to be all one way (right) or all the other (left) with no middle ground or acceptance that maybe, just maybe their opponents might occasionally be correct.

      From out here they look to be trying to drag you back with science denial and their disbelief through ignorance. What you need is a massive seismic event that enables you to cut them adrift to live their lives in blissful ignorance while the rest of you stay here in civilisation.

    1. @You can Fix It!!!! SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

    2. @You can Fix It!!!! the DOJ and CISA checked out the voting machines but they found nothing. Dominion voting machines/systems are used in 28 states, if they were hacked or something why only the 6 swing states being contested? These states also include states that Trump won, such as Louisiana, Iowa, Missouri & Ohio.

    3. It’s over with now. .. tax hikes, no more pay raises ,no more bonuses, higher HC cost, $5 gas, censorship. Poverty is on the way. Even higher than on obama’so watch.

    1. @Noreb I can’t find the words. This is showing us how pathetic and widespread the corruption is in this country. And the Trump supporters turn my stomach. Our country is in pitiful condition.

      If half of the gop would unite against Trump they would have power. More might follow. They just don’t wanna. Trump and every one of his enablers and co conspirators must be made an example of.

  1. They mad that so many Black people voted overwhelmingly for Biden helping him win. That’s what all of this is about

    1. @John Carter that talking point is absolutely ridiculous and it contradicts the fact that Trump lost. If what you said was true then Trump would have won wouldn’t he?

      I can show you exit polling that shows that Blacks voted for Hillary 90% and Biden it was 87%.. you are bragging about a 3% increase for Trump.. wow. I’m so impressed

      So if your kid took a 100 question test and got a 10% score and failed horribly and the retook it and scored a 13. Would you be celebrating when they are still failing terribly.

      Your false propaganda is an insult to my intelligence

    1. @connie holmes January 20th can’t get here fast enough. Then we’ll have people in office with decency and morals. Just unbelievable what’s going on.

  2. Attempting to over throw the government of the United States is “Treason”…. participants in the attempt s/b imprisoned..

    1. How is it “overthrowing the government”, when Biden is not yet in office, and has yet to form his government?

    2. @illawarrior hill he has been forming his cabinet first off.

      Second off our constitution is predicated on the fact that people’s votes matter. That means if you are actively trying to overturn the votes of over 75 million Americans who voted him out then you are going against the constitution. The act of going against the constitution is sedition and overthrowing the will of the american people.

      In fact the actual definition of a coup goes as follows:
      a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

      The government and american people elected joe biden as the next president of the United States and as such trying to seize power for one’s self is attempting a coup, which is in fact over throwing a government for your own gain.

    3. @Lominoth Productions He is merely nominating his selections, but they cannot officially go into their positions until Jan 20.

    4. @Lominoth Productions I agree that they are guilty of trying to overturn/subvert the constitution, but that is different to trying to overturn the government.

    5. @Lominoth Productions At this point in time the Trump administration is still the government, and that is not what they are trying to overthrow.

    1. @Funky Fungi …a Welfare State needs revenue to support those who need a benefit. In a Socialist State food and housing are hit the hardest and the Educated, Doctors, Teachers, Businessmen leave with their bank Accounts. Decent people do not want to live in a State where values embrace Murder, Drugs, Homosexuals and Abortionists.

    2. @SUN STAR oh man, you have plenty of baseless crap to throw at someone else….
      But you can’t rebut a single thing I said.
      Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch. Sad. Pitiful, really.

    3. @SUN STAR come back! You were entertaining, like a court jester, acting a gd fool and giving us all a great laugh

    1. @SUN STAR Oh come on Sunny, you can do better!!!

      Now where are the Evidence for your Accusations?!?. And please no untrustworthies Witnesses. Will you do me the Favor?!? I guess this is a hopeless Case.
      I take a Nap

    2. @Roland Sturm …when you go to Court how would you present yourself? The Chinese were smart until President Trump called them to Task. Democrat Ruling Class treated the American Family with disturbing arrogance until President Trump revealed their corruption.

    3. @You can Fix It!!!! You are a fascist. You cannot prove something that never existed. Trump said HE could prove there was massive fraud, but he couldn’t because it never existed. What you’re saying is that innocent men should have prove their innocence. THAT is the definition of fascism.

    4. @Ponder7This Ah, you do know Hitler and the Nazi’s were fascists not socialists, right? They arrested socialists and communists as well as all minorities, right? You do know that the name National Socialist party was used to make the Nazi’s more palatable to the common German citizen. You have done SOME research, right? Fascism-a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by an autocratic leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. You know. Like Trump and the Republi-cons.

    5. @SUN STAR Bla, Bla, Bla. You still delivered no Evidence for Voter Fraud.

      The Only Family that Trump take care of was it’s own. Trump did, what he did for himselfs, you are the Fools here. And the Families who believe Trumps BS

    1. @Sam Harris SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

  3. Sedition… period… A Coup…..period…This is sad. And Paxton is just pandering for a Pardon.. he in some crap here in Texas.

    1. @Taylors Trunk yep…. the goon squad… Ellis,Powell, Guliani, Trump,Pompeo, McConnell… so,yes,you are correct..

    1. Numbers 1 and 2 are that 🐢 #MoscowMitchPutinBitch McCONell and that “Miss” #LeningradLindsey Graham!! BTW: I wanna know how those two “won” re election in the first place!

    1. SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

    2. @Ponder7This SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

    3. Absoulotly, Lets hear the lawsuit in court and end it once for all. I trust the supreme court is honest and will do the right thing for America, not for the republicians or the democrats, but for the constitution.

    4. It’s more than that though. Anyone who is subverting Biden as the presidential nominee needs to be dealt with.

  4. Imagine our clown Secretary of State going around the world, and lecturing other nations about our great democracy. The joke writes itself.

    1. @Amelia Perez Trump let the virus in, he, his administration and the GOP indirectly killed over 280,000 people. The threat they pose towards the health and security of the people is all too real.

    2. @Rüdiger Podlaha Guten Abend, ich schreibe bewusst auf Deutsch, es wird Zeit das andere Nationen aufhören uns zu zwingen in deren Sprache zu schreiben, Ihre Aussage ist zu 100% richtig, leider is es so das die USA nie das “Vergnügen” hatten zu erleben was Europa erlebt hat. Fachismus, Nazismus hat keine Nationalität es traf Deutschland und ? es scheint so das es Menschen gibt die nichts gelernt haben aus dem was Fachismus in der Fratze wirklich ist, das Phänomen des “starken” Mannes ist wieder da, es rollt wie eine Dampfwalze auf uns zu mit Konsequenzen die diese Menschen nicht erahnen können, es sieht so aus das niemand da ist der dieMacht hat diesen Prozess zu stoppen, sei es Polen, Ungarn, bei uns Le Pen und eben Trump in Amerika und mir persönlich die AFD, und wieder sind es die gleichen Finanz Dynastien die den Takt vorgeben, ich bin bei Gott kein Kommunist eher Humanist, selber hatte ich die mehr als fragwürdige Ehre als Soldat Werte verteidigen zu dürfen, welche in meiner Heimat oder gesamt gesehen keine Wertigkeit mehr haben. Dieses politische geblaber ohne Kante, es ist auch die Pflicht eines Demokraten an einem bestimmten Punkt zu sagen es reicht und mit Demokratischen Mitteln, diese sind vorhanden, dem ganzen Spuk eine Ende zu machen, passiert das nicht werden wieder Menschen wie ich, meine Kamaraden, ohne die die verreckt sind, wieder einmal verheizt werden, es ist so schön einfach vor dem Reichstag oder Elysé Palast zu stehen und zu jammern, wie böse alle sind um anschliessend die Sportschau zu geniessen. Nicht die anderen, sondern jeder soll sagen “ich will (nicht) mehr.
      Viele Grüsse aus Nîmes, Süd Frankreich, Standort der Fremden Legion im Gedenken an viele die für den Scheiss der Gutmenschen gefallen sind
      Bonne soirée

    3. @Amelia Perez God?! You mean the “all loving” one who allows priests to molest children? That one? Yeah, right. Drop the delusion ffs.

    1. A Circus sideshow would be a Biden… Obama 2.0 administration.. Good Luck with you 401K’s and 2 dollar Gas.

    2. This has shown the character of most involved. All part of my plan. Reply 23 – you have 203 likes — FNORD

  5. Don’t see them trying to throw out the votes that elected Republican senators. Only democratic votes are illegal to these crooks.

    1. That would be the Dems job and not theirs. They would have no legal standing to contest that in which they won. Get moving Dems, start filling suits to see the votes.

    2. And they don’t seem to have a problem with Ohio where mass mail in voting has been done for years now, but Ohio is today a red state that went with Trump twice, so mass mail voting there is o.k. with them.

    1. @Linda Heikel So you are, even more, watching FOX and no understanding of real democracy. Do you smell Fascimen when you wake up every morning. Think yes, but you can cure this. Just learn was is right and what is wrong, and what basic human rights are.

    2. @C gatz SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

    3. @Linda Heikel SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

  6. Overheard at King County Courthouse – “Is this the line to pay parking tickets?” – no, this is the line for pardons…

    1. @Nop Jack Yep. I am old, retired, hugely successful, and failed miserably. Now I am stable, financially secure, and highly skilled at remodeling, auto mechanics, roofing, and electrical work. Also an expert at fitness and health along with self-isolation from Covid spreading maga’ts.
      I feel for the rest of you folks suffering the devastation of this epidemic. Horrible state of affairs.

    2. @C gatz SCOTUS, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”

    3. @James Fox Glad things are going well for you, thanks for thinking of us. I’m keeping the faith along with trying hard to stay safe & be well. This Covid-19 is very real…my 36 y.o. relative passed last week after he and his mother contracted it. She has recovered & is doing better. Brighter days are ahead, but first thing is first…God help this nation full of evil people in high places. Be well my YT friend, be well.

    4. God forbid. That’s one of the wishes for the current occupier of the WH. Thank God for the founding fathers and the judiciary arm of the government. He really didn’t have a good plan for the USA.

    1. @Daniel Morse FB could not do voter verification because FB did not do voter registration. Therefore a judge could not rule on a question of “standard verification”, a question that wasn’t being tried. Even as a trump-appointed judge, Simanek could not in good conscience accept the “incredible”, “bizarre” and “very odd” (judge’s words) of the trump lawyer’s claims that remain unsubstantiated and no basis in fact. As do your’s. Curious tho, none of trump’s legal team has ever challenged ballots in counties that he won. Are you okay with that? There is no “fresh” evidence to indicate a flaw in the system. No evidence, no case. And the rest of US are okay with that.

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