President Joe Biden signaled he may be open to making significant changes to the legislative filibuster in the Senate if it continues to be a roadblock to passing legislation on key agenda items like voting rights.
#CNN #News
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins presses Biden about his stance on the filibuster

Cnn thinks that journalist was pressing? Lol cnn u r just tripping

@Mike McGee It’s because they barely exist anymore. That’s a good thing.
@Mark Warren Yeah, I didn’t think so. Goodbye trump worshiping butterfly.
@Mohaimenul Islam No. CNN is the news, and you hate the news because you are a racist propaganda victim desperately clinging to your ignorance.
CNN is breaking their arm trying to pat themselves on the back for doing what “reporters” are supposed to do.
CNN and Fox are the reason people are so critical of dems and so gratifying to reps. Shits toxic.
@Paranoid OOTW Huh? CNN is left leaning.
@ArchangelExile Maybe they see cnn as bad?
He didn’t say “specifically” anything. Absolutely nothing of substance.
@Raymond Orozco a moron who cant speak or answer real questions without help? I agree
How to? What to expect when americano democratic system kinda screwed anyway?
@Truthisfreedom light Yeah man so as to destroy the existence of USA in the map of the world
@Sam Hubbard You forced him to though
@Sam Hubbard that argument makes absolutely no sense in this situation though.
@Dan Mcfly
Am not sure his Grandparents were 9-10 when the came
So sad So sad USA .. BBBBhhhhh “Senile old man ” Now gives his job to “NO Experience Lefty Indian Kamala .. JOKER ..
@Dan Mcfly
seriously you make democrats look stupid
@A A
THATS why Trump was 1st and ONLY one to come forward in 2007 to testify against him… following throwing him out of his resort; as President RIGHT AWAY declared war on child and human trafficking… Epstein arrested & charged under Trump.
@Aja yes and any other source you get your information. Always check who is writing it and if they are reputable. Also, always your information from multiple sources not just one. Make sure they are not opinion pieces and check to see if the things they are citing are also reputable not speculation! hope this helps!
“Pressed”?! With prepared questions and an earpiece? Gtfoh, CNN.
My lord, Joe can’t fix another country he can’t even deal with America.
he can’t even cross the road on his own
“Pressed” ? GTFO. I’ve seen harder softballs thrown by a pitcher with no arms.
@Zachary P who wouldn’t hate everything CNN does? I was surprised they even covered the US funded genocide in Yemen last week. CNN is Fox with a different paint job.
@Wong Kar What A smart person does not hate what CNN does, Trump supporters like you hate them no matter what. Bro, you are completely disproving your own point, the very fact they covered it shows they are not biased.
@Zachary P voter suppression? I didn’t realize that I.D was such a Herculean task for blacks… You lot are the ones telling them they’re useless, not us. It’s so patronizing…..
@Troy Hardie It is voter suppression seeing as it is specifically targeting black communities, and when a black women spoke up about it, the police decided to unjustly arrest her. That is suppression and I cannot believe you are ok with that. Who said they are useless? I certainly didn’t. You are patronizing. MLK’s own son said this was racist.
@Zachary P You’re a liar. That was the biggest pile of nonsense since Bidens abysmal press conference. Your problem is you see everything through the lens of peoples race. If you’re saying black people aren’t able to get I.D then we have more serious discussions to talk about and it’s not “racism” my friend…..
Get over yourself.
Get a grip.
Get some self awareness.
Media hypocrisy at its finest.
how though??? They’re actually not hypocritical because they were willing to ask tough questions…
So sad So sad USA .. BBBBhhhhh “Senile old man ” Now gives his job to “NO Experience Lefty Indian Kamala .. JOKER ..
@Rebecca Newman did you ever dry clean your crusty, rainbow colored straight jacket?
@Aja what did I do, I asked a simple question… do you have an answer to it, or am I actually right and you’re wrong?
God, the world is just laughing at America, especially the third world leaders. Anybody but Trump, eh”. How is that working for America.
Trump was a sociopath who only cared about money and himself. Biden is way better.
Always plays to peoples hearts while doing evil things. Everyone’s evil not me or my intentions. Nothing to see here.
I used to wear an onion on my belt because that was the style back then.
-Joe Biden
lol! 120 years in the senate
Bullshit he did not sound concerned at all he sounded lost and like always SLEEPING!!!!! WHAT A JOKE HE IS!!!!
More bullshit and propaganda from the communist news network
We are not separating kids from their parents. The parents are when they send them alone.
No tough questions to him at all today. He picked what reporters to call on and he had a lot of trouble doing this
The left thinks they defeated President Trump. They miss it completely!
“Trump” is not a person, he represents a fundamental direction for America:
* Americans First
* Proud America
* Drain the swamp
* Elections integrity
* Less job killing red tape
* Peace by strength
* Strong military
* Law and order
* Lower taxes
* Energy independence
* Strong borders
* Fair trade deals
* The strongest and most inclusive US economy ever!! For blacks, women, Asians, youngsters.
As the President says: “we have just started and the best is yet to come!”
@SourDoughBill thank you for expressing a different opinion without insulting me or assuming anything about me. a rare thing from a youtube comment these days.
No surprise that the Democrats keep him hidden away, but can they do it for the next 4 years?
@Yahoo Admin Wow, you are smoking hard:
Americans first – we are at the bottom of quality of life on so many metrics compared to other countries
Proud America – wtf does that even mean?
Drain the swamp – The Board of Education was hired by someone who favors rich private schools, the leader of EPA doesn’t think climate change exists
Elections integrity – the Republicans are complaining about the voting problems that they created by limiting voter’s abilities to vote
Less job killing red tape – if the cost to live decently is $22/hr, but many states, the minimum is below $15, is that really a win?
Peace by strength – so the terrorist attack at the capitol by Proud Boys and Trump supports was peaceful…
Strong military – you’ll have to explain what Trump did to strengthen the military
Law and order – Cops killing minorities, yea, ‘law and order’
Lower taxes – I take it you’re part of the top 2%
Energy independence – i take it you mean without government regulation, kinda like how Texas runs their electricity
Fair trade deals – wut…?
The strongest and most inclusive US economy ever!! For blacks, women, Asians, youngsters – so I must have imagined the wage differences between minorities and whites
Look at the diversity of the Republican party, look at the diversity of the Democratic party, that should already be telling enough
@paenchenlama wtf did he mean by him being in the senate 120 years ago
“Katie Collins what are the facts? “….. Kaitie just goes on to repeat what Biden had said. Journalism at its worst.
This was the biggest joke of a “news conference.” We no longer have real investigative journalists on msm. CNN helped me giggle at least.
It’s cute you think investigative reporting was ever done at a presser.
This is so stupid. I can’t get past these people stealing the presidency from trump. Look at the rallys. Biden didn’t win.
The Whitehouse: UNCENSORED questions to the President NOT ALLOWED.
It’s not his policies but I just gave a quote about parents sending kids to the border because his policies would be friendlier hmmm
The most pathetic ” news conference “” of all times.