1. Glad to hear Karen Friedman-Agnifilo from The Meidas Network, and the Independent News Movement… the most watched news in the world on indictment day.

  2. If he looks sad and angry that is the way I felt when his base riot on the capitol over a lie and he was at home and no one was attacking him because he was part of.

    1. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler – Jews unsafe to German Values,Identity
      If Politicians – Muslims unsafe to Western Values,Identity
      Following on footprints of Hitler,Neo Nazi,no?

    2. He’s meek and humble in a courtroom. That’s why his lawyers pressed for no cameras to be allowed.

    1. Mind Begs the Question:
      Hitler – Jews unsafe to German Values,Identity
      If Politicians – Muslims unsafe to Western Values,Identity
      Following on footprints of Hitler,Neo Nazi,no?

    2. Crucify him, crucify him cried the crazed crowd. It’s Holy Week. Who is Judas? Who is Jesus? Who was persecuted and sacrificed for those who hated him and hated themselves even more once their will was done? What we think, do and say has consequences! Happy Easter

  3. I recognize that look on his face from the TV show lLie to Me.. that’s the look of shame and of pure hatred.

    1. @Horoszko Devora WE SURE AS HELL, WAITED LONG ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU KNOW THAT OLD SAYING: GOOD THINGS, COME TO THOSE WHO, WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. ​@Franklin Wilson, hey Frankie, settle down. You have something on your lips, and it’s not cream pie!

  4. It’s a deliriously happy day for many of us (hint: our knuckles do not drag on the ground as we walk) 😊

  5. “It was a magnificent indictment with 30 plus charges, no president has had that many, I had big men, strong men come up to me with tears in their eyes saying, “Sir, how did you do it, that was inspiring you are an inspiration to all Americans!” And it truly was, nobody else could have done what I have achieved, nobody..!”
    But to be serious,
    Another problem trump has is that his legal team are all very much second-rate and this is just the beginning of his problems, he also faces at least another 4-5 indictments and all this will not only overlap the 2024 election but probably go on a few years beyond that.
    It’s hard to imagen even the stupidest American voting for him or the republicans in election-winning numbers…

  6. Doesn’t every criminal whine ‘everyone breaks the law, why do you only go after me?, what about the other guys?’

  7. It does make some of us feel better, seeing him in a court room. He will be in court so much moving forward that he’ll have his own chair with his name on it, in gold letters of course.

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