CNN reporter visits devastated city near quake’s epicenter

More than 11,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands injured after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, according to officials. CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh reports from the Turkish city of Kahramanmaraş, which sits near the epicenter of the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than 100 years. #CNN #News

CNN reporter visits devastated city near quake’s epicenter


  1. Thank you. I appreciate you keeping us informed. Really, I’m impressed. I will always appreciate Courtney Taylor. Our government has no idea how much people are struggling right now. Your truthful advice on mental health, homelessness, gun violence, mass killings, elementary schools, hunger, lack of access to healthcare, racial tensions, hatred, fentanyl overdoses, gang violence, police brutality, violations of human rights, mass illegal immigration, the collapse of the financial system, the extreme economic downturn, record-high inflation, and the Great Depression has been very helpful to me and helped keep this story alive. It has been a true blessing. Can it really get any better than that? You are brilliant

  2. *_Armchair Quarterbacks… if you were faced with over 5,000 collapsed structures, it might take you time to mobilize rescuers._*

    Anyone critical of response so far… get on a plane, go to Turkey or Syria and VOLUNTEER. You won’t because complaining from the safety of your warm house is your biggest contribution. Better yet… Stay the F away. Let real heroes do the dangerous work.

    *_This is not a ‘Them’ problem… this is a WE are the Solution helping fellow Human Beings…._*

  3. Unbelievable is becoming more and more common an occurrence around the world. Body count is growing exponentially as the population continues to be under pressure moving into unsafe environs. The Billionaires have too much money

  4. It’s disasters such as this that underscore the importance of alliances. Turkey and Syria need much assistance. So does Ukraine! Perhaps the Turkish government will reconsider its mistaken position of denying Sweden and Finland the protection which it takes for granted from NATO. Turkey can’t have it both ways!

    1. 50.000 dead by end of the week in Turkey/Syria. Time for Zelensky to stop the war that is gobling up much needed global resources.

  5. I live 450 km away from the earthquake zone. But we felt these earthquakes. This is a very strong earthquake. There is great destruction in 10 provinces. Some small towns and villages were destroyed. this is different from an earthquake, as if an atomic bomb had been dropped. 5 of my relatives passed away. There are wounded and dead everywhere. No country can fight this disaster alone. Calling all countries of the world, please help. humanity must join hands so that we can be strong

  6. It’s disasters such as this that underscore the importance of alliances. Turkey and Syria need much assistance. So does Ukraine! Perhaps the Turkish government will reconsider its mistaken position of denying Sweden and Finland the protection which it takes for granted from NATO. Turkey can’t have it both ways! ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  7. Taiwan was one of the first responding countries. The Taiwanese rescue team found itself at odds when its equipment disappeared arriving in Turkey. The team also felt at a crossroads because it was awkwardly transported to different locations. it felt like there was bad management, coordination, and organization on where the rescue team should be placed.

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