CNN Poll: Most Biden detractors say he’s done nothing they like

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there's literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. The finding, from a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS in January and February, highlights the entrenched politics driving the nation at the start of the midterm year, with little agreement across party lines on priorities for the government or how to handle the coronavirus pandemic. #CNN #News


  1. The issue with inflation that angers me most is that consumers and individuals are taking the entire hit – Wall Street continues to take their profits and wealth investors are not sharing in the challenges being presented by this pandemic.

    1. @George Furman that’s what I thought I would get as a response from a teleprompter, from a free ride, freeloader like you and your ole sleepy joe, buddy and I will see you soon in 2024 , will see you later 😉,

    2. @Fred A people like you are a disgrace then. The biden admin is indefensible at this point, no matter how hard left wing media tries to spin it

    3. Even now, you cretins come so close to the truth, but you manage to miss it. Your ideology blinds you, and off you go to the side of the truth. Investors are investors. They’re not good people, they’re not bad people, they’re just trying to make the most money they can. You somehow manage to point NONE of the blame where it actually belongs, the communist infiltrators that control the government, regardless of elections.

    4. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

    1. @L. Diaz lol did the facist Multi billion dollars media conglermerate that censors it’s political opponents and redefines words tell you that…….. Wakey wakey learn basic us civics it’s not magic

    2. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

    1. @Richard Derrick Best ever for who? WTF are you spewing? This current economy is a disaster for anyone who isn’t wealthy and making bank in the stock market or real estate! Are you wealthy, or just a damn troll? Inflation at its highest in 4 decades! Gas is ridiculous! The vast majority of America has taken a pay cut in the last year with this economy! Best ever????

    2. @Richard Derrick When he grants amnesty and citizenship to all the incoming immigrants he will get my approval. Until then he is just another useless American President.

    1. @Ken White there have been more cases of covid and COVID deaths under Biden than Trump. Not my opinion. It’s a fact. For someone so arrogant you’re really ignorant.

    2. @Dan Wright I don’t do herd mentality. Every time anyone makes a claim, I look it up. On either side. And I’ve seen nothing about what you’re claiming. I asked you for legit links, but you’ve provided nothing but your opinion. Show me the evidence . I’ll look at it. And not some crap from a talk show. I mean legit links. You tell people to think for themselves, but you expect them to believe what you say without proof? C’mon man. That’s Malarkey

    3. @Ken White Ken. Problem conservative faction has is .. they are exceedingly self serving , individualistic , and adverse to ‘herd instincts’, ( compared to left .. which is to be lauded for their uniformity in voting and narrative . I just gave you an adage pointing to self responsibility .You aren’t serious ! You seem to just serf around To showcase your developed capacity to research .

    4. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

  2. No way sleepy makes it another 3 years in office. His own party will be ready to kick him to the curb before that.

    1. Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan caused the greatest humiliation in U.S. history. Afghans falling from heights caused humanitarian disasters, women raped by the Taliban, and the world saw America in decline. Within five years, China and Russia invaded Taiwan and Ukraine..

  3. So this video is 4 “reporters” trying to explain for 9 minutes why 56% of Americans are wrong about Biden? Also when did people vote on these numbers?

    1. @Justin Broce I’m sure you couldn’t contain yourself when you got your free crack pipe! Of course you think this way, you agree with the Crack Pipe President…

    2. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

    1. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

    2. Yeah, the pandemic has hit us hard. wear a mask and get vaccinated and maybe things will ease up.

    3. @GibboStation_775 You still haven’t explained why you brought up Afghanistan in the first place. It has literally nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Afghanistan didn’t cause global inflation. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan didn’t cause global inflation. Biden didn’t cause global inflation. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans caused global inflation. So what the hell are you talking about, little troll?

    4. @Tessmage Tessera you replied to ssk saying a “ whataboutism” and what does Afghanistan have to do with global inflation and I was simply saying Afghanistan is affected and does contribute to global inflation

    5. @GibboStation_775 No, you implied that Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was somehow responsible for inflation. That’s when I accused you of whataboutism. I already told you: you aren’t smart enough to get over on me, clown. And you never will be.

    1. @Richard Derrick The nation is not buying it. Hasn’t been an attempt to address what we want. Not up to big government designing our lives. It’s free market forces that usher in electric car infrastructure. Global warming was never debated freely. The goal of forces that seek to dominate us is .. complete automated society that would require humanity to surrender our power / our sovereignty.. overriding our collective power. We came so close . People are asleep at the wheel . Have no idea what is going on. We are responsible for ruling over this nation . Now the lesson is being learned. They are afraid of us. It’s ok. The end will soon reveal what has been going on . All will be outraged to the max then new world

    2. @Dan Wright We should have had electric cars 20 years ago. We are so far behind in these areas. My close friend works for Boeing and they send him to Japan and Germany a lot. He says when he returns to the U. S. in Detroit it is like an outdoor fallout shelter, and those other countries, are modern, sleak, clean, up to date and on top of their needs.

    3. @Richard Derrick Richard. Interesting. Free market capitalism doesn’t include the manipulation of big oil etc. Look what is happening is .. the ongoing war between good and evil, ( covert and irregular to the mysteriously max ) .. is virtually at an end . The last 13 centuries of 13 bloodlines control is at an end . This is tin foil hat stuff to you as .. you have been plugged into msm. ( my guess here ) the revelations just ahead will stun us . We will count ourselves as extremely blessed to be alive to witness this new world order . enjoy the new world ! Good luck

    4. The political elite would have us think that their bias is the best to have and that everyone else not taking their view belongs under one of the many labels of reprobates they have come up with. That’s absolutely sickening to me! 😳

    1. Joe wouldn’t have lasted a week under the scrutiny MSM gave Trump. In fact.. CNN would still be counting the days Americans were abandoned in Afghanistan had that happened under Trump!

    2. Left wing media has the audacity to say biden gets more negative media coverage then trump got. Its hard to tell if they actually believe the insane crap they spew or if their reality is just that warped

  4. First off, he didn’t help improve the economy. Lifting covid restrictions so ppl can actually work isn’t “creating jobs”

  5. Imagine being energy independent for the first time in 75 years and a net exporter of oil and within a month begging foreign countries to ramp up their oil production because you’re desperate for it.

    1. It’s amazing how detached from reality that statement is, you could always tell who watches conservative media and believes every word they say without looking it up for themselves. Trump asked OPEC to up production as well, didn’t see you saying that Trump was “desperate” for oil then. Must be crazy to be conservative, you can makeup whatever fantasy you want, and then pretend it’s real and post comments like other people are in your same detached reality.

    2. @Skankhunt36 When Trump left office, there wasn’t a single barrel of oil being imported into the US. Let me simplify this…give me your honest answer: who has done a better job managing our energy sector, Trump or Biden?

    3. @JB Okay who cares. Sooner or later we will have to transfer to renewable energy. China has successfully created endless supply of energy through nuclear fission.

  6. Imagine waging war on your own energy sector. Imagine saying “We need to phase out the oil and gas industries” during a live Presidential debate, and then when people’s gas prices go up 55%, heating bills go up 65%, and electric bills go up 35%, claiming that that had absolutely nothing to do with you.

    1. Are you part of a circular firing squad? Oil and Gas supplies are in decline when it comes to availability in the Western World combine that with India and China ramping up demand. Phasing out bulk reliance on Fossil fuels makes economic sense. The global price rise is NOT a USA thing!

    2. @Yongho Minale Hahaha, he is huh? By him “trying” you mean fearmongering you into handing the government trillions of dollars so they, and only they, can “fix it”, and him and his elitist buddies can scam it a million ways over? Both Biden and Sanders would both fly on private jets during campaign stops that were only a 90 minute drive. How’s that for a carbon footprint?

    3. @Yongho Minale If the sea levels are rising and about to swallow the land you better call the Obamas and let them know to quickly sell their $12 million mansion on the Martha’s Vineyard oceanfront.

  7. This is hillarious 😂 Democrats are like those children we see about to do something stupid and real adults go “don’t do that that’s a bad idea” but the kid does it anyways and gets hurt…now the adults are so over it we just let the kids do what they want and watch them fail. 😂😂

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