CNN's David Culver reports near Mauna Loa as the world's largest volcano erupts and lava is slowly moving towards local highways. #CNN #News
CNN reporter gets near the lava flow of Mauna Loa volcano

CNN's David Culver reports near Mauna Loa as the world's largest volcano erupts and lava is slowly moving towards local highways. #CNN #News
I pray for the people of Hawaii
I hope they get out of this safe
How much money would it cost to sequester all volcanos from erupting? They are the largest contributors of carbon emissions and global warming by far. We need to tax the rich enough to stop volcanos from erupting already!!!!!!!!!
@Sam Man I know. I just can’t help tweakin’ ’em when I sees ’em.
@akahina no it is _not_ a really big island. Ireland is eight times bigger and Ireland is tiny. Hell, even Sicily is over twice the size.
@clever username You should visit sometime. I know you would enjoy a leisurely stroll around the perimeter.
lol, thanks anyhow :D… fyi Mauna Loa has erupted 35 times now, since John Young and his best friend Kamehameha watched the eruption of 1801… all with zero lava deaths… fyi, Mauna Loa is 212 times larger than Mt Shasta
Mother Nature at her Majestic Best!!

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Link to the Clip :They finally released this !
Hello nice comment,how are you doing?
How much money would it cost to sequester all volcanos from erupting? They are the largest contributors of carbon emissions and global warming by far. We need to tax the rich enough to stop volcanos from erupting already!!!!!!!!!
Without volcanoes we’d still be fish swimming in the ocean. The evolution of life has come a long way with them!
Link to the Clip :They finally released this !
Yes , thats true . We’re coming out of the sea . VERY very long time ago.
How much money would it cost to sequester all volcanos from erupting? They are the largest contributors of carbon emissions and global warming by far. We need to tax the rich enough to stop volcanos from erupting already!!!!!!!!!
This is why you don’t build your house on an active volcano!
Link to the Clip :They finally released this !
you are a fool smh
@Jacqueline Vann why? I’m not stupid enough to live in Hawaii.
lol, funny one… fyi Saddle Rd/Inouye Hwy goes from sea level to 1,500+’ feet higher than Denver CO., then back down to sea level… not many roads this short do this in World, if any… ps. there are zero homes up there on Saddle Rd at 6,700’+ elevation … too cold and not much water plus lava threat and we have tons of super cheap land down lower w/ far less risk
Why do I think of a Gilligan’s Island episode that went haywire, when I see a volcano erupting in Hawaii. Stay safe Hawaiians.
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Link to the Clip :They finally released this !
You must be old as dirt like me LOL
I was thinking of Revenge of The Sith when Anakin fought Obi Wan Kenobi.
Literally the most interesting news piece CNN has had in years.
12/14/2022 “the unlocked door incident.” This is the 9 magnitude volcano eruption that will open the Mariana trench and release something beautiful or deadly that is huge
Hawaii’s tempestuous Fire Goddess, Madame Pele, has awoken from her slumber. I lived in Hawaii and camped at Volcanoes National Park in the 90s. The Pacific plate hot spot that is erupting now made every island in the Hawaiian archipelago, from Niihau to the Big Island. Maui, just to the north of the Big Island has a dormant volcano, Haleakala National Park, which erupted in the 1780s.
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Pele lives in Kilauea, NOT Mauna Loa
@Tamehameha Prints , Pele travels throughout the islands. She was once on Maui. Do your homework on Hawaiian mythology.
…the earth is alive… this is so beautiful—so awesome…
Things have changed so much. I can remember walking just in front of the Kalapana flow in 1983 I think, when Pele took Walter Yamaguchi’s Kalapana Drive in. No cops, no nothing. I was putting empty Michelob bottles directly into the hot lava which would cover them up and superheat the air and then they would explode….that was Pahoehoe, not Aa so we were walking pretty fast. Our roof was covered w/ Pale’s hair. Best wishes for all the residents and prayers that this time it just quiets down and goes back to sleep sooner than later. Not too much pilikia.
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How much money would it cost to sequester all volcanos from erupting? They are the largest contributors of carbon emissions and global warming by far. We need to tax the rich enough to stop volcanos from erupting already!!!!!!!!!
This is the greatest disaster or one of the greatest disaster this year out of five or six of global warming and global burning ecological disasters from poisoning nor air or atmosphere and our oceans
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I really wish I could be there to see this firsthand. This is beautiful and terrifying and I love it.
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are you here for it? are you takikng the time to appreciate it? is it the moment.? the legend? an icon? is it aesthetic?
CNN reporter gets near the lava flow of Mauna Loa volcano 3.12.22 0115am looks cool..
lava has to cover and fill in many miles of flat land (1935 Era flow) and then go slightly up Mauna Kea to reach Inouye Hwy (saddle rd) at Puuhululu intersection… the hwy is built on the northern extreme edge of Mauna Loa, if it is covered (highly unlikely) all they have to do is move some of the road to the dirt part of Mauna Kea, about 1/8th to 1/4th miles north of the road today…then it will be above the flow……. make it gravel like the evacuation road they made a few yrs ago between HVNP and Kalapana.. easy kine …..if not just go around like everyone had to do before the military first made saddle road…
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1984: Thank god I can watch the eruption from the safety of my home in the Mainland US.
2022: Lets book a flight to Hawaii asap so we can take pictures of the eruption for our twitter and instagram accounts.
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I love how he interjected comments about the majesty of it, and respect, and the fact that the Hawaiian Islands are volcanic islands, rather than just talking about it in terms of it just being some terrible natural disaster. Especially given the importance that these volcanoes have to the culture and beliefs of the Native Islanders.
Awesome video, to bad the control room, messed it up with the CNN logo, and “words” covering so much of the beautiful volcano. Happens all the time, all networks, camera person fills frame with very interesting footage, a control room, covers 15 to 20% with “words”. Wish they would stop it.
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Mother Earth is alive
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Nice to see something incredible instead of horrifying on the news from time to time. That must be a spectacular, moving, and slightly terrifying thing to see in person. The power within our planet is something we should never take for granted, because we would not be here without it.
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shout out to all of you who live nearby! What a cool thing it must be to see in person!
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