CNN's Drew Griffin fact checks President Donald Trump's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner's recent statements regarding coronavirus testing goals in the United States.
#CNN #News
CNN reporter on Jared Kushner’s victory lap: I don’t know what he’s talking about

Kushner.. who is this school boy?
He’s the anti-Christ.
@Jason Did you just come out on YouTube??!!
@Sheeshkebabz Before I got to your comment, I was going to say the same damned thing! Wtf is wrong with those people, which orifice do they pull this crap out of!!
@Darlene Smith I can’t even tell if they’re people anymore.
@Mario Moreno hes done great things, for example the tax cuts for businesses, yo know businesses, where 99% of americans work right?, so thats that, but soycucks will argue that “businesses bad”
Lets give Jared injection of bleach and lysol
@Hamberder King Trump’s going to shoot down Iranian ships and sink their aircraft..
PA G stupid liar trump
This is the definition of nepotism
Exactly these ppl need to go to their own homes and stop
living off of our taxes .. they are incompetent go home Ivanka,Eric,Jared etc
True definition of corruption. This is the most corrupt and incompetent “administration” on America’s History.
@george nolte Thanks for the reply. I was a baby when Kennedy was murdered. The first president that I have a first hand memory of was Richard Nixon. Maybe it was as you say, and American was once a meritocracy that held out hope and promise for everyone. The America I knew was corrupt, and now it’s outright insane. Don’t be so sure that Trump will lose. Despite everything that’s happened recently his followers are rabid, and can not be discouraged, they make up nearly 50% of the electorate. All he needs is some voter apathy among those who are opposed, combined with some voter suppression here and there and it’s four more years. Stick a fork in it, this country is done.
@JR N Corruption 24/7. That was always how Trump did business. And yet he still went bankrupt! What a “putz”.
Forget a Lysol injection – He needs some testosterone injections
That is really funny but soooooo fucking true !
@jk jkk Since you are following Trump, you are part of a stupid cult. DAF!
@Angela Trammell at least im following something/someone, you are for nothing you are just a liberal nevertrumper, enjoy 4 more years
A perfect candidate for retroactive birth control
Jared has been given permission to, basically phone-in his employment, while he gets his beak wet, draining the US Treasury, huh ?
Jean Johnston Not nearly what the Biden, Sanders, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry, etc., etc.families have been “paid!”
David Gibson, The proof is open jobs at the white house, he fired all the good guys, he hired all yes people that could lie for him that they are doing now. That’s why they have to keep lying for them to make it believable to his supporters, to con them. They are still denying the facts, people are dying, dead, rip, no heart,immoral and just forever misleading the people for his yes people have to lie, remember he got rid of the CDC, but couldn’t for there is Congress, that’s why there is no king or dictator in America. That’s why the economy is going down, they lie, the economy was already going down because of their tax scam cut to the rich, selfish, immoral and no leadership for the country at the moment, for the bad guys are on the loose and no one is standing up for the country, sad.
Even John Kennedy didn’t have this many relatives on the federal payroll. Trump’s re-election committee is paying $180K each to the girl friend and wife of Don Jr. and Eric for “consulting. That money comes from the donors and it is being paid to these women for nothing. No show job, like the old Jimmy Hoffa union days. Corruption 24/7.
@David Gibson Yea, Biden, Pelosi, i.e. middle-of-the-road types do ride that Corporate Gravy Train, but NOT Bernie, who is not in the running anymore. the GOP is better, @ funding their cofers, w/ mass amts. of Cash flow, woe to those who aren`t so “entitled”, huh ?
Just like that Peace deal
. Jared is such a sock puppet .
Don’t worry. You keep sniffing Jajajaja
@TRUTH WILL SET U FREE no. There is no Jesus and and no anti-Christ. Shut. Up.
@TRUTH WILL SET U FREE So if Jared were a democrat, you would find no difficulty in rounding up an audience to watch some 666 5th Avenue stuff. But since he’s a republican, and since most Americans who remain in the “belief in a literal exegesis of mythology” stage of evolution are also republicans, you’re going to have some difficulty.
But I wish you luck and godspeed on your mission, sir or ma’am; and I would like to suggest that you seek your audience from Fox News watchers, as you will find more people who believe in any sort of Anti-Christ, and think the Bible is the word of God.
Jared Kushner under his father-in-law’s tutelage and professorship is another scam artist In-training that’s going to graduate from Trump University with honors.
pos like daddy in law in plain words.
He used to visit his father in federal prison.
getting a taste of things to come for him in the near future,
He sounds just like him
Meanwhile Iceland has been testing since January
More importantly, Trump has been #1 on Facebook for a while now….
@unknown unknown USA #1 in the world with the most infections, the most deaths. Whoo Hooo!! We’re winning. Anyone else tire of winning yet??? /s (real sarcasm)
unknown unknown He’s also #1 in the world for slowest response, largest death toll and brilliant suggestion to inject disinfectant! ALL THAT WINNING.
Kushner should be taking a
of shame , not a victory
I mean if someone wins they should be happy of the victory not ashamed
David Ellis
Article: Frustrated by Lack of Coronavirus Tests, Maryland Got 500,000 From South Korea:
Facing shortages, Gov. Larry Hogan and his wife, Yumi Hogan, negotiated with suppliers in South Korea to obtain the kits. “It should not have been this difficult,” he said. by Jennifer Steinhauer NYT April 20, 2020
@Jessica Wilson victory? For banging the plastic bimbo maybe but as a negotiator or decent human, not even close.
I like your emojis!!
@Jessica Wilson USA #1 in the world with the most infections, the most deaths. Is that how you view “victory???” You should be ashamed.
Throw that whole family in prison
They will be After They all leave the White House! New York going to be the one who gets them! His Sister already took a plea deal! For money laundering!
@Paul And Thats All
needs a family hanging
no more trumps left to breed.
bomb the whitehouse get rid of the rats.
@Hawkzblade It would be the rats who would try to bomb the white house. The secret service and special forces would brutally end any vermin terrorists who tried.
the vermin is trumps best.
those who steal tax payers money.
The goal was how much people can they deceive.
That’s it exactly. They know if they just keep repeating that they’re doing an incredible job and that anything wrong is Obama’s fault or WHO’s fault or China’s fault or the media’s fault or the Democrat’s fault that 40% of the country will believe them and vote for Trump in November.
He’s a great liar like the rest of his family. He does not have a clue.
@Mike Jones CNN SUCKS
@Pau D your daddy?CNN suck and every body knows it. !
Jo ho
no !
The Trump family seems to act as if they might possibly kinda maybe have Russian mob connections due to thier laundry buisness.
Jared really doesn’t know where he is, just like trump and pence
@The Tweatles : Hey ! nobody minds or cares that you shave your legs rusky.
@ichi1957 CNN SUCKS
@The Tweatles jo PERVERT
Sick. Sick. Sick people. The whole family.
Shockingly, Kushner formerly published The New York Observer, a weekly far more liberal than The New York Times. The Observer did NOT endorse Trump in the primary race– a time when Jared was Trump’s son in law. Both Kushner and Ivanka were registered Democrats so they couldn’t vote for Trump in the New York Republican primary race. I guess they are Republicans now???
The only “goal” Kushie has is to hoard PPE for the administration, so they can raise prices and gouge Americans’ pocketbooks!
Pence did say they all were getting tested frequently.
I believe Jarred it selling the PPE out the back door. (I suggest looking for it in Saudi Arabia and/or Israel.) Disinfectant Donnie was, once again projecting exactly what the feds are doing thru “Kushie.”
The Biden’s made a lot of money in Ukraine
@Uncle Ed Quid Pro Joe? i cant believe that sorry
He’s talking about himself his family mike pence anyone in the White House who can get a test when ever they want they can get several tests today but the ordinary people cannot so Cushner is not focused on the ordinary people he’s only focused on those people around him
I don’t know who’s creepier, Jared or the White Undertaker Pence.
That would be a tie between Creepy and Sleepy Joe Biden and Poor Mans Aunt Jemaima Stacy Abrams
Yea you do.. he’s lying just like his father n law!! They’re all a bunch of lying snakes!!!!
Yeah, Jackoff Jared doesn’t know what’s he’s talking about either.