CNN's David Chalian breaks down a CNN poll in which Americans were asked how they feel about coronavirus and the Trump administration's response to it. #CNN #News
CNN polled Americans about coronavirus. Here’s what they said

CNN's David Chalian breaks down a CNN poll in which Americans were asked how they feel about coronavirus and the Trump administration's response to it. #CNN #News
Are we supposed to forget that the orange dotard called this virus a hoax?
@Kelli Barnhouse be scared libtard… 13vof those deaths were all in the same care giver home. Average life expectancy in a caregiver home is 2 years.
@DarthSailorMoon he just approved 8.3 billion to Combat the virus you idiot. Go watch the full video.
Imagine if the Kenyan still were prez. We wouldn’t know anything. Be grateful an actual leader is in charge.
@Donald Savage Only dumb people think we’ve never faced a pandemic before…. Even Obama allowed Ebola virus into the US after people told him to quarantine. Why are democrats losing their minds?
A few months later: March 24, 2014: Authorities in Guinea report 87 suspected cases of Ebola. A week later Liberia confirmed two cases of Ebola, and Sierra Leone also reported cases.On October 1, the organization Doctors Without Borders warns that the Ebola contagion was “unprecedented.”On that same day, the Obama administration should have begun formulating a strategy to deal with folks coming from West Africa to the U.S.A. The Obama administration did not do that. The first public mention, the first one from the Feds, came months later, on July 28:
It seems it’s never a hoax until it hits America, like nothing bad or terrible suppose to affect America.
What leadership???
He was on the golf course, on Sunday. That leadership.
NY’s Governor and Mayor, not the orange idiot!
Typical betas hiding under a table and waiting for big daddy gov to save their asses.
This is why libtards dont stop mass shootings either.
The one that made US economy strongest in 50yrs and keeping the country safe.
*Crickets from the right wing inbreds taking credit for the economy a few weeks ago.*
@Darth Wheezius and it will go back up. Thats how they steal your money.
@Planet Earth yeah Hannity is working overtime trying to keep Trump’s head above water, talking about how he’s already saved thousands of lives???
it’s crazy, the propaganda machine is spinning out of control. Trump Talking about how the stock market is the fake news is fault.
He has no respect for his voters, he believes that they’re actually stupid enough to believe him.
@grow forit
Methinks you don’t understand the gravity of what’s coming. My own calculations over the last few years before corona disruption led to my conclusion that we were 2 3/4 years from now hitting a massive recession, this may have begun the process early, as I say one more week of this and the corporates will be lighting their barbecues and getting their kids ready for eating. Banks will crash, more debtors will default etc. The US doesn’t have the cash for another great recession especially as it has already been using up it’s lines of credit. Oil is expected to crash again tonight potentially triggering a Black Tuesday to follow today’s Black Monday.
@macgyver 52 I think Trump knows his supporters are stupid enough to believe him. As for Hannity, his job is “to stir up the crazies” as mentioned in the latest documentary about Fox News founder, Roger Ailes
Could care less about the stock market. It’s a combination casino and pyramid scheme. I wonder why it even exists. It’s gambling for rich people. As long as my paychecks keep coming in I could care less if stock brokers are throwing themselves out windows.
M-M-M-My Corona!!!
Colbert did that last week.
Levin Long 80’s person for sure…
Why Levon Long? Why? Now I can’t get that song out of my head.
Ty. I needed that.
I’m just disappointed. A girl and her dad from my town went to a daddy daughter dance when the dads daughter had corona.
Hey y’all are you good? underage girls shouldn’t drink!
@Commander Shepard Look what cult members of the Branch Davidians and Jim Jones did: put their children in harm’s way for their stupidity and gullibility.
Cant fix stupid.
That’s the dads fault
@Basil McDonnell he didn’t call the virus a hoax moron. He called the dem fear mongering a hoax.
In that same speech he talked about 2 billion in funding and a Corona task force.
I. M. Peewee and Maple Jenkins
Today is Black Monday. It is only gonna drop lower from here. No way to sugar coat this one…
Well it’s your economy too. If it goes south both Patriots and libtards will suffer equally.
@B. Graves
Oh it will go further south before it’s all said and done. Smart investors planned accordingly. The sheep just dumped their money into a fund and hold their breath while retirement savings vanish.
Democrats have lost their minds. Incredible sickness in liberals. 10x worse than coronavirus.
I’m not worried about getting sick from it. I’m worried about getting quarantined as a result and ending up bankrupt and homeless from not being able to go to work and all the costs involved.
@52 80 so brilliant of a trump supporter. As if Democrats control coronavirus and a weak stock market. Trumps failures are 100% Trump’s own fault. Now You’re witnessing the difference between real leaders and whatever you think trump is. The only thing I’m seeing trump do is flap around like a fish out of water. He has no clue how to handle anything. What you see happening to trump is trump failing all by himself. Do Dems think it’s hilarious? I do. I always knew trump is a bullshitter not a leader.
Unless you’re old with health problems (no need to be hospitalized), your quarantine should be just 2 weeks in your home.
@DeathToTheDictators 2 weeks without an income. Brilliant. Where would we be without the GOP. At least we have free healthcare…oops, that’s every other nation in the world, not us.
@blue03r6 Only an uneducated neoDem would think coronavirus threatens mankind. Come out of your safe space. Trump is doing everything right.
@I. M. oh my that is sad..prayer to you for you to outlive ur fur baby..that is my worries also…
Imagine the Idiot that climbs Air Force One with toilet tissue on his shoes, and can’t close an Umbrella now is in charge of US Health!

@Don Williams
He put Pence in charge, the guy that let hundreds of addicts become infected with HIV because he thought it was immoral to have clean-needle exchange in his State.
@William Buick You mean t’Rump, right?***Slobbering over Ivanka***
Imagine a president called his wife “Michael” and lied about hlthcare tax was elected twice.
I can’t think of anyone worse than Trump to deal with this, possibly Alex Jones.
@B. Graves haha crazy sarcasm… Becuase wait…? You don’t mean it right?
@Matthew Keenan Imagine being as stupid as you.
@YELLOWROCKSTUDIO lol the puppet?
How about Obama “the hlthcare liar” from Kenya, Absentminded Joe, Never held an actual job Bernie.
@wallenbergphoto Oh believe me! I KNOW!!! But I just can’t give up! On the outside chance someone who is on the fence heard my words and it makes them think! Even if it’s just for a moment! And I do it for the one’s that are already on our side just to reinforce our beliefs and points! And especially what ever number of young people that may read my words! My granddaughter is going to be a first time voter this election cycle! She told me the night of Trumps election! She was 17. And I quote… “Gramps… I have never been so afraid for my country”! I had to be strong and not let the tear fall from my eye! What a profound statement from such a young mind! I was very proud! Thanks for your thoughtful comment! Best wishes!!!
Crazy hands tantrum clown rasmussen poll tweet coming in 3, 2, 1….
Rasmussen poll. LOL. That pollster is consistently inaccurate to a right bias. Anyone quoting Rasmussen is willfully ignorant (ref: Meghan McCain from The View). When people reference pollsters calling land lines only…that is Rasmussen. No other pollster does this.
his handling is nothing but terrifying, but his base probably doesn’t care
@Stan Wilson Bernie is a communist. Liar. Everyone thinks that Bernie is going to help people get health insurance for all.
People don’t understand.
Bernie is saying FREE MEDICARE FOR ALL. a huge difference.
You forgot Trump supports are your small business owners, your doctors, corporations. The Republican has always helped the small business. You who think the Republicans are dumb and stupid. Most of the stores, you shop are Republican. Owners. The Republican own almost everything. Democrats have nothing for the people. Open borders, they are going along with Bernie who is a communist. His honeymoon was in communist country. Russia. You think he will be PRESIDENT. I don’t think so. Even Democrats will vote for Trump as to not make America a communist country . You are what you speak. Listen to yourself.
@sun dial it’s called the Republicans in the US…
@Vearofo Biden endorsed President Trump. Their is a video on that. .

@flying frenchman

Who are the republicans ??? America has 2 parties Socialist Party ( Democrats ) or Trump Party ( Patriots )
@Brenda Sproul When Trump stopped anybody coming here from China the Dems called him racist, if he hadn’t things would be a lot worse. We don’t think its a hoax we’re getting the facts, CNN is FEAR MONGERS!
The stable genius said he should have been a doctor…..LMAO
@Spitting Game He played Dr.with Stormy Daniels…when his 3rd wife was pregnant. A real model for evangelicals.. and children
You mean he really doesn’t have a medical degree from Trump University?
@Scott Gordon lol good one!
The unstable democrat base constantly looking for reasons not to work.
Imagine believing CNN polls
imagine believing TRUMP
They’re the reason yelling ‘fire in a theater’ law was created.
As a fire department Battalion Chief for a large municipality, the fact that a large number of people still think this won’t come to their community, is disturbing. Based on the briefings I have seen, and the already known cases in my city, nearby cities, other US cities, and its spread across multiple countries and continents, it is probably already in the communities of most of those same people. The president’s words have almost certainly already caused additional fatalities due to the increased spread rate from lack of proper precautions, even if those deaths have not yet been actualized.
@52 80 ok trumptard
When we start testing on a large scale we will be horrified…maybe that is why he is so slow on testing kits
Let’s freak out over nothing just like the swine flu, Sars, bird flu, aids, or Y2K pathetic u people are complain and freak out LoL
Trump approval rating for handling of coronavirus – The cult 79%.
“Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups” – George Carlin
Come on Dougy , He was clearly indicating DemocRats. Get Real.
And evidently 15 so far agree. A whole 15.
You are so right
I never underestimate the power of stupid people, every time I see Democrats gathering together in any numbers.
Large group of people believed trump was russian agent
Trump is handling the coronavirus the same way he handles everything:
Montana Bulldog funny how you couldn’t say they are wrong you just go with the usual Trump troll comment that he’s going to win again
15 out of 330,000,000 in US agree.
Brian S .. Yes
@Skank Hunt42 Brian had a good question and you bullied him an “idiot.” Who’s the troll now, Skank?
I can’t get over the figures. How can over 40% of Americans APPROVE of this nut case president? 79% of Republicans still support this man. This is beyond belief
Well let me explain why million support President Trump’s policies, since Fake News CNN never reports tge real news. This happened last week.. of course the only reliable news source Fox News reported it:
The February jobs report is a total win for America
—273,000 new jobs, exceeding expectations by 98,000
—3.5% unemployment, a 50-year low
—Average wages up 3%
—December & January reports revised upwards by 85,000+
All despite the leftist media’s Coronavirus scare tactics…
Democrats are actually ROOTING for the virus to spread and kill Americans so they can blame Trump.
That’s how evil & corrupt the democrats are.
@Matt Gaetz congressman Show me stats from the CBO, or get the F outta here. Fox news spins things just as badly as any other major news outlet, and i call total BS on their stats.
I can’t get over your only hope for president is someone showing obvious signs of dementia. Only neoDem would change how incredible the country’s economy is.
That Author who wrote the book “Everything tRump Touches Dies” has been right so far.
And a whole 5 ppl so far agree. Take a bow.
That is not a comforting thought..human beings!
Do people actually like the way Trump is handling it?
This is all he dose:
News and Scientists: Coronavirus is bad we must be prepared.
Seriously……… 41% think this idiot is doing a good job of handling this virus ??
Obamy says ‘ It’s G bushes fault’