Protesters in China, who are upset about strict Covid-19 protocols, are openly calling on Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to "step down." CNN's Selina Wang reports. #CNN #News
Protesters in China, who are upset about strict Covid-19 protocols, are openly calling on Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to "step down." CNN's Selina Wang reports. #CNN #News
I am an ordinary citizen from Nanjing. Therefore I am closely watching the development of the protest. I can say that I have never seen such a protest that directly demands the resignation of the president and the CCP since they came to power in 1949. The scale of the protest also surpasses my imagination. They are now widely spreading in Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, and Chongqing, those biggest cities in China, like the Covid doing. The young generation took a major role in these two days, and their courage deserves my deepest respect, also from many many other normal powerless people. But our voice and power are still way too small. So, I hope the international community could support and voice for those brave people to fight for their freedom in order to make some kind of pressure on the Chinses central government. Thank you very very much!! P.S. I barely comment on any platform. But this time I want to speak out just because I want to help not regret to my conscience.
I am a citizen of Chengdu, and I am also a numb Chinese who would not comment on any issues about the country, but this time disaster has come to my family, my mother has been locked up in the house for many days by the epidemic, but the government does not care if she is infected or not. She was not allowed to leave the house either, as if she was left to fend for herself. It made me aware of many problems in China, including Xinjiang. The power of ordinary people is too small, I hope the international community will speak up for us, I don’t want the country to be in chaos and the people to be unable to survive, we just want the government to hear the voice of the people
I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to do this. My grandfather just died of Covid, hope society will take it seriously
As long as the west not riding them, but that very unlikely west pass this opportunity to conquer China & make it another vassal states just most democratic countries fate today
@Pellet Pushers TV And in what fashion do you propose we help them achieve this?
This entire crisis has “US Intelligence” written all over it. Don’t bite. We are going to be drawn into a series of escalating conflicts that we are never going to come out of in one piece.
This is all about prep for intervention when China makes a move for Taiwan. Even without exchanging nukes the global economy is going to disintegrate like never before. And you can expect Russia to double down on forcing a buffer zone between its own borders and NATO. Even if that means making a wasteland out of Eastern Europe.
Don’t topple the dominoes.
@Crystal dude, it isn’t simple like that in China, Mao zedong also said this words, a spark is enough to start a forest fire. CPC really start from a spark, there is a stable and strong Chinese government since CPC won the civil war. China is just too much different from the USSR, too stable and patient. In the long history, no Chinese government would collapse when it is strong and developing.
Rise up Chinese People Whole World is Watching🙏
Think Freedom of criminal !!!
Do you want give them freedom?
@Echo Deng
Yea, let them shoot, be shot.
It is their matter , not mine.
The same thing will happen to Modi in India.
Chinese are lemming. They just follow the leader
This PROVES chinese don’t know kung fu. They suck at it. They are terrible fighters!! Never believe what you watch in the movies. In real life, chinese are terrible fighters!! Even my grandmother can whip them up easily!!
Дякую Селіна. Формулювання, яке ви використали, було досить, якщо не абсолютно точним щодо ситуації. Погоджуюсь із деякими коментарями тут, що це точно історичний момент.
What words did she use that wasn’t accurate?
The fact that they are protesting something at all is a great thing. 👍
As long as the west not riding them, but that very unlikely west pass this opportunity to conquer China & make it another vassal states just most democratic countries fate today
@xinyiquan666 Why do you need a VPN?
@Truth Hurts They are all vaccinated.
@dk what to use as username Unfortunately, I am afraid it will have the same ending, to be suppressed by Chinese government.
@Mad Slick One of your comrades already used that same line in this comment threat. You guys should coordinate more so it isn’t obvious you are paid by the CCP.
I don’t think people realize just how big/important this is. We haven’t seen anything like this since at least 1989. And I think we know what happened then. Power to the people!! May they win this war.
And it’s funny how the CCP want to edge the attention of this problem over to their spect propaganda. They’re losing face more and more. Shameful people
3years I guess
You saw it in Ottawa last year but they painted the protests as an insurrection.
In that fire, three kids died in the apartment, while their parents were forced to quarantine outside their home. The local government delivered a public speech after the tragedy and blamed the citizens not knowing the fire fighting awareness that caused their own deaths. The government freaking locked the access! My heart is broken. Sad, anger, frustration. To those parents, they have nothing to lose now.
@R Torres lol different kind of tragedy. The chinese wired the exits shut so no one could escape. And then blamed the people for dying. You cannot compare the two tragedies.
@R Torres the building contractors were charged if I remembered correctly. That fire was due to the building material, no lockdown whatsoever.
@Chloe Chen how do you know you are not listening and believing white washing lies from CCP?
❤ may the kid rest in piece
😮😢oh my gosh that’s heartbreaking 💔 and so sad 😭 to hear about this tragically.
Q: What do you call one billion people pissed off at your authoritarian governance?
A: A serious problem – deadly serious…
how many unarmed people can you crush&kill with a tank, id say 5000, and CCP could do it with their loyal brain-washed troops. China aint America, we have nothing in our hands to protect our freedom. Numbers doesnt matter in this cursed land, weapon does.
Once tank come out. Everything back to normal
@Christmas Iron egg Once the tank come out, the economy will collapse and there will be no normal. The world is waiting for the tanks to boycott businesses that still carried on doing business with China. Get some education, it will help with your outdated tank thoughts.
How can you draw this conclusion from a few hundred people protesting?
No matter how these events across China will develop. But this is definitely the most important milestone in future history.
stop fuss about it, china has 20000 protest a year according to US goverment, US has 300000000 protest a year, did you see anything happened?
That’s what everyone said in 1989. Then the government curb-stomped the protesters into submission and there was silence, greed and nationalism in the subsequent 30 years.
f u c k xi jinping and his criminal police nazis
Right right, a milestone for US global dictatorship.
CIA operative, Falung Gong, anti China groups, Taiwan DPP 1450 are very busy at work now, anyone knows US CIA playbook can smell violent coup d’état is brewing.
These vultures are very hungry.
I’m sooo proud of Chinese people, Finally standing up for themselves
Your proud of Chinese while they mock us on the COVID lockdown in the early days of pandemic. Slap them the truth that in reality there’s no such words as freedom to them 🤣
umm no, this is an insurrection!
@John Ames shut up commie
Already arrested…but next day they gathered again, then the authority took off the road sign with the name of that road….so that place does not exist now…..
My coordinates are in Beijing, and I thank the people of the world for being with us.Human rights belong to the people
These people are all heroes. I hope their suffering ends in freedom.
@DanOfTheWild Hehe, i wonder why…
Not allowed to point out what really happend.
And suddenly the whole world supports this.
After 2 years of going after protestors for this.
I disagree, they are selfish .
Reason? They are indifferent to Uyghur people…..
Who in mainland China cares Hong Kong ?
Tiananmen massacre *cough cough*
See communism works
I’m both scared for these protestors and in horror at what they must have gone through these past years. To protest en masse in China takes more than courage. What we’re seeing is anger and there’s a lot of it.
Western countries beaten by sticks, force water, eye damage gases but China doing nothing this is different between western democratic dictatorship and Asian democracy
they have nothing left to lose but their own life. very sad to see. govt of china needs to feel full force of UN and Human Rights Tribunal
I still remember videos that were taken down immediately afterward of people being welded into their apartment buildings. No help. No care given to them. Unforgivable. THAT is what the regime thinks of these people. Disgusting.
The party has pushed the people too far, it’s a shock to see how they are being treated. Sooner or later the tension was going to erupt.
How shocked are you really?
nah, chinese people are meek and easy to please. they want food, then xi will give them food, and they’ll shut up. chinese people never will have the guts to do things like those people in iran or people in romania back in 1989. chinese are gutless. they talk big, but they all shut up when they have to sacrifice.
It’s a shame what they must be going through. I have stopped wearing mask since summer and feel safe with my shot but they don’t even have that option. It was awful hearing the people mourning and crying-out in their apartments.
@Walter Kai Yuen Pang We are all learners, young padawan. Maybe I wasn’t being snarky? 🤯
@Xorrior… not all are learners.
Some have stopped. Some believe they know already…
masks don’t work but glad you feel safe, it’s all a big show (hospital RN here)
@Montanagal … did you get forced to get your vaccines being a nurse ?
So no matter what masks people use , ‘ masks don’t work ‘ is your opinion ??? 🤔
your shot? too funny
to all great chinese people who are demanding democracy and freedom we the iranians also support you and wish you success and hope our nations be free from dictatorship very soon . Keep fighting we do the same ✌
👍hope we all can seeing the freedom come
Hope for the best for both of your nations. Stay safe.
I grew up in Shanghai. I am extremely proud of the citizens in Shanghai, but I am also worrying about their safety.
Yeah, because China had a strong history of torture, and I mean torture
Too many lives killed or ruined… sigh.
This PROVES chinese don’t know kung fu. They suck at it. They are terrible fighters!! Never believe what you watch in the movies. In real life, chinese are terrible fighters!! Even my grandmother can whip them up easily!!
dont give a damn to these maybe 1000 protesters, we majority of China support zore-covid policy and communist party of China
Shanghai is a bunch of talking heads. Wuhan is bleeding! Ha ha
We’ve been keep in silence for so long; praying and hoping that we can just live in peace and make a living for our families. Even that seems to be impossible nowadays. Finally, authority has pushed people to the breaking point. The message is igniting like wild fire throughout China, my social media is filled with posts and clips from everyone. They can’t keep up with deleting when everyone is sharing. Go, people go!
Support and well wishes to you from the States. Governments do need the occasional reminder that they exist to serve and protect their citizens. 🤝
I lived in China for 6 years and the last 2 through Covid. It’s been unbelievably HARD and because protests are illegal, people feel like they have to just let it happen to them. I am PROUD of these people for standing up and still feel so emotionally connected to their cause. I’m not in China but my heart is with all of them. Literally in tears. Nervous for them, and my friends and students that are still there.
It’s easy to complain, it’s hard to have good policy that pleases everyone in a country of 1.5 Billion. Japan’s covid death just hit 150, from about 50 a month ago. China has a population that is 10 times more than Japan, with 4 hospital beds per 100,000 people. What do these protesters think will happen if China just abandon all controls and open up today?
actually protests are legal in China but they need government’s permission…… so what’s the use of it?
The Chinese are lemmings. Maybe they will finally step up.
This PROVES chinese don’t know kung fu. They suck at it. They are terrible fighters!! Never believe what you watch in the movies. In real life, chinese are terrible fighters!! Even my grandmother can whip them up easily!!
As long as the west not riding them, but that very unlikely west pass this opportunity to conquer China & make it another vassal states just most democratic countries fate today
Thank you for reporting it! As a Chinese, I CANNOT emphasis enough on how brave and rare such protests are…. People don’t even call Xi’s name on social media platform (we gave multiple nicknames) due to the heavy censorship and potential consequences.. I am very worry about their safety, I really hope we can get more international attention and help. Please stay safe!!!