Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX), who aggressively questioned former special counsel Robert Mueller last week during Congressional hearings involving his report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, will be nominated by the President to replace Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. #CNN #News
CNN security analyst sounds the alarm on Trump’s pick

Is it just me or does John Ratcliffe look like a character played by Steve Carell
A little.
Oh and the mayor of whoville is muthafudging Jeffrey Tambor. Dude is fucking great.
The RAT….. ..?Is he another one of those fine people chosen by trump ? Totally UNQUALIFIED , ignorant, dangerous too. A rat! Out of control.!
All these Trump supporters who can’t even spell correctly think Ratcliffe is overqualified because Trump thinks so
Must piss really you off then Myriam G = “So easy a caveman can do it” = Yet these fucking people couldn’t. HA HA HA
Yeah, but he really knows how to suck lying donnies’ scrotum and will carry out any treasonous act required by the GOP ( Government of Putin ) and the other scum who wants the Russians to interfere again so comrade trump will win again. Sad to say it, but, bye bye freedom, hello dictatorship with Trump and Putin both on the ticket next year how could they lose?
The biggest threat to America is the U.S. government itself, period!!!!
Nobody will be arrested, it’s all scripted garbage! Rothschild is in complete control of the country with his henchmen BAR attorneys! Just google: crown temple
These trumptards are like a cult and even support drumpf selling MORE weapons to Saudi Arabia but this time he had to veto a bill that Congress was trying to stop the military hardware sale that is being used in Yemen! Trump even backs blockades that’s starving children! These trumptards make ohbummer tards look intelligent!
p v I meant the people who are against the USA in this comment thread yeah you’re absolutely right though
@M A thanks for info.
let’s just hope they keep him away from any operating levers or lanyards.
A cockroach named CNN is responding strongly to cockroach drugs.
I hope he pulls the trigger on Hillary Clinton, and her Russian dossier.
@Naomi Ogle I’m voting for mugged on a 3am jog.
“Not qualified.”
Huh…sounds familiar….OH wait that’s every single person in the Trump administration appointed by Trump.
DarthDragon007 every single one
You forgot to mention the accusations – with ZERO evidence – of 30 year old sexual assaults.
No need to even mention the racism accusations. Apparently drinking water is racist to the left these days
This guy is a postal worker or at least used to be, now he’s running your national intelligence. He’s already hired. Peewee Herman as a spokes person.
God help us
If he is reelected he will become a Dictator and America will cease to exist as we have know it

Peewee Herman is fricken awesome! LOL
“make America less safe”? Would you let the kids go swimming if the Life Guard doesn’t know how to swim? This guy has zero.
scared ??
Best president ever! Donald Trump!
Donald Trump is the best thing that’s ever happened to this country. Best President ever. Loving all his accomplishments. Bye bye worthless Obama.
When are you going to report about the zoo breakout?
Trumpanzees everywhere!
@Noshadow FU and have a great day…
@Alec scott Except he banned Epstein from his resort 4 life 4 trying 2 coerce a 14 yr old to hav sex but Bill Clinton actually went 2 pedophile island over 22 times & ditched his secret service agents so don’t b so blind to the truth leftist.
Trump “the stable genius” only hire the best period…
@Carlos De Leon 5 lol all before he ran lol
@Robert Thompson what did obama do in 8 years compate it to trump trump is king
@trevor mcgaw
I don’t HAVE TO compare it to trump.
Obama’s not the sitting president.
Trump, the dangerous sociopath is.
Yesterday’s gone genious, and evidently…
THANK YOU very much for this hate fueling, clinically sociopathic, citizen deviding, foul mouthed, failing EVERY MORAL TEST of the Bible, leader of the country you help vote in.
Thanks for that aye??
and in advance….
thanks for that crashed economy that’s ASSUREDLY coming within the next 4-6 years genious.
Know alot about presidential history do you???
Welll….keep applauding this fool genious WHEN that crash comes, and wear your red….
…hat while you’re doing it aye??
History has proven the economical cost of the EXACT same actions he’s taken.
You’re too stupid to enlighten.
All you got is compare him to a past president???
You’re as big a fool as he is.
Ratcliff lied about the Steele Dossier and contradicted the Republican Intelligence Committee- He is a hack in his own party.
Logical Conservative I do not seek censorship, the only thing I am seeking to remove from this conversation is a person harassing others. There were no real ideas or thoughts brought to the table before I reported his posts.
Logical Conservative There is nothing “grown up” about ignoring hate and harassment. A large part of being responsible is not ignoring problems.
Logical Conservative Once more, for the record, I do not tolerate harassment of myself and others. Part of being an adult is being responsible, and responsible people do not ignore problems. He brought nothing but insults and harassment to the table (no ideas), so I have censored no one.
that’s how you get moved up with dumpty fight for his lies.
A cockroach named CNN is responding strongly to cockroach drugs.
Please don’t talk about Obama that way. That’s racist.
Every argument you can find from him is from a great legal and logical point of view. You obviously have never heard of him untill now.
gen mainion yes, just like how certain people screamed the lie of Russia collusion n yet there’s still no conclusive evidence for his impeachment!
These republicans are AGGRESSIVE and they think that when they scream people,e are afraid …!!
Donald Trump is the best thing that’s ever happened to this country. Best President ever
The US fascists are winning big time and Nancy Pelosi is sleeping!!
RATFACE will NEVER FIT into Dan COATES SHOES. He is one of trump’s FARTS, a Dirty Smelly Wet one

John Ratcliffe also voted to extend NSA spying on Americans and rejected privacy reforms.
You can’t believe anything these people say, they are all playing to Trump!
Let’s find out why Mueller didn’t charge Mifsud.
On one point, I think there should be little dispute: John Ratcliffe has not shown himself adept at keeping politics separate form intelligence.
He’s not qualified? He can’t be any less qualified for this position than a bartender to start writing laws.
Boy, is there a lot of TDS going on in this comment sec. Orange Man Bad!
Donald Trump is the best thing that’s ever happened to this country. Best President ever
Trump: Do you promise to help protect Putin?
Ratcliff: Yes
Trump: You’re hired
Everything Trump has done is against Russia: Syria, Venezuela and Iran are Russia’s allies. Pls stop believe the collusion was with Russia: it was with Israel. Our politicians are all owned bybIstaeli lobby-so they push the Russian narrative. Ratcliffe is owned by the lsraeIi Lobby, the same people who own Bolton and Pompeo. Adelson had Trump put him in place to send us to war with Iran. Coats wanted back in Iran Deal. Pls see proof from Ratcliffe’s own website & youtube on what country he really works for
Donald Trump is the best thing that’s ever happened to this country. Best President ever
Its this stupidity that cost Dems in 2016. Thanks for supporting Trump again!