CNN's Ed Lavandera visits Gillespie County, Texas, where he speaks with a 2020 election denier who is now an election precinct judge and other county officials that have been affected by the spread of misinformation. #CNN #News
CNN reporter asks election denier if he’s fit to serve as election precinct judge. Hear his answer

Small Towns can be trouble in times like this. Especially if they are inundated with Trump Conspiracies.
Please….. Dems have been cheating during elections for years. YOU all mastered the process of busing in Chicago, NY, and any other blue state. I don’t think you all know how to conduct an election without cheating. And we all know you don’t give a dam about the voter period.
@Juan Escobedo Common sense? You have got to be kidding me.
Oh no those evil small towns, and their “basket of deplorable” people. Wow, are you out of touch with reality.
@Jim Allen why would i be kidding? I think you spend too much time in the city. You need to get out more.
Is there a test? Psycho social test for abiding rules for election judges??
Intact genitals is a good measure
He’s about the integrity of his guy winning, the rules be damned
I’ve been an election judge, its a nothing job. at least in my state anyway. 2 judges, each one from a different party, both of them initial the ballots to indicate that it is a legitimate ballot, one judge hands the ballot to the voter after they’ve been signed in by the clerks (also two people, each from a different party) the other judge receives the ballot from the voter when they’re done and ensures that the ballot still has both judges’ initials on it and it’s put in the ballot box. When the election is done, both judges go count the ballots to make sure the number of ballots received matches the number of voters in the register. if both judges don’t agree on the count, then we just count again until we do. the vast majority of the time it goes off without a hitch, the only time we might get a different count is through simple error or two ballots clinging together or something like that. just count again, no big deal. nothing nefarious. We box the ballots up and put seals on them and the Inspector takes them to the election office where the actual tabulation by scanners happens
Check to see if the family tree has branches.
Brain Scan ,eval & assessment
What IS wrong with people? We can look and see. Let’s .
“Not that my guy wins, but integrity.” ….And if my guy wins, I know the integrity is there.

@David C That’s the flag of democratic Taiwan, nit wit.
Ah, being accused of semantics when I point out that your hyperbole is factually inaccurate. What a lovely way to move the goalposts.
And since you engage in semantics of your own, let’s respond to your additional points.
– “Portland is literally boarded up.” There’s that hyperbole again. And people moving out clearly can have nothing to do with non-BLM/-antifa factors like economics or a major pandemic ruining businesses over the last nearly three years or the tech exodus meaning certain businesses geared to serving that industry now have fewer customers. Meanwhile, checking a few of those stats, crime is up compared to last year and to 2020, and yet 2020-2022 is still net lower than the three years prior and significantly lower than in the 90s. Meanwhile, “BLM/Antifa” looting and rioting occurred predominantly in 2020, which had the lower crime rates than years both before and after. One crime that has gone way up is theft related to automobiles and specifically catalytic converters because of precious metals used in their construction, a factor exacerbated by the current global supply chain difficulties (which was not caused by BLM or Antifa for those who need it spelled out).
– Maxine Waters: “confront” does not necessarily mean “attack,” more to “oppose” and the specific context was confronting members of the former administration (public officials) to seek redress for actions taken by the administration that were both illegal and inhumane (family separation policy). “Peaceful” doesn’t mean “polite.”
– “Condone” means “accept” so I think you actually meant “When did she and members of the MSM _condemn_ her comments” which did happen, including Pelosi publicly rebuking her for those comments and Waters later clarifying that her call was not for violence but for incivility (being impolite).
– What’s this “horrendous name” that Cruz and Trump allegedly called the Capitol rioters? So distasteful you can’t even say it? These are the same people that literally during the riot Trump said he loved and that they were “special people.” The same people that he spent over three hours watching on TV breaking into and defacing the Capitol and did nothing to call for them to leave or to call for aid for Congress. Does allegedly calling them a horrendous name once balance out the multiple times they or other Republican officials called them political prisoners or patriots or said these people should be pardoned for an action that “unlawfully uses violence and intimidation to achieve a political outcome” (common definition of terrorism)? He clearly didn’t want them removed since he had to be pressured by his staff to make a video calling on them to be peaceful after the fact, had to be pressured to call on them to actually leave, and made no step himself toward calling for aid for the Capitol Police. Any claims that he called for the National Guard beforehand that were rebuffed by others is false since the DC arm of the National Guard literally only can be commanded by the Secretary of Defense and the President under normal chain of command. Trump’s actions before, during, and after the riot demonstrate his true feelings toward them more than one offhand line in the speech beforehand.
– Continuing the semantic argument since all you argue are semantics as well, he said “peaceful” once and “fight” or “fighting” 20 times. The word “peaceful” was said in passing, while the tone of the speech was that the entire crowd had been cheated (a lie Trump was well aware of at the time) and that they needed to “fight like hell, or you’re not going to have a country anymore.” He did not repudiate Guiliani’s “trial by combat” line.
– Your last point is reversed, IIRC. Their websites connected to his campaign site, not the other way around, which is an action they can take unilaterally and without his consent. He in the meantime condemned violence from the left at the time, including comments about protesting police brutality being necessary, but telling people not to burn communities. He did a lot of generic politicking to court their supporters as voters but very publicly disagreed with several of their points (he supports increasing police funding, for example).
Have fun with your next reply, I probably won’t care. But if you’re going to move the goalposts during a discussion online, do a better job. Make it more interesting.
@Josh Fence-ofIron who are you even addressing?
@Not here yet lost I occasionally have fun poking trolls. In this case, one David C who submitted an initial post which was then hidden that I replied to, then he replied twice more to my response, thus my most recent message.
Election deniers becoming election judges are like a convict’s best friends posting “free my man”, then serving jury duty at his trial.
@John D did Trump win the last election?
@Aaron Taylor Trump is going to prison
@Will Tell All you must be kind of stupid or something.
@John D what? Trump lost by seven million. He wasn’t cheated. He lost.
LOL…. I bet you would be OK with Hilary, Hunter, or maybe Stacy Abrams (Salena Montgomery her stage name) as an election judge.
Why did the Journalist not ask him whether it is okay for the other party representative to feel that way about him?
Pennsylvania has sent 250K+ Mail-In Ballots to Unverified Voters since September… More Democrat cheating discovered…
@saberur66 what??
@edmer68 what??
@Youtube is Inconsistent so, apparently, no one else understands what the OP was trying to say?
@edmer68 WHAT?
“Hello, I’m a biased poll watcher looking for trouble that doesn’t exist” what could go wrong?
You haven’t presented any evidence to argue charges occured.
Ignorant would imply not knowing any better, it has nothing to do with understanding a topic or intelligence.
Have a good day bot.
@John D Yeah, starting with losing almost 3 million jobs
@John D no the burden of proof is on you and I’ve already refute your so called claims because you have yet to cite a source or give an example.
And you call me a bot? You dont even understand what your supposed to do when you make a claim so yes that is ignorance as well.
Go sit down before you hurt yourself in your confusion.
@King Aries The only thing you need to support your argument now is evidence. There is zero. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
You wouldn’t listen when they told you numbers could start to switch once they started tallying mail-in ballots, which were mostly from democratic voters.
*Shock video is not for everyone* Everydays.One
Look before it’s been removed. The video is not for children!
Let’s take a moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into content for us !!!
Imagine the idiot who will click on that
Foreign troll I think. Definitely a tRUMP supporter.
@Mark French so he is “foreign” but somehow a trump supporter ?…. Weird
@Area69employee I agree with you. Just becuse they are “foreign” does not mean they are Trump supporters.

Now if someone clicked on his link, that would guarantee they are Trump supporters.
Probably another link to their auto payment to Steve Bannon to build the wall they are no longer building.
@Area69employeehe knows that mean Trump ” tweets” doesn’t really hurt normal people
Inmates are running the prison.
The notion that an election denier should be an election judge is akin to hiring an arsonist to be a fire marshal. Absolutely crazy!
@THE PILGRIM Naaaa, its just your brain on hate, thats all.
Let’s hope that he will finally see with his own eyes that he was wrong all this time. Not holding my breath though.
…. That ain’t ever gonna happen sadly
I’m afraid that, even if he will se for himself that everything is correctly done on his side, he will believe others have done wrong, if not the “right” person wins.
White bible belters consists of the u.s military, why don’t they just seize power.
I admire these people that genuinely want to fight corruption , but it needs to be based on facts and NOT BS put out by manipulators that feed them misinformation to help themselves . These basically good people should be fighting on the side of right and not a bunch of lies that just makes them look foolish .
@robert Wilson
What’s the way out? They’ll accept the truth only when it affects them personally. When they experience
the result of their beliefs, they may regret it. Unfortunately, they’ll have dragged the rational people down with them. Even worse, you know as well as I do, that some will still blame us for their failure. Look at Brexit in the UK. They’re worse off than we are, and many are blaming the Labour party, when the Tories have run things for twelve years.
No your being manipulated by fake news party propaganda. There is no time in history that Americans didn’t question are elections. The media is playing with your mind. Democrats have denied multiple elections and the energy is not the same it’s literally hundreds of clips of them saying the same thing. Now all out of nowhere term election deniers is going around. The fact that you are falling for this bs says a lot. As Americans we have freedom of speech and thought. Believing an election wasn’t fair is are right
@Jay Ferg your an idiot . Dems have won all the popular elections by popular vote and will again . go sleep sleeper
Public Internet.
Selling crap confuses SOME people.
Others won’t pay a dime for that sewage.
It is funny to hear the claims of “election deniers” being so evil, from the same people that denied elections themselves. Democrats questioned and denied the legitimacy of the 2000 election, the 2004 election, and the 2016 election. Their leader Joe Biden himself denied elections, and so has Pelosi and many others. In both 2013, and in 2016, Biden claimed that Gore won the 2000 presidential election. In May 2019, Biden said he “absolutely agrees” that Trump is an “illegitimate president.” So Biden himself is an election denier. So by leftists logic, why aren’t they questioning is Biden and Pelosi are fit to serve?
The Election Precinct Judge is dressed like he is ready for “Operation Voter Apocalypse”. He needs to return his outfit to the Army Surplus store for a costume that fits him better. #BaggyCamo
A lot of kkkult boys are hateful because they belong to the micropenis crowd…they don a kind of pseudo-manhood…and it’s scary. Plus, they’re just so effing weird.
Putin’s “Russia Mir” motherland plans includes getting “occupied” Alaska back from America.
…. a Vote for Putin’s “Russia Mir”
Seriously. A guy dressed in cammo that hopefully can count. This is beyondo stupid.
Probably eats expired rations too…
This “judge” better be ready for Federal prison.
Pennsylvania has sent 250K+ Mail-In Ballots to Unverified Voters since September… More Democrat cheating discovered…
Joe and Hunter better be ready for federal prison.
And, why is that?
Not if my guy wins but integrity.
So if “my guy” loses, let’s look into it.
If “my guy” wins, no further action required.
This is not going to end well, chaos is coming, accountability will follow.
*“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”*
*Mark Twain*
True and never argue with a CNN viewer all 3 of you!
Face OFF. So? We’ve all heard the quote before. Why don’t you get off your face and do something about it.
@TV Dinner ?
@THE PILGRIM And I bet your a proud Biden voter. How does it feel to support a sock puppet that can’t write his names, doesn’t know what day it is, can’t remember who his wife is and hates America? And the bigger joke is he is the best the Marixist Dems have to offer.
When there is a lack of honorable people running for or already in office, trust is the 1st casualty.
Honor is valuable.
Imagine how many problems could be solved in the country if the same amount money and energy spent on election scrutiny over the last two years was invested elsewhere.
LIke endlessy going after Trump.
How many people think this gentleman, will be as vigilant against cheating, from his side, as he is against those he distrusts?
This is what happens when public school kids are no longer taught the Constitution. I was required to take a constitution test in 8th grade in order to make sure we understood how our Government works. We read the many drafts leading up to the final draft and studied the arguments presented by the signers that shaped it. I would venture to guess that none of these super
“patriotic” folks has studied how our country came about its laws. They play fast and loose with it. I’m an octogenarian btw.
Bingo! Government, Civics any really interesting class is worth taking in summer just to read extra books about people and ideas revealed in them.
Wait, so leftists have been control of schools and now the schools are at fault for not teaching the Constitution. The same constitution that leftists say is “outdated”? These “patriotic” people on average probably know far more about the constitution and the Bill Of Rights, than the average leftist voter.