CNN's Donie O'Sullivan and John Avlon report that the "Q" persona at the center of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement, has posted online for the first time since December 2020, after former President Donald Trump lost the election. #CNN #News
CNN reporter on Q’s return: ‘As dumb as it is dangerous’

“It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person”
_Bill Murray._
@Sara Mill Show proof of that.
Is there an echo in here?
@Montella Craft Bot
@Redstones Lover Bot
@Eat Your Creal Bot
“It’s not getting any smarter out there.”
— Frank Zappa
That is the ducking truth!
@Sara Mill He was VERY anti drug. Very public about it too.
@Sara Mill shows that you know absolutely nothing about Frank Zappa.
It’s beyond my understanding how these Qanon people are able to live their lives completely disconnected from reality
@Belly Dancer Em That’s a lot of words just to say “schizophrenic people aren’t getting the proper help”
Transgender issues have noth8 g t9 do with schizophrenia
@shade38211 perhaps, but still very different from schizophrenia
…its far more believable that CNN
It sounds like when we were kids and sat around trying to figure out the Beatles’ lyrics. Except we were kids, not (allegedly) grownups and didn’t really believe in secret messages anyway.
Q will turn out to be Vlad’s kgb bois
@HannibalOrJustRex I’d like to be, under the sea in an octopus’s garden in the shade
@Guacamole Kid but you do I’m sure

That seems to describe Q’s followers. Also, Donie very, very, VERY much represents what everyone here in Ireland thinks of Q, Trump, Maga, Republicans, etc.
@Guacamole Kid I happily will, thank you, dear!
If the internet has taught us anything, it’s that a LOT of people are just plain dumb.
We need more money spent on education in this country… this is pitiful, and also mental health
@Roger Brown Reacts , you should know…don’t!
@islgrl292 I am a genius. Have a nice day.
You had Q’s mom write letter to the judge saying that her son could’t go to jail or prison because of it food ? but that mom say nothing about her son leaving the house with a buffalo hat on his head with no shirt on half dress with a paint face in the dead of winter ?.
English lessons would be a benefit.
omg that was good 
Last fight
This is what happened with the kids who once ate crayons and sniffed glue became adults…
@Electrodexify see. You just proved my point. Eating crayons and sniffing Elmer’s glue…

Hmm … I detect a typo … that should have been spelt T R U M P.
Timing is everything. There is a reason Q is back and I am sure we are about to find out what it is. Sad that there are so many weak minded people in this country anymore.
Last fight
Last fight
This, on the day the J6 Sergeant at arms gets Eppstein’d.
@John Thomas Watch the hearing, puppy. Don’t be afraid.
We have a cat who is totally opposed to the whole Q Anon thing.
But he would be, obviously.
He is deeply suspicious of the letter Q and thinks it has demonic powers.
He is also afraid of spinach and despises French cuisine.
So… No Q Anon in our home while that cat is alive.
I trust that cat.
He has rarely been wrong.
Nice parody of a Q Drop here. LOLOL, love it.
@Guacamole Kid I’m curious when you accuse others of reading and spreading fake do you square that with all of the predictions that Q believers have made ..JFK jnr..and on and on..which have not come to pass…I’m genuinely curious as to how you deal with this
If this wasn’t so dangerous, I’d be laughing my a$$ off. I’m so grateful we don’t have anyone in my family who believes this crap. I’m so sorry to those who do honestly. It’s an abyss of tin foil hats and madness. I hope they can be eventually reached. I don’t understand how anyone could fall so far into this. I’m no expert on cultism, but it’s destroying families and that alone must be like hell.
Lost two best friends to Q anon

…and yet you are watching CNN

Society just keeps getting dumber and dumber it’s like a bad version of Jerry Springer.
@Noily Pratt
CNN is to blame for the
@Cool guy
Uh… CNN is to blame for the peanut burger?
@Noily Pratt “nut burger”
The reporter said it in this video.
@Zeke Ahh, there ya go… a childish response from the precise type of american we are discussing here.
I lost a friend to this fairytale. Down the dark hole, it’s not a funny matter, it’s a dangerous cult.
Same here. Kicked out my best friend last December, known him for like 30 years but we have nothing to talk about anymore. Not sane.
Last fight
All I can say is: There are more than one child left behind!!!!
PT Barnum said that he wasn’t surprised at how many people he could fool but he was surprised at how many people wanted to be fooled. Q is case in point. From Day 1 I always thought it was a LARP with Q and found it hilarious idiots believed it
I was surprised others weren’t picking up on the game! It was so easy to figure it out and I am not of the genius realm of intelligence 
Avalon is a poor man’s Ryan Seacrest.
We can tell by your comment

Last fight
I’ll just bet a lot of those people are proud of saying they live in the smartest country in the world, along with all their other beliefs about the US being No.1 in everything. I live north of the border, and just this morning talked to someone about the situation in the US and how it’s FUNNY, we watch Youtube videos like this for a laugh.And we’re not the only ones.
Frodo is back too.
it isn’t funny, it’s dangerous and watching a country destroy itself is awful.
I live on the border and talk to alot of my Canadian friends and neighbors who come here and have to admit…it is embarrassing. With that said I ask for pity and tell them not to take all of my favorite creamer at the grocery store because my coffee helps me deal a little with this insanity. Cheers neighbor!
@Terry Buchman
You can have all the creamers you want…but prices are going UP
“as dumb as it is dangerous” Nailed it!
How idiotic, even after Ron Watkins was exposed as “Q”.
1 Greg Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer