CNN’s David Chalian breaks down exit polls on election night

Early exit polls on election night largely show discontent with President Biden and the state of the nation. CNN Political Director David Chalian breaks down the data.


  1. In this, the most important time in our Nation, the voters interviewed are voting for all the wrong reasons!
    There is only ONE reason to vote: DEMOCRACY-VS-FASCISM………

  2. 30 percent of voters says this and 25 percent says that 20 percent that but no one ever said that 95 percent of voters are stupid.

    1. So are 95% of politicians! We got a good representation of reality in Congress there at least 🙄lol. “The greatest case to be made against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.” It’s a cliche at this point but it’s still true.

    1. Do you really believe that democracy is in danger? Are you really that gullible? If people vote for Republicans or Democrats who ever winns has been elected. That is democracy. That’s how it works. Don’t let Joeseph Stallen Biden brainwash you.

    2. @Brad Balsley Because America’s never voted for fascists who plan to take democracy away when they get elected…

    3. they might as well say “orange man bad” is missing, they spend so much time talking about a man who isnt even in office…

    4. How can we have Democracy when our news providers have chosen sides and no longer present facts or both sides of the issues ?

    5. democracy …aka voting democrat” which’s not democracy! Democracy is voting for the person/party you want to vote in! Democrats have no idea what democracy is!

    1. I didn’t either until I thought about it for a second. It’s literally just people who have already voted. The theory is that they’ve already actually voted for real so there’s no reason for them to be anything but truthful.

    2. @djjazzyjeff123 I know I know dude. Throw around insults to make your point. I’ve been watching libs do it for YEARS. It’s fine whatever make you sleep better at night.

    3. Nostradamus hours…it looks like they took a GOP flyer and used it as inspiration to ask questions. They should try : did you vote to die or let your daughter on an operation table, if your local official decides so? 😅 they should stop speculating. They’re painting a red wave ahead of time, it’s an election under pressure and threats of violence, people have a public say that could differ to their private thoughts. They should wait instead of spreading this kind of stuff.

    4. @Greg Huff It’s not rocket science, but it can be more nuanced and more complex than you might think and those nuances and complexities cannot be derived from the words “exit polls” alone. For example you can conduct an exit poll interviewing everyone who’s just voted for the entire duration of the vote, or you could just interview a sample of people who’ve exited within a shorter timeframe. The former reduces bias, but will mean you won’t be able to report until polling closes. Pollsters need to decide what to do with non-respondents and decide the weightage and significance of the polling results obtained on polling day, given early voting and the unproportional representation of voters (hence the skewing of their preferences) who chose to vote early as opposed to those who chose to vote on polling day. People who don’t understand this will think Republicans are winning based on this CNN exit poll. In truth, if 46% of all voters on polling day said they’re unhappy with Biden’s policies, it’s more likely that Republicans are losing. So with respect sir, anyone who thinks they understand how exit polls work are not telling the truth unless they’ve read the polling methodology in detail.

  3. Every single election I’ve watched, the exit questions/answers are the same. I’m angry, it’s the economy, the president sucks, don’t like where the country is going blah, blah, blah. At the end of the day, it’s the true and fair votes and the turnout that matters.

  4. I still can’t fathom why the US cannot set aside 1 day off for the workers, 1 every 2 years, to make sure everyone is in the best condition to vote. 1 day off every 2 years is not going to sink the country’s economy seriously.

    1. @Kermit T. Frog I don’t understand why you are getting so mad over someone complaining about their work load and joking about being compared to a work animal

    2. @Michael Ketcham go back to your basement.. do you really think the republicans leaders care about someone like you??? The last time republicans controlled the White House, the only thing they achieved was a massive tax break for the rich, and I doubt you benefited from that… what state do you live in??

    3. @Emily Patteson The theme of this thread is VOTER SUPPRESSION. Voting by mail is a Republican bugbear. What do you think people will think when you complain that voting by mail makes you feel like a “mule”? (A drug smuggler.)

    4. All the countries on earth should agree to extend the solar yr by 8 days.
      Thus everyone gets 2 days off to do public service such as volunteering, or community service or to participate in local Government were people can vote on state or local laws, so expanding our democracy and making voter feel they have a direct impact in their community.

    1. @warglo6170 We had the storming of the Capitol by a right-wing mob, assassination of politicians’ relatives, destruction of civil rights by a corrupt Supreme Court with connections to the Qanon milieu, etc. pp.

      But the gas prices….

  5. I’m surprised democracy isn’t the number one concern. I know it is for me. The state of our politics is abysmal. We are slowly sliding into fascism… and that isn’t a concern? Doesn’t even register on the poll…?

  6. As I read those standard poll questions and consider how I would have answered them-I wonder if these questions, which are asked every cycle, need to be changed
    Are there better questions that would reveal information more applicable to this nasty divisive partisan semi-post-Covid time

    1. Hello, I hope you’re safe over there? I hope this year brings happiness, prosperity, and love all over the world, I would love us to be good friends in honesty and in trust if you don’t mind. I’m Doctor Christopher Johnson from San Francisco, California, where are you from if I may ask?

  7. 4:44 The “Excellent” 2% in the ‘condition of national economy’ question are just 2 people’s votes. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

    1. @Harry Dehnhardt you and your sheeple can keep believing that but it’ll be about over for you when these election results come in and completely over after ‘24

  8. It doesn’t matter if Democrats or Republicans. The United States is a great power that has always won and will always win. Helping Ukraine is not philanthropy, it is a matter of US prestige and reputation. Think Americans. Think big. The opinion of the enemies of the USA and the trolls does not interest me.
    now think about how much the reputation of the United States will grow if Ukraine wins with the help of the United States.
    Think. It’s good for the US. A great power cannot stand aside!

  9. Someone claiming to be a county official came to my door yesterday and gave me an inaccurate polling address. Fortunately I was able to find the correct one and take my ballot there. My knees and ankles are arthritic and sore from the backtracking I had to do. I should’ve mailed it in, but I had to go show I wouldn’t be intimidated from the ballot box. At least I got it in.

    1. They mist have been for the democrat party and saw you were registered republican…Am I right? This happened to me!

    2. @Trying They claimed to be Dem, but I’m registered under “none” for party and refuse to vote republican.

  10. It’s for the Democrat party what the opening of the movie Irreversible was to Monica Bellucci.

  11. I am angry that Justice is so slow in getting number 45 and his klan. This has drug on all his life. Make them pay! 😤👎

  12. They ask about inflation and gas prices, but compared to the rest of the world you’re doing well.

    They asked about womens rights, that was the second most important issue.

    They didn’t even ask about democracy itself being the most important issue.

    Don’t listen to what they tell you to think, look at the facts and make up your own mind. Get your priorities straight people.

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