During a White House briefing, CNN's Kaitlan Collins pushed White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on why President Trump won't outright denounce the far-right, white supremacist group the Proud Boys.
#CNN #News
During a White House briefing, CNN's Kaitlan Collins pushed White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on why President Trump won't outright denounce the far-right, white supremacist group the Proud Boys.
#CNN #News
“Sure” just sounds so… non-committal.
jules winfield OMG,, Stand down and stand by. Done with you dude…
i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
@Cody Newberry i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
@Johnf275 i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
Johnf275 Sooo,, like trump is sooo stupid he just parrots what folks tell him to? Don’t think so… try another excuse…
It’s worrying that he has never been briefed on ‘Proud Boys’ by FBI etc. Oh wait they have tried..
Last time I checked the mayority of proud boys were created becuase they wanted to stop Antifa from causing violence.The media has portrayed them to be racist and that is far from the truth considering there are many black people who support it and actually are involved
Hi Gabriel Garcia, thank you for reply. Can please please ask you to watch this video that has the founder explain exactly how & why the Proud Boys formed together. https://youtu.be/DGlgunClwxE (forgive I don’t know how to share video’s in comments section) also, I think you might see in the ‘recommended’ section a video that is called something like ‘the story of the proud boy’s’ sorry if that’s wrong but definitely worth watching and I won’t force my views on you here. But I would like to learn about why you may think differently to me, honestly I do. The world can’t sort this out without both sides talking to each other to hopely see we have a middle ground to build a foundation on
cheesy as hell I know, but I do believe it; because I, very surprisingly I know; don’t know everything about everything?!? I am the real issue because I know a little about everything; but don’t no everything about little. Look forward to your reply; and my education 
Gabriel Garcia Thank you for explaining! The left is babbling on about the Proud Boys being racists etc, not knowing that this is a nationwide group of fine men comprised all races, with one goal to protect this country.
Yep 45 doesn’t know anything about them, just like he was never briefed about the virus back in Nov/Dec/Jan
Gabriel Garcia…..keep reading
The press needs to leave the room as soon as Kayleigh starts her speech.
Man you have to be kidding I just going to say just that I know why she is there Young Women topical Capricious bad attitude arrogants so on if was someone males older the tong change completely different upcoming
Downsizing on Ten Acres. https://youtu.be/neImAqaL5zA
Dee Bone to bad you blind foolish bootlicker!!
They need to question those lies…..
@Chuck Lee its definitely the other way around. Fake questions for fake news.
It’s gone from News reporting to performance art.
Reporters, just stop showing up to theses bullshit pressers
I really can’t even believe this is real wtf
Why is she (Kayleigh) thumbing threw a BOOK?
Lyuze I think you are confused. I was responding to another comment calling liberals uneducated. As liberalism is the defining quality of America I asked them to share their obviously highly educated opinion on why they are against religious freedom and equality under the law.
Your attack is undeserved and misplaced.
@Kristin E your the problem in america…brainwashed by fake news…wake up!
@Cheryl Juliette i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
@Kristin E i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
@Cheryl Juliette i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
Kayleigh “I will not lie to you” McEnany
@FACTS15 the proud boys are a multi racial group, not a white supremist group that cnn would like for you to believe. Trump has denounced david duke and the kkk multiple times. Look it up. The kkk and jim crow era segragation was started by the democratic party. Hiden biden and heels up harris is whats wrong with this country. Shes not even black. She a fake just like racist biden, that hasnt done anything in 47 years except work for and with white supremists!
dhoerst https://youtu.be/neImAqaL5zA
@truth behold, 73 million watched the debate and saw what Trump said. McEnany just want to twist the fact. Now Trump is even saying he doesn’t know the Proud Boys. Haven’t we seen this before? Who is Epstein? Who is Igor? Looking forward to see who the creditors are on Trump’s 400 million debt. Trump’s entire life is a con.
DempseyOne Prepare to be shocked Dempsey, The Proud Boys leader is a Black Man.
I hear about the Proud Boys months ago, and I am not paid 100,000 dollars a year to know this.
@Berserker Guts no reply I think he chickened.
Again proud boy has more diversity than antifa lol. Hate them or love them, you all got to admit that.
@mark h Yes I learnt that , why is the afro hispanic dude supporting anti hispanic , anti black Trump who will throw him under the bus if he is elected.
“Stand down” and “stand by” sound a lot like military commands.
How many times does he have to do it?!?
Hes denounced white supremacy…neo Nazis…the kkk…CONSTANTLY for the last twenty years!!!
Charlottesville. Same difference.
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:
“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally”
As well as he has repeatedly over the last twenty years condemned and rebuked David Duke :
Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a big racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party,” Trump said on Feb. 14, 2000.
He announced that day that he wouldn’t seek the nomination of the Reform Party, naming Duke as one of his reasons.
“Now I understand that David Duke has decided to join the Reform Party to support the candidacy of Pat Buchanan,” Trump wrote in a statement. “So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a Neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a Communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.”
A few days later, Trump himself quit the party and repeated his earlier statement.
“Although I am totally comfortable with the people in the New York Independence Party, I leave the Reform Party to David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep,” Trump wrote in a Feb. 19, 2000, New York Times op-ed.
1991 Trump: A vote for Duke is ‘an anger vote’
Even earlier, Trump appeared on CNN on Nov. 19, 1991, and discussed Duke’s defeat in the Louisiana governor’s race and his possibly running against then-President George H.W. Bush. (Duke declared his candidacy as a Republican about a month after Trump’s interview.)
Larry King: “Did the David Duke thing bother you? Fifty-five percent of the whites in Louisiana voted for him. Four hundred New Yorkers contributed.”
Trump: “I hate seeing what it represents, but I guess it just shows there’s a lot of hostility in this country. There’s a tremendous amount of hostility in the United States.”
King: “Anger?”
Trump: “It’s anger. I mean, that’s an anger vote. People are angry about what’s happened. People are angry about the jobs. If you look at Louisiana, they’re really in deep trouble. When you talk about the East Coast — it’s not the East Coast. It’s the East Coast, the middle coast, the West Coast.”
King: “If he runs and Pat Buchanan runs, might you see a really divided vote?”
Trump: “Well, I think if they run, or even if David Duke — I mean, George (H.W.) Bush was very, very strong against David Duke. I think if he had it to do again, he might not have gotten involved in that campaign because I think David Duke now, if he runs, takes away almost exclusively Bush votes and then a guy like (Mario) Cuomo runs. I think Cuomo can win the election.”
King: “But Bush morally had to come out against him.”
Trump: “I think Bush had to come out against him. I think Bush — if David Duke runs, David Duke is going to get a lot of votes. Whether that be good or bad, David Duke is going to get a lot of votes.”
You ask him 1000 times…999 he does…and the one time he doesn’t say it like YOU wanted him to?
Fact is he’s said it multiple times. That’s the point. The same people that film him saying it say he’s never said it. And edit it to look like he’s said otherwise… think about that.
Because they conflated two different groups.
White supremacists AND MILITIAS.
Its sometime called transference by correlation….it has an actual term but it escapes me…
It was meant to do exactly what it did.
If he’d condemned them verbatim:
“yes I would ask white supremacists to stand down”…
…they wouldn’t have acknowledged it…like they didn’t any of the other times. They’d have claimed that he condemned militias. Which was really the goal…
“Stand down” doesn’t even make sense concerning white supremacists in the general sense. They were going to present it against militias. If he doesn’t say it…then you get what we have now.
It would be like their editing that produced him “calling the virus a Democrat hoax.” or “It’ll disappear when the weather warms up.”
Him being asked about both would be shown…followed by “Yes I would…”
They’d leave “…ask white supremacists to stand down”…off.
Its. A. Trap.
They are FERVENTLY after him. Look at the “very fine people” incident. They edit his words when they can. Omit context. He has to watch every syllable.
As for his Proud Boys comment? The proud boys are nationalists. Not racist. Nor really even neo fascists….Who are at least willing to confront the actual terrorists.
Telling them to “Stand down and stand by”…isn’t Trump talking to white supremacists.
Stop. You stink of desperation
@Hec III Damn dude you’re really far past desperate ain’t ya. He’s already condemned all hate groups you idiots ask him to condemn. The president is speaking about the groups that actually cause problems that Biden or any leftist has NEVER condemned and y’all are sitting here picking apart 4 damn words the president just said???? You hate Trump so damn bad and you don’t even know why. There’s no rational point to the case you’re trying to make.
Like BLM and Antifa committing Arson, Looting, murder… treason terrorism oh wait it was just an idea of those things. All summer an idea never a command or conducted….
Melania: “I’ve been telling Donald to ‘Stand Back’ ever since I moved into the Swamp Hou, er, White House.”
I’d love too get my hands on that trapper keeper she uses to answer questions with.
kiki9619 Terry oh and “this is how the American blah blah blah?”
You don’t speak for us.
How much more clearly does he have to say it than he already has?
Would you sniff it
like slow creepy Joe ?
kiki9619 Terry you’re absolutely right. One answer “Yes I denounce them and they don’t speak or work for me”
Trump: “Proud Boys stand back and stand by”
Proud Boys: *all creaming themselves “Momma the president said stand by,”
Vanessa Thompson yeah you didn’t read it either.
Why would he denounce them?
Ha, Ha! That’s a good one!
He just said “sure”
i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
He said stand by. As if to be ready for action.
he said stand by and stand back shut up
@Some One No he said stand back and stand by.
Yvonne Wright Proud boys are not white supremacists
@Some One stand back and standby. That sounds like “take a step back and wait for a cue.”
And since you’re adding context to what Yvonne quoted, I’ll point out that you’re ignoring this very important context: after telling the proud boys to stand back and stand by, he said “somebody needs to do something about antifa and the radical left.”
Surely if he meant the police, he would have said that the proudboys should go home because the police will do something. But he didn’t. He said stand by and then said somebody needs to do something.
I heard BLM and Antifa committed Arson, Looting, murder… treason terrorism oh wait it was just an idea of those things. All summer an idea.
*Make him say Uncle He already said everything else* !!
“Stand by” implies “wait for instructions”
FYI there’s plenty of Black and Hispanic Proud Boys, this is not a white supremacy group…and that’s not what they’re about.
Are the “Proud Boys” looting the stores and burning down their own communities and burning down American flags? I don’t think so.
aspookyfox https://youtu.be/neImAqaL5zA
Funny that McEnany “forgets” to mention the phrase “Stand By,” when “denouncing” the Proud Boys White power hate group.
There is more that just one definition of stand by if you want to take Trumps words literally.
According to The New Collins Concise English Dictionary, one definition is “to be present as an onlooker or without taking any action”.
President Trump clarifies that in the following video and denounces white supremacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3OP8Dq3xC0
There is more that just one definition of “‘stand by” if you want to take Trumps words literally.
According to The New Collins Concise English Dictionary, one definition is “to be present as an onlooker or without taking any action”.
President Trump clarifies that in a news conference the morning after the debate and denounces white supremacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3OP8Dq3xC0
Exactly! This is America! That’s not ok here!
Why is it important for her to denounce every thing said when she has denounced the group as a whole. Now be fair and denounce antifa. After all only one group had rioted, looted, burnt businesses and murdered innocent people. Where is the lefts voice on this matter. Sleepy joe stated in the debate that antifa was an idea, that it was not real. Really. What about the tv interviews with them and their flags at the rioting. Bunch of hypocritical fukwits.
How do you say you’ve denounced something without actually denouncing it? LOL Why can’t they ever answer a question?
Because you are too stupid to get it
hes said it 20 times..you too dumb to watch fox news for the truth ?
He said “ stand back & standby” we all seen it
nanithebeaute Holloway https://youtu.be/neImAqaL5zA
I love how she’s like “that’s not what he said “ why can’t they just stand up for America?
We all saw it!!! Yep
With my own eyes and know he pretends he doesn’t know them oh please really and he wants people to believe him did his supporters not watch the debate it was exactly what he said not what the media says
There’s no way our dear president doesn’t know of the proud boys. Roger Stone is their friend. Enough said.
i see all trump support here! stay strong and vote! the poison cnn assholes put out there is well known. cnn fake bias news vs trump ..you will lose AGAIN november 3rd.keep it up and you will start a civil war! vote TRUMP!
donnie: “I’ve always denounced any form….any form….any form of any of that.” Any of what donnie? What are you denouncing?? Baking after 9pm during the week? Flushing toilets between 2pm and 5:30pm during the week? Having sex in cars between 6pm and midnight on weekends?