Hong Kong has entered its 16th consecutive weekend of anti-government protests, as police warned the level of violence is escalating potentially beyond control, and the force faced renewed allegations of brutality.
What began as a peaceful march in the city's suburban Tuen Mun district on Saturday turned in a violent standoff between a group of protesters and riot police.
CNN's Will Ripley reports from Hong Kong.
Stay strong Hong Kong
Too bad Americans are too complacent to do anything about their corrupt government like this
use wechat and huawei to start your revolution
@NOT YOU yes, I’m speaking generally.
@Russell T My apologies then.
They’re only on the verge of being taken over by an authoritarian one party regime with a long history of killing political dissenter and currently in the middle of a genocide but by all means, spend 4 minutes telling us about which langage they use to insult the cops
“genocide”? What genocide?
The protester’s real issues is not with the police force. So it isn’t really productive for the protesters to antagonize them either. Be firm in your right to protest, be vigilant to how they treat you and the other protesters, but if the police are not an immediate threat to you, it doesn’t serve to add to an already volatile situation either by hurling insults or objects.
Freedom of speech is hate speech in a communist country.
@wenhao li Because you simply have no answer….
@get lost lol, if you dont know what wiki is, whatever you say.
Progressive Humanist WRONG!!!! Hate speech is a made up term like assault rifle….. The 1st amendment exists to protect harsh, critical or even mean words…. nice words need no protection…… the second amendment exists to protect the first…..
Their police look tiny.
Crazywaffle5150 and young
ccn is biased, the world should know what hk rioters did to innocent citizens and the elderly
Kbear lly cops dressed like protestors my friend
@wendyknoxleet ….. is it protesters try to dress like police lol
Any use of live rounds will see thousands of molotov cocktails raining down from high rise buildings along with chairs, tables and what have you.
@jim bob they wear mask’s over there. AND who the hell puts unsafe materials in buildings??? have they heard of buildings getting on fire?
Hong Kong Police or mainland PLA?
@omega91006 what s wrong for refusing to show their ID? where is the FREEDOM & HUMAN RIGHTS you guys advocated everyday??? double standard lol
@Kbear lly It is police own guidelines to identify yourself when exercising police’s power. Having a n uniform doesn’t mean you are a real police. Police were given a great power to exercise law, therefore police also required regulations and standard which currently the Hong Kong police is lacking.
@Kbear lly Frankly speaking it is clear that you have no concept of Human Rights nor Civil liberty.
shot in US so good
So…when are We The People going to rise up to defend out democracy against the 45*/GOP fascist regime???
Um, 45 is defending the country against the far left loons who want to shred the constitution and gain absolute power. We the people should rise up and defend our president for defending our country. Hong Kong on the other hand, is facing being sold to the CCP with is the wet dream of the American left wing establishment, hence this biased coverage defending HK police. hence the riots. This is their revolutionary war. WAKE UP. We should be boycotting msm/cnn, the dnc and corrupt cia/fbi for aiding and abetting their own morally absent criminals in the treasonous crime of duping Americans into thinking trum is somehow advocating for a less free United States. And btw, we don’t have a democracy. If we did, California and nyc would rule the nation and we would have been synonymous with the CCP years ago.
@josh brock 45 is putin YOUR tax dollars into his pocket. he committed obstruction. he is a multi failed businessman. he is gutting the military budget to build an innefective wall; 95% of drugs come by boat, guns and opiods flow INTO mexico, and immigrants commit fewer crimes. he denies climate change, a position as scientifically valid as claiming the earth is flat or that vaccines cause autism.
this is not a synonymous situation with what we have. hong kong is trying to maintain it’s semi-independance. we have to deal with a mentally declining racist who was never that bright or talented to begin with. someone who is incapable of running a staff. someone who is not interested in being the president.
You wont do anything because you are weak and us nazi are strong!!! Enjoy trump in 2020 kiddo you cannot stop it!
Michael Finnigan another wet brained Mick…… 95 % of all businesses fail…. Steve Jobs failed with multiple endeavors. Trump has started hundreds of companies and yes some have failed…. As for Trump lining his pockets, Forbes shows that he has lost 500 million of his own money since becoming the potus…. what quisling you are
Get your freedom on, H.K.!
bou path
Yes that’s called a “fact”.
But unfortunately westerners never heard of facts
The Manager , you always on the side of evil? https://youtu.be/fsYMznJdCok
not a word on what they protest; only about how well prepared and inconvenienced the police is… balance? message? incompetence?
ikr, what happened in 721 is insane
hmmm…i am watching live on hk news channels and this reporter is not giving the whole story…the rally today was legal (due to a ruling by the appeals court) and it started at 3pm but the police at 3.04pm declared the rally illegal! this is why the crowds grew angry. please cnn, report the whole thing.
Now it just needs to spread to the rest of world and the revolution can begin!
@Trump2024 Do they really think Trump or the US will save them from whatever main land China ends up doing?
@Karen Byrd yes because mainland china hasnt done anything yet. Even Lam said in her purposely leaked audio that Beijing wouldnt dare send in the PLA. China and russia are weak. The citizens of the USA need to wake up and stop dicking around fighting one another.
HK police are being sent to Cambridge to be re-trained by British police, according to Financial Times. I guess they’ll get more… what, effective? humane?
Have you never heard of Tiananmen Square? China knows there will be no consequences
They will use _reasonable_ force. Mobs attacking with knives will end up eating live rounds. Same as in U.S.
Power to the people!!
I swear that’s a communist / Socialist motto and the whole video is about them literally fighting to stop it
They just want the PRC to honor their agreement til 2040. But since they aren’t as influential in the Chinese economy now that the typical Chinese bootlegging of tech and industry has been spread out to Shenzhen where the Government control it, Uncle Xi doesn’t feel like honoring anything. He only speaks the languages of money and power
Because for all that the word is thrown around, Xi has no sense of honor
Hong Kong people are BADASSES.
I am a Hongkonger. Are Hong Kong protestors peaceful democratic warriors and worth our support? Let’s see:
The above footages are just a few of the many instances which protestors threaten and brutally attack citizens with different political views. A great proportion of Hongkongers remain silent because once we express our opposition to the protestors, we would be verbally and physically abused. Our personal information would be exposed to “pro-democracy” forum. We feel scared and threatened every day, not because of the government and the police, but because of these savage rioters. So please STOP supporting them.
that`s right and at first i was thinking they were weak , keep up the fight all honest freedom loving US citizens support you
Live ammunition? Against the people? About time for the government to elect a new population…
gee CNN anchor why not actually go talk to a protestor instead of talking about the cops doing double shifts.
Comon cnn I want to see some of your reporters get killed…..Go to meet isis or something!!!