More than 500,000 refugees have fled Ukraine amid Russia's ongoing invasion, the United Nations Refugee Agency says. CNN's Erin Burnett and her team capture how difficult the journey is out of the country. #CNN #News
CNN team documents tumultuous journey out of Ukraine

this is just heartbreaking.
In what regard?
@MamiRicaaaa Loss of life in Ukraine and *_severe_* economic sanctions crushing the Russian civilians. putin has chosen for his people to live in poverty for the rest of their lives. That’s how long the sanctions will last. putin has the power to change this.
It’s about time
Wests racist media
This is really heartbreaking. I keep thinking how easy it would be to ignore it, and stop watching it. But, that would only be the physical part of not watching. I keep looking for some good news for these people. I keep hoping to hear Russians had enough and forced Putin out, and they’re pulling out of Ukraine. But I also hear stories that put me in awe of Ukraine as well as the Russians who are standing up and protesting this war, even before the start of sanctions. 🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪☮️☮️✌️✌️🕊️🕊️🇺🇸🇺🇸
Everybody saw this coming to Ukraine …since Germany & Europe was buying GAS/OIL from RUSSIA …. Russia dependent …. Just wait when Putin ..turns it OFF …
@zemo domain It’s already off. Russia is isolated and will soon be a nation as poor as Cuba, Bangladesh, and some other African countries. Enjoy the poverty show.
So horrible! Thank you & your news team for your bravery & wherewithal to complete that journey. My heart is with those people who have to leave their homes & country, and as you said, not knowing when & if they’ll be able to return. 🙏🏻❤️
@Pycelle’s Beard How is *_this_* report propaganda and if you would, list a couple news sources that are *_not_* propaganda.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat Thanks to CNN’s shoddy past, I have no way of knowing What’s real here or whether or not it’s staged, and Sadly I can’t think of any and THAT is precisely the problem.
@Pycelle’s Beard Name one staged CNN “skit”. Also, how about those sources that you know for a fact are *_not_* propaganda news sources.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat Stop wasting our time. Nobody is interested in proving anything to a troll.
Wests racist media
I am so sad seeing this and hope second round talks will be okay ✅ May God give the good people in Ukraine unlimited protection’s 🍀💐🙏
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat FYI Bangladesh is not a poor country.
@Ruben GDP
US 22.9 trillion
Russia 1.6 trillion
Bangladesh 355 billion
Cuba 107 billion
@zemo domain Sanctions will make Russia poor. Their interest rates more than doubled the second day of the sanctions. No more prosperity for Russia. The Russian citizens need to hang putin or live like paupers. Enjoy watching Russia’s GDP drop like a rock. Enjoy Russia’s inflation rocket sky high. That’s forever, fool.
West racist media
Cudos to you and your team. That experience was so tragic. I hope we continue to support Ukraine, and give humanitarian aid as well weaponry.
@Christine Yeah, like we did to promote civil war in Syria
@treeoflife They want to use Ukraine for war with Russia.
Where is NATO and other international organizations when ISRAEL invades and occupies PALESTINE destroying civilian buildings and killing children with US military equipment.
West racist media
Excellent reporting. Helps to understand Ukrainian’s plight in actual time, energies & emotions. One day, daily life as usual. Next day an abyss of unknowns.
These people should have left months ago!!! Same with the people in the middle east that knew the troops were about to leave. No sympathy
@Joel Rai Xenophobes
– a person having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
“they say they are being unfairly typecast as xenophobes and racists” yep. Facts Only to Xenophobes FOX
@Milky Way so what?
@Christine What was phony about this report? Be specific.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat Everything.
Unbelievable report… my prayers are with Ukrainian
Did you also pray for the people of Panama, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria when they we’re invaded??
Wests racist media
most of us can’t imagine having the so many things we take for granted everyday in our lives suddenly taken away.
@zemo domain Move to Russia Putin clown
Yup. No sanctions on oil..🤣 It’s all over Nord Stream 2. Nobody really cares what happens to the people.. These comments with God bless and flags is stupid and very mass psychosis..
@confused algorithm Russia can not sell anything in Europe and most of the civilized world . much is being done for the people . your friend Putin is the cause of this .
@Mark ANTONY I don’t care. Let prices sky rocket.
Where is NATO and other international organizations when ISRAEL invades and occupies PALESTINE destroying civilian buildings and killing children with US military equipment.
Thank you for reporting on this and for putting yourselves through such an ordeal to show the world what so many people are going through right now. Sending LOVE & LIGHT to those who need it most now. 🙏🏾🌏💚💙💜💫 This too shall pass.
It was green screen. They where in nyc..
@confused algorithm I bet you think trump is still president too. Conspiracy theories are not good for people’s mental health.
My prayers and heart goes out to them all citizens and visitors alike in Ukraine trying to find their way through, may Yaweh protect them all💙
This tears at my soul, I can’t begin to imagine what it is doing to the people of Ukraine!! 🥺💙💛🇺🇦🙏
What did you see?
Where is NATO and other international organizations when ISRAEL invades and occupies PALESTINE destroying civilian buildings and killing children with US military equipment.
I don’t know. I felt for Ukraine at first then I started seeing how they were treating people of color trying to get into neighboring countries
West racist media
Peace an Support Warming Hearts to Ukraine people I Wish the United States could Rescue Y’all Because Yall Need it More Then Anything Right Now Peace an Love an Support I Hope You All Get To a Safe Place Away This Destruction
This is horrible,My heart goes out to the civilians!!!😭💔🇺🇦🙏
Yet trump n the Republicans support putin
One man is responsible for this uncertainty and of course so much more…horror, injury & death. One man should not have such power.
I feel so bad for all of them forced to leave their home sweet home for a unknown amount of time 😭😭
May God be with and protect the folks in Ukraine and keep them strong and you in the press. ❤️
all I can say is hug your kids and family and realize how lucky we are to live here, My tears weep for these people
Where is here to you?
Where is NATO and other international organizations when ISRAEL invades and occupies PALESTINE destroying civilian buildings and killing children with US military equipment.
@Thomas Reaves The Antarctic Doing research appreciate the comment
Getting the non combatants out of the area, free’s up those fighting from having to worry quite so much about those who are not… I salute Ukraine! (I’m a retired U.S. military service member).
Yeah your no better than any Russian soldier right now . You did the same in Afghanistan Iraq Syria and Libya. You killed innocent ppl
How horrible and heartbreaking. This is truly heartbreaking for all involved.
It is so sad seeing the mother’s with their children walking to get out of the country. The children are dressed so nice and neat, the mom’s really take such good care of them. I’m praying they all stay safe.