A team of World Health Organization investigators in Wuhan are visiting a laboratory that has been the focus of conspiracies and speculation about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.
The WHO investigators began research in the central Chinese city last week, after a 14-day quarantine and bureaucratic delays. Their work has been subject to intense scrutiny and political pressure from both within China and outside the country.
Few places they are visiting are as controversial as a laboratory run by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which officials in former US President Donald Trump's administration suggested, without providing evidence, could have been the origin of the coronavirus.
The lab in question, which is affiliated with the central government-run Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the only one in mainland China equipped for the highest level of biocontainment, known as Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4).
BSL-4 labs are designed to study the world's most dangerous pathogens — those that pose a high risk for transmission, are frequently fatal and most often have no reliable cure, such as coronaviruses.
#CNNInternational #Wuhan #News
Well, it is about F ING TIME !
Its too late. They cleaned out everything.
The thing is, my friend, WHO already want to sent experts in virology back then when the virus was only in Wuhan
But CCP deny allegation there’s a virus outbreak going on
My memory still fresh about that one journalist and whistleblower (his name is Chen Quishi) that mysteriously disappeared because he told everyone there’s indeed virus outbreak going on in Wuhan
You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to think there may be a connection between a lab studying viruses and a pandemic. It doesn’t mean you think it was either intentional nor known. It’s absolutely possible.
@Qingzi Ch if that was a case, the virus should spread across the countries in Northern America in November 2019. (Based on the Ro rate) however nothing happened until mid-March 2020.
Also, CCP jailed whistle blower Dr. Li Wan Long for 10 days because he spread out the coronavirus news in a private message group in December 2019.
@Bat Boy in December 2019, a lot of bat-eating pictures circulated among Asian social medium suddenly.
CCP manipulate the social media in China. In the normal day, definitely those pictures were not approved circulating in any social media. Period.
If some kinds of “fact, news and/or pictures” flushed all over the Chinese media, it means CCP want to cover up the story behind. It’s a fact.
Therefore, conspiracy theory has been spreading.
Conclusion: no one can tell where does the virus originally transmitted, except CCP.
No matter its from Wuhan Laboratory or Wuhan Wet Market, CCP did covered up the news in November 2019 (express postal service in Wuhan were stopped service in November 2019. In December 2019, the service stopped in Wuhan and area surrounding.
Also, a lot of infected people (fever) “showed off” how they escape from Wuhan to rest of the world in Dec 2019 on social media.
CCP government didn’t do anything (shutdown the Wuhan’s gate) until January 26, 2020.
@Cortez The Killer the majority of people mock Trump LMAO
My memory still fresh about that one journalist and also a whistleblower (his name is Chen Quishi) that mysteriously disappeared because he told everyone there’s indeed virus outbreak going on in Wuhan
Already been debunked
This is very crazy thinking!! How do they expect to find anything after a YEAR
Even after a year, you can find stuff. hopefully, that would be enough to find answers.
@Biyaako Najiraadhuka what?!!!!! What are you talking about. Since when WHO is a governing body?
@Loan TRAN-THANH let me ask u a question? Who is supposed to have an oversight on the pandemic? Is that not WHO? what are you talking about?
They expect to find NOTHING just as planned and planned and planned.
You are right the last big joke of 2020 is WHO going to China a year too late.
That is communism for you its funny how communism needs capitalism to survive.
Probably should’ve restricted travel to avoid global spread.
@Bat Boy in December 2019, a lot of bat-eating pictures circulated among Asian social medium suddenly.
CCP manipulate the social media in China. In the normal day, definitely those pictures were not approved circulating in any social media. Period.
If some kinds of “fact, news and/or pictures” flushed all over the Chinese media, it means CCP want to cover up the story behind. It’s a fact.
Therefore, conspiracy theory has been spreading.
Conclusion: no one can tell where does the virus originally transmitted, except CCP.
No matter its from Wuhan Laboratory or Wuhan Wet Market, CCP did covered up the news in November 2019 (express postal service in Wuhan were stopped service in November 2019. In December 2019, the service stopped in Wuhan and area surrounding.
Also, a lot of infected people (fever) “showed off” how they escape from Wuhan to rest of the world in Dec 2019 on social media.
CCP government didn’t do anything (shutdown the Wuhan’s gate) until January 26, 2020.
Think about what you just said. Seriously. Even if travel was restricted, the virus would have spread anyways. It’s microscopic. It will travel through air, people, products, sea, and land.
@מכונה בואנו ים Meanwhile, lockdowns in full effect.
@This Is Your Captain Speaking yep
LoL. What for.. it’s like going to a crime scene 50 years later
Nothing to see here, go back to sleep.
It took Communist China too long to allow WHO to go to Wuhan.
The origins of this virus?! Really? And the WHO USED to be headquartered there at the time of virus leak and officials were silenced by the emperor. Please
@Bilal Seifullah So what is your point? What are you trying to say? ..
@Bilal Seifullah The origin of this virus started in China
@Bilal SeifullahU.S. is better off without WHO.
China already told Biden administration not to cross the red line. Just like President Trump said….
Why they didnt go before one year. China made this virus and world sick. So what we do with china.
@Desmond Pun stop spread out the fake news!
@asdf83917 You should discuss it with the writer of the Wikipedia article!
China already wrote a letter to the current administration not to cross the red line.
According to Wikipedia, on March 16, 2020, Former US President, Donald Trump’s repeated use of the terms “Chinese virus” and “China virus” to describe COVID-19 drew criticism from health experts.
By early April, 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened and amid criticism of his administration’s response, Donald Trump refused to admit any mistakes in his handling of the outbreak, instead blaming the media, Democratic state governors, the previous administration, China, and the WHO.
In May and April, 2020, Donald Trump accused the WHO of “severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus” and alleged without evidence that the organization was under Chinese control and had enabled the Chinese government’s concealment of the origins of the pandemic. He then announced that he was withdrawing funding for the organization. Donald Trump’s criticisms and actions regarding the WHO were seen as attempts to distract attention from his own mishandling of the pandemic.
@Desmond Pun Ok, the virus came from China so China virus is appropriate. Trump was the first country leader to stop flights from China. WHO never let U.S. know about this virus. Biden was against Trump stopping the flights from China. China didn’t allow WHO to send someone over there. China went after its own whistleblower…and now he is dead. I think we need to stop blaming each other here and move on.
“It smells like bleach in here.”
I don’t see Marjorie Greene in the video
We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.
Goodbye Year of the Plague Rat, hello Year of the Knackers Ox.
In the spirit of truth, the WHO will next be investigating the WHO.
Great idea to put a bio weapons lab in the middle of a large city.
I would, it’s only important to investigate everywhere it’s been.
the chinese government needs to be erased from this World.
american government should be erased from the universe
A year later, that was quick! I’m sure all the evidence they need will still be there
Yeah, they had a year+ to cover it all up. Waste of time if you ask me, just demand China pay war damages to all the affected countries and that’s that. That’ll make sure they don’t have another lab leak again.
“Conspiracy theories”
I didn’t know Rodger Daltrey and Pete Townshend knew anything about infectious diseases, beyond personal experience. Better send Keith Richards there too!
Well, it seems the general public in China has more common sense about staying home than we do.