CNN reporter on Trump claim: Where did he get that from?

President Donald Trump says he is taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine, a drug he's long touted as a potential coronavirus cure even as medical experts question its efficacy and warn of potentially harmful side effects.

#CNN #News

CNN reporter on Trump claim: Where did he get that from?


  1. Cocaine is another drug that has been around a long time, and it works, so does Morphine..
    Only my enemies are against me from taking them~! (Trump logic)

  2. If he is going to start testing his own medical treatment theories can someone get him a clorox inhaler and uv light please.

  3. “It came from a Trump enemy”
    He’s not even trying anymore. Not that it matters, the 40 percent who still support him (because according to them Americans have to be sacrificed to the economy) will eat it up.

    1. Kay Clark Crossed my mind too….tells him he’s the perfect weight no doubt as well. (Even though I don’t believe for a minute he’s actually taking anything other than Big Macs and Adderall.)

    1. I`m wondering…Why did Dr Fraud Fauci downplay the virus well into March and lie to Trump?
      JAN 26 – NIH Expert Fauci: Coronavirus ‘No Worry’ for Americans

      FEB 17 – FAUCI> Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

      Timeline: Dr. Anthony Fauci Repeatedly Downplayed Coronavirus Threat

      CNN Repeatedly Downplays Coronavirus Danger:

      From ABC news in Australia today regarding hydroxychloroquine being used in Australia … Dr Mark Pellegrini from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute says: “The rationale for giving it before someone is sick is really based on a lot of studies, especially in the test tube, where we know that the drug actually inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply. So we think the best promise with this drug is actually prevention rather than treatment.”

      Politicized Medicine…a doctor:

      Doctors Confirm Trump Right About Hydroxychloroquine

    1. Many people say he’s also on industrial grade anusol for the damage to his colon from pulling stuff out of there for decades.

    1. Jennifer White, But once he worked with ‘doctor’ Sebastian Gorka, no? Maybe that’s who he’s thinking of.

    1. @Iris Hewlett The FDA? Really!!! No thanks, I’ll stick to what the medical experts are advising today! But, by all means, take it and best wishes!

    2. Yea, he’s just lying as usual. He’s not taking the HC. He’s just saying he’s taking it because he has touted in the past and this way he can say, see its not harmful, I’m remaining it and it hasn’t hurt me. He is such a phony.

    3. @Milly Herzog Why did Dr Fraud Fauci downplay the virus well into March and lie to Trump?
      JAN 26 – NIH Expert Fauci: Coronavirus ‘No Worry’ for Americans

      FEB 17 – FAUCI> Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

      Timeline: Dr. Anthony Fauci Repeatedly Downplayed Coronavirus Threat

      CNN Repeatedly Downplays Coronavirus Danger:

      From ABC news in Australia today regarding hydroxychloroquine being used in Australia … Dr Mark Pellegrini from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute says: “The rationale for giving it before someone is sick is really based on a lot of studies, especially in the test tube, where we know that the drug actually inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply. So we think the best promise with this drug is actually prevention rather than treatment.”

      Politicized Medicine…a doctor:

      Doctors Confirm Trump Right About Hydroxychloroquine

  4. 00:40 “It doesn’t hurt people…” literally a man died and put wife in ICU, docs agree that it causes heart problems

    1. @Jeri Trezak correct, he already had it and under doctors supervision in the hospital. I agree he shouldn’t be giving medical advice, but I don’t think he’s telling people to do what he is doing. In one instance, him saying he is taking it might get others to do what he’s doing and in another instance, him saying he is taking it will sway people from taking it that might actually need it. Neither instance is good.

    2. @Brian Bianco which is why he should not be getting any medical advice under any circumstances. Unfortunately there are some uneducated peoplewho will follow what the president does simply because he is the president. If the president doesn’t wear a mask, they don’t wear masks. If the president takes his medication, they feel it is safe for them too. The president has a responsibility to set an example for all of his constituents. He is not setting a good example. I could understand him telling people to speak with their physician about it, but he’s not putting it that way. I know that you feel that maybe this goes without saying, however there are people out there they don’t understand all this and will follow his lead.

    3. No….literally a woman murdered her husband with FISH TANK CLEANER! Didn`t CNN FAKE NEWS tell you she was arrested for first degree murder?

    4. @Jeri Trezak The woman in this incident has been charged with MURDER of her husband for givng him fish tank cleaner. She`s a liberal lunatic…

    1. @G Younkins
      I don’t think anyone is saying that they don’t want this drug to work. They’re saying that the president is an idiot for promoting and taking this drug when the side effects are known to be very dangerous and the effectiveness of the drug is not yet known. It is currently advised against using for Covid-19 unless in hospitals or in clinical trials.
      There are other drugs also being trialled as treatments in America and around the world. Let’s wait for expert advice before the commander in chief ingests dangerous drugs.

    2. Why did Dr Fraud Fauci downplay the virus well into March and lie to Trump?
      JAN 26 – NIH Expert Fauci: Coronavirus ‘No Worry’ for Americans

      FEB 17 – FAUCI> Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

      Timeline: Dr. Anthony Fauci Repeatedly Downplayed Coronavirus Threat

      CNN Repeatedly Downplays Coronavirus Danger:

      From ABC news in Australia today regarding hydroxychloroquine being used in Australia … Dr Mark Pellegrini from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute says: “The rationale for giving it before someone is sick is really based on a lot of studies, especially in the test tube, where we know that the drug actually inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply. So we think the best promise with this drug is actually prevention rather than treatment.”

      Politicized Medicine…a doctor:

    3. @Brenda Heeligan Why did Dr Fraud Fauci downplay the virus well into March and lie to Trump?
      JAN 26 – NIH Expert Fauci: Coronavirus ‘No Worry’ for Americans

      FEB 17 – FAUCI> Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

      Timeline: Dr. Anthony Fauci Repeatedly Downplayed Coronavirus Threat

      CNN Repeatedly Downplays Coronavirus Danger:

      From ABC news in Australia today regarding hydroxychloroquine being used in Australia … Dr Mark Pellegrini from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute says: “The rationale for giving it before someone is sick is really based on a lot of studies, especially in the test tube, where we know that the drug actually inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply. So we think the best promise with this drug is actually prevention rather than treatment.”

      Politicized Medicine…a doctor:

      Doctors Confirm Trump Right About Hydroxychloroquine

  5. He makes everything up. When are people gonna get that. He probably bought stock in it and now has to peddle it or something.

    1. Sad puppet. Keep spreading lies and propaganda because you have no chance of Biden taking his seat. #youronlyhopeislies

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