1. make sure you have your face mask on under there.
      Dont worry those troops in SK with he virus will soon be back home.

    2. Don’t get too scared just yet. The sources of information on this are the Chinese Communist government and CNN. Neither have a stellar track record for telling the truth. There are no confirmed deaths from this in the U.S., that much I believe. If we find out in a month that the whole thing is a Chinese hoax, would you be surprised?

  1. 🇺🇸Founding Father Samuel Adams — “It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.”

    1. @vonsuthoff you’ve been smoking so much dope you don’t know who made what promises half of your spiel is horse crap
      I voted for Trump because he’s not a gun grabber he’s not for open borders he’s not for illegals voting felons voting free medical for illegals, Trump is not for over-regulation and taxation that off shores jobs
      Trump doesn’t want to send energy prices through the roof
      And here’s a little tidbit everybody’s harping about Trump’s bankruptcies under Obama s energy plan there were a hundred and sixty-five bankruptcies in 1 year that cost the country hundreds of millions of dollarsI guess bankruptcies easy when it’s not on your dime

      So you can keep your communist propaganda to yourself it’s a horse crap

    2. YooToob CensorsMe so modern day Germany, Japan, UK, and Canada? Because past versions I would agree but not these ones

    1. @Donald Trump is a Ghetto trick if he is such a racist why did 1000?s of indian people show up to hear him speak?

  2. “Warm weather” The Don told us week ago,, will eliminate this. He is a stable genius. Deeply concerned caring Madman King.

    1. @Robert Alan I.do not blame him for being stupid, making up facts, being narcissistic. Do blame him for not studying issues, being a bully and manipulator and living a life that is focused on himself. Had couple chances to take a different path.
      Was even sent to military boarding school for children with behavioral issues.

    2. @John Edward Jones You do realize that you are describing most of the deep state and their family and cronie politicians that have embedded themselves in Washington for decades

    3. @John Edward Jones Not to mention all the deep state employees and politicians with family and friends in the mainstream media?

  3. Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, stumbled over basic questions from GOP Sen. John Kennedy on how the Trump administration is responding to the novel coronavirus.

    Kennedy excoriated Wolf as he deferred to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on questions on how close the US government was to developing a vaccine for the virus and how many people are predicted to become infected.

    “You’re supposed to keep us safe. And the American people deserve some straight answers on the coronavirus — and I’m not getting them from you,” Kennedy said.

    Wolf replied, “I disagree.”

    Only the best people!

    1. @Underground Frenchy doesn’t change the fact Trump* is making America less safe with his intensely stupid decisions and policies.

    1. Ikr. He just said very low, well Doc what’s low? 3..2..1.. maybe 0?! You left us hanging, all the more reasons for some of us to panic..

  4. Let’s face it, it went on for too long in China before they reported on it or did anything about it. Consider all of the people that were exposed and traveled prior to quarantine. Where all of those people went and all of the people and things that they’ve touched and all of the people that came into contact with those people or touched the same things. It’s well beyond the point of anyone’s ability to contain it. A vaccine likely won’t be ready in time unless we all start living like hermits. They’ve also left out statistics on survival rate. While we’ve heard a mortality rate of 2%, that’s among all cases – what they’ve not talked about is the number of cases that have gone to completion. Only 90% of those who have had the virus, have recovered. That’s a 10% mortality rate – most significantly impacting the elderly and those with other health complications.

    And until yesterday, CNN was saying what about this virus? As I recall, they have been saying that it’s silly to be concerned about it and that we should all be more worried about the flu. Didn’t they also say that our response to the virus in terms of limiting flights into was draconian, racist and unnecessary? This, while there have been other news stations that have been warning about this since the issue was first reported.

  5. WHO, CDC, EU, … announced the spread & the severity of this virus for more than a month. Seeing the effectiveness/result of isolation and quarantine procedures in the cruise ship in Japan, why IOC, Japanese Summer Olympic committee still sitting on the sideline as if nothing else has happened and refuses to postpone this year’s summer Olympics.

    Moving the games to other areas (even if it is possible) as suggested by some people is stupid. The spread of the virus is not confined to a specific geographic location anymore. It is way too late. This virus epidemic is the spreading exponentially worldwide. Moving Olympic venues to different countries only means spreading the virus more quicker and to more countries.

    Anyone knows the identities of the sponsors for this summer Olympics?

    Maybe if the responsive sponsors pull out, IOC & Japan Olympic Committee may finally response.

    Maybe the participating athletes/tourists be brave enough to boycott this summer Olympics if IOC still plans on holding these games in July.

  6. *Founding Father Samuel Adams — “It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.”*

    1. @Bubbles … Yeah… There’s no way Hillary could possibly keep up with the number of “broken promises Trump has made!!!


      Seriously… take a look and let’s talk. I’ve tried very hard to confirm all of these facts.

      1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his 2017 tax law has done the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of the tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — will pay more in taxes. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

      2. He promised that the average family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of the tax law. You bought it. But real wages for most Americans are lower today than they were before the tax law went into effect.

      3. He promised to close special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers, especially the notorious “carried interest” loophole for private-equity, hedge fund, and real estate partners. You bought it. But the new tax law kept the “carried interest” loophole.

      4. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program. You bought it. Kim Jong-Un hasn’t denuclearized and is now moving forward with his program!

      5. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful”… something cheaper… better… that covered all pre-existing conditions… including “insurance for everybody.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. He just ended up saying “Who knew insurance could be so complicated?” (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 24 million Americans off health insurance, including many of you.) Instead, he’s doing what he can to cut it back and replace it with nothing. According to the Commonwealth Fund, about 4 million Americans have lost health insurance in the last two years.

      6. He told you he wouldn’t “cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You bought it. But now he’s planning such cuts in order to deal with the ballooning deficit he has created, in part, by the new tax law for corporations and the rich.

      7. He promised to protect anyone with pre-existing conditions. You bought it. But in June, his Justice Department told a federal court it would no longer defend provisions of Obamacare that protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the decision was made with Trump’s approval.

      8. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border and that Mexico would pay for it! You believed him. But there is still no wall to speak of.

      9. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.

      10. He said he’d drain the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for!!!

      11. He promised to re-institute a five-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for five years after they leave government.” You bought it. But the five-year ban he signed applies only to lobbying one’s former agency, not the government as a whole, and it doesn’t stop former officials from becoming lobbyists.

      12. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he has created the most dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants that people there barely know who’s in charge of what.

      13. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by negotiating “like crazy” with drug companies. You bought it. But he hasn’t.

      14. He told you he’d “stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections.” You bought it. But foreign lobbyists are still raising money for American elections.

      15. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” You bought it. But the giant tax cut for corporations and the rich doesn’t leave any money for this.

      16. He said he’d create tax-free dependent care savings accounts for younger and elderly dependents, and have the government match contributions low-income families put into their savings accounts. You bought it, he’s done neither.

      17. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he declared China is not a currency manipulator. Then, he launched into a trade war which has required farmers and steel working industries to be subsidized with American tax payer money!!!

      18. He said he “won’t bomb Syria.” You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

      19. After being the ONLY country in the world to pull out of the Paris accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment. You bought it. There have been no negotiations.

      20. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over and he becomes president.” You bought it. He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

      21. He said he would not be a president who played golf and took vacations, and criticized Barack Obama for doing this! You bought it. But since becoming President, he has spent MORE time than any other president doing so. Trump has spent a quarter of his days golfing and vacationing at one of his properties, that he charges the tax payers extremely high rates!

      22. He vowed to “push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.” You believed him. But he hasn’t. Instead, he’s made it easier for “for-profit” colleges to defraud students.

      23. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad, especially government contractors. You believed him. Never before in U.S. history have federal contractors sent so many jobs overseas. There have been no consequences. And STILL he and daughter Ivanka get ALL of their clothing lines made overseas by foreign sweatshops!

      24. He promised to end DACA. Then in January 2018 promised that “DACA recipients should not be concerned… We’re going to solve the problem,” then he reversed himself again and vowed to end the program by March, 2018. Currently, the federal courts have stayed any action on it.

      25. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost coal mining jobs. You bought it. But coal is still losing customers as utilities turn to natural gas and renewable power.

      26. He promised to protect American steel jobs. You bought it. His tariffs on steel have protected some steel jobs. But industries that use steel — like automakers and construction — now have to pay more for the steel they use, with the result that their jobs are threatened. The Trade Partnership projects that 400,000 jobs will be lost among steel and aluminum users.

      27. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But mass shootings keep rising, and Trump has failed to pass effective gun control legislation. After 17 died in Parkland, Florida, Trump promised “immediate action” on gun safety in schools, but has done nothing.

      28. He promised to make two and four year colleges more affordable. You bought it. But Trump’s most recent budget contains deep cuts in aid for low-income and first-generation college students, reduces Federal Work Study, and eliminates the 50 year old Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program, which goes to more than a million poor college kids each year.

      29. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit and bring down the debt. You bought it. Yet due to his massive tax cut mostly for corporations and the rich, and his military spending, the deficit is set to rise to $1 trillion, and the debt has ballooned to more than $21 trillion.

      30. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,” he promised during the campaign. You bought it. He still hasn’t released his taxes. Now, he is fighting showing them at all!!!

    1. It’s already happening. 90% of these morons claiming trump just gutted the cdc. Pathetic how these losers never get past a headline. 5 more years of freaks making up trump stories. Remember when he was going to start ww3 with north korea over tweets. Now these idiots are saying trump is BFF with Kim. Tds is the real threat to this country.

    2. If the man didn’t lie every time he exhales people may not be so concerned, but when you have a narcissistic, lying, power hungry, ego-maniac that will do anything to look good to you idiot supporters, who knows how many people’s lives are at risk. People are not even taking into consideration all the green house gases he’s allowed to be pumped into our air or the toxic waste he’s allowed to be dumped in our waterways or that he is fighting to end coverage for preexisting conditions so if you’re going to get sick — you better time it just right or you could be filing BK with the other 500,000 people that are forced to file — mainly due to medical bills and the majority of them have insurance. The man is doing nothing for anyone that isn’t in his tax bracket so forgive the sane part of the country when we don’t believe a word that tumbles out of the clowns mouth.

    1. Here is a question. Why did 41 Democrats. BLOCK a bill to protect babies that survive abortions? Democrats. Want babies born alive. To die… You liberals are sick and murderers….. This. Is the second time they have stopped the bill from Passing….
      “it would be better to tie a mill stone around your neck and cast your self into the ocean than to harm one of these little ones” Jesus.. One more. Reason you twisted perverts are being crushed.

    2. @Supergirl WinnerFG sure sure.. You lie to make excuseTo kill
      . Christians Have been taking care of children and homeless for ages
      .. https://youtu.be/ZklyI0aePmg
      But they are NOT pushing. For laws to kill them. Democrats are and will continue..

    1. @Jojo Chen
      well those murdered in todays mass shooting wont be worried anymore.
      another one under trumps regime.

  7. Oh Putin has the antidote. Follow my way. Would love to see these puppets put their own life on the line. Put them planes and cruise ships in Washington DC.

    1. Hacked
      You’re talking about people who trust CNN here. Remember, everyone who disagrees with the democrat party is a Russian. Including Bernie. They throw around Russian asset, and Russian collusion and the idiots believe it. They think the Democrats lied, cheated, made up phony stories about Bernie, and are attempting to steel the election from him for the second time, but they would never do all that to Trump.

    1. I never did either. Then I got the flu three years ago. I have an autoimmune disease. After being so sick, I get the vaccine.

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