CNN's Rosa Flores walks through the path migrants took to get from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha's Vineyard. #CNN #News
CNN retraces steps taken to get migrants on flights to Martha’s Vineyard

CNN's Rosa Flores walks through the path migrants took to get from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha's Vineyard. #CNN #News
Put out a police-style sketch of this “Perla”.
Pretty sad when you cant even accommodate folks for a week at least.
It’s millions of people. The federal govt is not feeding the people in smaller cities in Florida. Generally I disagree with Republican view points but I’m seeing it with my own eyes in Jax. It’s up to locals.
Ha ha ha CNN. This is just the best thing ever. In your face. And hope your all fired soon too.
1 L D Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kristy Campbell LIB BOT
They’d been welcome with open arms if equipped with mowers and weed wackers.
You hug your gardener?
@Dozzy Is that illegal now too? Or just for the individual states to decide….
How did they (illegally) get through the border in the first place??
&Debrah – You do realize they did not enter through a port of entry. They crossed the boarder illegally.
Democrats let them in.
Vía Río Bravo.
Biden’s pathetic open border policy.
They called the national guard to come pick ‘em up
wouldn’t that have to be done by the state governor?
@Konstellashon Who called the state governor?
They got them out of there so quick! Lol the hypocrisy is so real!!!
The way these few migrants were quickly deported to a military facility is quite shocking, indeed.
They sent them to a really nice internment camp tho….
One of the wealthiest areas in the entire world doesn’t have the “resources” for 50 migrants.
@Jennifer L they don’t stay at the southern border….they are moved all the time to the interior. They are placed all over the country depending on where their hearing is going to be. We have been taking care of them all along. This isn’t about blue state or sanctuary cities. We are just simply asking to let us know so we can be prepared. When they first dropped them off in N.Y. and Chicago they where unprepared and it was all over the news. And now it’s not a fuss anymore because they are prepared to handle it. So to make a point of cruelty they where sent to a deserted summer town. 2 million of fla tax payers money went to this stunt.
@Kathy Weis why not just close the boarder and have ppl come across legally? And u are misinformed on how it works, don’t just trust what your news tell you. You should do research on your own
From what Martha’s Vineyard Sanctuary residence have said, they are in dire need of large Low Income housing projects for workers and immigrants.

@Mark Warren The *REPUBLICAN* governor sent them there.
@M Hall Is that why you can’t show a source??
It’s all good till your policies show up in your neighborhood.
1 sacrificial suicide Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
What is the difference if they are in Texas, Florida or Martha’s Vineyard ? If you have boasted you are a sanctuary city or state, Open your doors and help these poor illegal immigrants…..
Martha’s Vineyard should build a few homeless shelters
1 John Furguson Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
We don’t know who Pearla is, where she is, what she looks like or if she actually exist. But our in-depth reporting confirms that she might not be a figment of our delusional imagination.
1 Sean Tonnesen Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Funny how people in Martha’s Vineyard have signs welcoming all migrants but when the migrants arrive they call the national guard to remove them
@gypsyTanya Who do you think called the governor?
@Jim Mulvaney My sanctuary town doesn’t have immigration resources, but has received and supported a lot of migrants in the last couple years. MV only got 50. They could have collaborated with the state to get them processed and set up in housing, etc.
Virtue signaling, yay! Bring in the National Guard!

Martha’s Vineyard has over 10,000 unoccupied houses during the off-season. Enough to house 50,000 migrants. In return for free-rent, the migrants can squat in the houses, so they get to keep them for Summer of 2023
50,000 you say? Coming right up!
We are taking about only 50 migrants. They where transported to a military base in only 24 hours.
@volts imagine if they would have the 4 million that have cross our border since January 2021
When 2 million immigrants flood into Texas that’s diversity. When 50 immigrants show up in Martha’s vineyard that’s a catastrophe.
1 Archie Clement Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Also listen to local police scanners.alot of cop’s asking for a translator.they were shipped every where
Desantis hit the jackpot on this one.
Send more illegal “migrants” to Martha’s vineyard and also Aspen as well.
1 Joel Rodriguez Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Marthas vineyard, one of the richest communities in the world, doesn’t have the “resources” to handle .005%, five thousands of a percent, of the problem that they created! Really? But they have the resources to gather them up and remove them, probably against their will [kidnapping], within less than 24 hours! Amazing
1 Roberto Viana Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Pretty disgusting.
These people in Martha’s Vineyard are so kind.
The 50 migrants came, they gave them food, shelter, pizza, they decided to do charity and help these people, and then in less than 24h, they’re out of the millionaire island and sent to another place.
dont forget under armed guard
And someone called the MV volunteers heroes!

They also provided attorney’s and thousands of dollars to help them.
Crazy how they only care when it shows up on their doorstep
1 Clinton Kildepsteen Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
They pretend to care in front of the camera.