Surging gang violence in Haiti's capital has left hundreds dead and thousands forced to flee. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh gives an inside look into the country's harrowing situation. #CNN #News
CNN reporter witnesses Haitian gang violence from inside armored car

More victims of violence and hate. May they find peace and safety soon.
yup…that is definitely “not love” seeing hundreds of souls – young and old – running in fear of their life….
make that Jan 6th stuff come to the “light”, cuz that is totally possible here one day if we let our democracy slide into the abyss of hate and violence
@John McQuillen what about the riots all summer in 2020.I guess you missed all that didn’t you.The hypocrisy is hilarious.One rule for thee but not for me
Last fight
Notice all the comments how hateful Americans are over other peoples misery then you wonder why we can get anything done if the country is anything like those comment’s
No comment is like that. The comments are pointing out that we have some of the most dangerous cities in north America, school shootings that can’t end because of if we got rid of ar-15s gangs would spread out cartel style. With the record amount of illegals entering the country (6K daily) we have a smaller and smaller portion of people paying taxes. According to immigration, every illegal cost 94K throughout the course of their lifetime because they take more in aid than they give. So basically the 6K (only on the southern border, the north is just as bad) cost us half a billion dollars. 50% of the US lives in poverty and the great unretiring is underway forcing 80 year olds to come out of retirement to pay for basics. We are broke and crime ridden too. You saying Americans are hateful causes more issues than Americans pointing out how screwed we are.
@Devyn Odyssey typical american,without my gun it’s the end of the world lol
@Devyn Odyssey you seen the checks they get? I’ll wait. How old and where are you from and are you rich or poor? because that really matters at how you see the world. This people starve to death of they don’t die from dehydration on top of the cartels and who knows what the hell else they face to come back to a land that they were kicked out from but ill wait for you to answer my first question about these checks immigrants get. Btw the places that hire immigrants save there taxes which makes them rich at the expense of cheap good labor
What can be done? The infrastructure goes to rubble from earth quakes and hurricanes, the educated leave, and each woman has 10 kids she can’t support. This is so unbelievably depressing.
Clinton foundation. Ring a bell?
What can be done? Send in an army and start cleaning up all the criminals as an emergency measure. That’s the biggest problem.
No answer. Sadly
The housing should not be flat on the ground it has to be lifted like beach fronts you can park a car under
Consequence of a generation not educated. What a mess
Its probably been like this for over two hundred years.
This is pure Sadness
Close your eyes and remember Donald Trump
Last fight
People should have respect for human life
Since the beginning of time people have had zero regard for human life. We just have guns now and cameras. That’s it. It’s normal for the devil to want chaos.
My proposed solution is long, details, and tedious. Read it in the title “Roadmap to Haiti’s Next Revolution – Capitalizing Haiti’s Economy with Haitian Diaspora Remittances”
@Rubens Titus I’ve read all the “roadmaps” brother, and whole heartedly agree
% with Cha on that piece of simple philosophy….

it’s ones “intent” within ones soul in every decision we make – good or bad, and I believe we accountable for said “decisions” in the end, and matters most when we make mistakes, and actually “fix” said mistakes with action – not words….
if you pay attention real close??
you see said “colors” in any human real fast….trick is to find like “respectful, honest, and trustworthy” souls like you and I , and grow with them….. instead of wasting time on those who waster our time – no matter how loving, nice, or kind we are towards them….
jus sayin’
@Rubens Titus the “premise” of my first , “actual” book/novel I’m writing – to be published soon on 3 simple words…….
“What is Love?”……
What is love to you bro??
I’ve asked over 200 souls, and have very few answers, so I would appreciate your response…
…Love…to you?….in YOUR WORDS….being 100% from you??
perfect strangers, in need of perfect answers…..
plus…if you take it seriously?

I’ll include you in said book, find you, and pay you cash money for your time ( if the book is successful – which IMO? 75% it’s big!!)…
so, take your time….your response is taken seriously, no judgement, zero criticism – just be honest
what is love to you??
Gonna require a miracle or two for these poor fellows to be happy again.
3:18 We know you’re primitive humans, but maybe less complaining and more family planning would do you some good.
Just less US and French colonialism really
CNN out there in the trenches RESPECT!!! Seriously though God bless the innocent bystanderds who live this daily.
@SKIPPER CANNON Why the need to pray on my comment??
@Kaleb Williams Everyone needs prayer brother
I recognise Nick Paton Walsh from his Ukraine coverage. Excellent reporting.
Wasn’t he the one on the train?
Last fight
My proposed solution is long, details, and tedious. Read it in the title “Roadmap to Haiti’s Next Revolution – Capitalizing Haiti’s Economy with Haitian Diaspora Remittances”
I love how the guy is adjusting his red dot then just sprays out of the vehicle.
1 Candy Land Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
We can’t use it inside the armed but we use it when we fight that the reason we need help to buy some new guys new car we want to fitting but….
This is so sad. For years ever since I was born, I’m watching Haiti in the news. A beautiful country with wonderful people. But these Gangs and greedy people refuses that country to be great. The money Haiti can generate if they had a steady dose of tourist is unbelievable. DR which is on the same island next door rakes in money, Jamaica
which is across the pond stay making money. You wouldn’t need all these kidnapping if people was making money, having business. We need hospitals, Schools, homes and business. We need to build roads and hotels. They need to go in with a real Ops team and wipe them all out. Haiti
is beautiful and it needs to change

.. the history is long and steep with a fight for freedom ..
I really don’t know what to say I’m Haitian but I live in America and I see what my people are going through there are no jobs people are hungry and we fighting ourselves over the nothingness that we have
In 1804 when the Haitians defeated the French and were cut off from all trade in Jamaica and Puerto Rico everybody else was still having trade they left the Haitians because the Haitians defeated them and they made sure wedidn’t get nothing for 200+ years … In the haitian’s persistence shows their desperation and perseverance the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere .. where parts of Europe build their wealth off of our backs #BlackHistory
Speak my friend speak
@No seriously Though
Hello lm a Cuban in US. Been here many years & still feel for my Haitian neighbors. If the Haitian people worked TOGETHER instead of preying on each other, great things could be accomplished. It would take someone with organizing ability, HONEST, charismatic. Somebody who really cares for his/her people.
Don’t let yourselves be divided, come together. Great things could come of it.
2:00 – Haiti’s spiral towards collapse?
That already happened in 1791.
1 Danny Archer Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Tjis is the way it has been in Haiti for many years. Glad it’s finally getting some coverage.
1 loc man Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
My proposed solution is long, details, and tedious. Read it in the title “Roadmap to Haiti’s Next Revolution – Capitalizing Haiti’s Economy with Haitian Diaspora Remittances”
We knew the situation was bad in Haïti but it’s gut wrenching to see it with your own eyes!
Very sad situation. Good reporting!
This is what France Canada and USA created
1 Gigi Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Sandra Recio
With friends like those, who need ennemies!

.. the history is long and steep with a fight for freedom ..
I really don’t know what to say I’m Haitian but I live in America and I see what my people are going through there are no jobs people are hungry and we fighting ourselves over the nothingness that we have
In 1804 when the Haitians defeated the French and were cut off from all trade in Jamaica and Puerto Rico everybody else was still having trade they left the Haitians because the Haitians defeated them and they made sure wedidn’t get nothing for 200+ years … In the haitian’s persistence shows their desperation and perseverance the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere .. where parts of Europe build their wealth off of our backs #BlackHistory
1 No seriously Though Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kristy Campbell
Why … Why post this
It’s a shame that some would rather rule in Hell than live peacefully. If people worked together instead of preying on each other great changes would come.
We need help in Haiti
After watching this, stop saying it is so sad or you feel for us. Instead, please help us ask the US government to stop sending illegal guns to Haiti. Every week Haitian custom has been containing thousands of bullets and hundreds of assault weapons coming from the US. How is this possible?
You’ll be enough for the right person.
So sad Haiti has degenerated into a giant ghetto. The country is very beautiful and the people are so friendly.